odoo12 how to show success message without break - odoo-12

everybody, please help
in odoo, i know that the error message showing was use raise UserError(), but this function will break the function and rollback in database, what i want to do is just simplely show the successful message to user without break, like operation was successful!.
of course, i have try to use the wizard, but the footer is not working, the page always show the save and discard
appreciate if anybody can help me on this.

In that, you can use the onchange API to work around this,
def my_field_change(self):
// warning message
return {
'warning': {'title': _('Error'), 'message': _('Error message'),},
With that, Perform the change with your case return the warning message and it does not break the process.You can find a similar behavior on Odoo Sale App on sale order line product change operation.


Laravel Backpack redirect delete operation to list view

I want to customize the delete operation such that whenever you delete an item, it goes back to the items list screen.
I have tried following; that I believed must work:
public function destroy($id)
return redirect('/admin/students');
But it gives 405 methods not allowed error. Does anyone have a better suggestion on how to achieve it?

SAPUI5 batch submit returns error

I am using the following code, in an attempt to batch upload the changes made on a table:
onConfirmActionPressed: function() {
var oModel = this.getModel();
I am using setProperty() to set the new values, like this:
onSingleSwitchChange: function(oControlEvent) {
var oModel = this.getView().getModel();
var rowBindingContext = oControlEvent.getSource().getBindingContext();
oModel.setProperty(rowBindingContext.sPath + "/Zlspr", "A");
When onConfirmActionPressed is executed, I get a server error, saying that "Commit work during changeset processing not allowed" on SAP R3.
When I upload the lines of the table one-by-one, it works fine. However, uploading this way is very slow, and in some cases it takes more than 10 minutes for the process to complete.
Am I doing something wrong while batch submitting? Is there a chance the issue is due to server (R3) misconfiguration?
You need to override methods:
Keep track of the errors across all calls to update methods and if everything went OK then in changeset_end perform commit on the database
To clarify:
In your Data Provider Class Extension in SAP Gateway you need to find your YOURENTITY_UPDATE_ENTITY method and get rid off any COMMIT WORK statements.
Then you need to redefine /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CHANGESET_BEGIN method and, which is a method which is fired before any batch operation. You could define a class attribute such as table mt_batch_errors which would be emptied in this method.
When you post batch changes from UI5 using oModel.submitChanges() all single changes to Entities are directed to appropriate ..._UPDATE_ENTITY methods. You need to keep track of any possible errors and if any occurs then fill your mt_batch_errors table.
After all entities have been updated /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CHANGESET_END method is fired in which you are able to check mt_batch_errors table if any errors occurred during the batch process. If there were errors then you should probably ROLLBACK WORK, and if not then you are free to COMMIT WORK.
That is just an example of how it could be done, I'm curious of other suggestions.
Good luck!

returning error message to front end Scala Play

I need to send an error status to the front end using Scala play. Ok is to say all is ok but which one is for error? Can this be done from any Scala method I created?
It can be done from any method, you just need to use correspondent Result. For the general server error it is InternalServerErrorlike
def index = Action {
InternalServerError("Some error happens")
You can find more results here: https://playframework.com/documentation/2.6.7/api/scala/index.html#play.api.mvc.Results
The examples are:
InsufficientStorage //507
Locked //423
You can also send your own state as simple as
new Status(500) //aka InternalServerError

parse.com set undefined to date field in data browser

How can I set undefined or null and make empty to a date field in the parse.com data browser.
There is nothing related with code, in the pic i attached, you can see the parse.com data browser and i want to set undefined or null whatever and make that field empty but whenever i tried and double click the cell, data browser open date widget and it is not allowed to delete the data or there is no button to make empty.
Parse.com Data Browser
In data-browser I don't think it's possible to delete a date value, I couldn't find a way to do it at least.
And now that Parse.com will not be maintained anymore(in 01/01/2017 it will shut down), I don't think this may come up as a feature.
My solution to this problem was to make a request to this register and use unset. It gets a bit more of work but solves the problem.
I don't know if you're using parse with Javascript but it can be really easy to adapt to other enviroments.
In Javascript this script should do the trick:
var DateUpdate = Parse.Object.extend("MyTableOnParse");
var dateUpdateEdit = new Parse.Query(DateUpdate);
success: function(object)
success: function(updatedObject)
console.log("Data deleted");

Zend Framework - ZFDebug - Log - Log Custom Errors

When using ZFDebug, is it possible to add custom messages to the 'Log' tab?
So you could use something like:
$this->log('Error: Couldn't find the user');
Has anyone managed to achieve this?
I have never used ZFDebug before and wasn't aware of it. Your post piqued my interest, so I installed it and have been trying to achieve what you want to do. I will probably add it to my dev toolbox as I use ZF a lot.
You can achieve what you want by using the mark() method of ZFDebug_Controller_Plugin_Debug_Plugin_Log which takes two arguments. The first is the message you want to send and the second is a boolean which, when set to true (default is false), will send your message to the 'log' tab.
The following code worked for me:-
$debug = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()
$logger = $debug->getPlugin('log');
$logger->mark('Logging a message now', true);
Or to use your example (with the syntax error fixed :) )
$logger->mark("Error: Couldn't find the user", true);
As you can see this produced the desired output:-
Not quite as simple as you wanted, I know, but it's close and you could always wrap it in a function.