How to stop a Postgrex process and its TypeServer process? - postgresql

I have a few thousand databases. I want to connect to each of them in series one by one and issue a query. I do this by starting a Postgrex process like this for each one.
{:ok, pid} =
port: database.port,
username: database.username,
password: database.password,
database: database.database_name
I then issue a Postgrex.query, and then stop it like this
:ok = GenServer.stop(pid, :normal)
Everything seems to work fine, except that I end up with thousands of Postgrex.TypeServer processes eating up memory that don't seem to get cleaned up for quite a while.
Is there a better way to clean up a Postgrex process so that the TypeServer is also stopped?
I'm on Postgrex 0.13.3.
To clarify things a bit, I'd like to clean up the TypeServer after each Postgrex process is stopped. Cleaning up all the TypeServers after the entire is done is not all that useful to me because it results in memory slowly growing followed by a sharp drop rather than a flat line., fn database ->
{:ok, pid} = Postgrex.start_link(port: database.port, hostname:, username: database.username, password: database.password, database: database.database_name)
Postgrex.query!(pid, "some query", [])
:ok = GenServer.stop(pid, :normal)
# something here to clean up the TypeServer

I did not dig it till the very bottom, but Postgrex.TypeServers are managed by dynamic Postgrex.TypeSupervisor, that is luckily started with a hard-coded name.
So my wild guess would be the following should do:
Also, shutting down Postgrex.App should also help


How to connect searchkick (in a Rails app &/ Sidekiq job) to multiple elasticsearch clusters without stomping on global searckick config?

Upon startup my app sets my (?global?) searchkick client to point at my default elasticsearch cluster.
Searchkick.client =
hosts: default_cluster, # this is the list of hosts in my default cluster
retry_on_failure: true,
However, I am upgrading my cluster (again), and while I'd like to be able to have my app read/search from that default cluster,
/search?q="some term"
# =>"some term")
continue to work against the default_cluster
Where it starts to get a bit tricky is that:
I'd also like (via some specific ?sidekiq background jobs?) to fill an alternate (alt) cluster's index, something like:
Model.connect_to(alternate_cluster) {|client|
Searchkick.client = client
Without causing all other background jobs to interact with the alternate cluster.
And, of course:
I'd like some way to verify that the alternate_cluster is working well (i.e. for search) before making it my default_cluster. And presumably via some admin route:
/admin/search?q="some search term"&cluster=alternate
# =>
Model.connect_to(alternate_cluster) {|client|
Searchkick.client = client"some term")
And finally:
I'd like to avoid having to reconnect before every search/reindex action, i.e. I'd prefer not to have the overhead of changing (also because that probably implies that long-running tasks that continue to reconnect to searchkick will be swapping back and-forth from one cluster to the other):"some term")
# =>
Model.connect_to(alternate_cluster) {|client|
Searchkick.client = client"some term")
^ I don't want that
FWIW, the best I've been able to come-up with so far is something like:
def self.connect_to(current_cluster, &block)
previous_es_client = Searchkick.client
current_es_client =
hosts: current_cluster,
retry_on_failure: true,
rescue Exception => e
Searchkick.client = previous_es_client
But, I suspect that will cause every other interaction within my system (via the same web-worker or other background jobs running in the same background-worker-instance) to (temporarily) point at the alternate cluster.
Thanks in advance for your assistance...

uWSGI, Flask, sqlalchemy, and postgres: SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac

I'm trying to setup an application webserver using uWSGI + Nginx, which runs a Flask application using SQLAlchemy to communicate to a Postgres database.
When I make requests to the webserver, every other response will be a 500 error.
The error is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/env/argos/lib/python3.3/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 867, in _execute_context
File "/var/env/argos/lib/python3.3/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 388, in do_execute
cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
psycopg2.OperationalError: SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac
The error is triggered by a simple Flask-SQLAlchemy method:
result = models.Event.query.get(id)
uwsgi is being managed by supervisor, which has a config:
command=/usr/bin/uwsgi --ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/myapp.ini --catch-exceptions
and uwsgi's config looks like:
socket = /tmp/my_app.sock
logto = /var/log/my_app.log
plugins = python3
virtualenv = /path/to/my/venv
pythonpath = /path/to/my/app
wsgi-file = /path/to/my/app/
callable = app
max-requests = 1000
chmod-socket = 666
chown-socket = www-data:www-data
master = true
processes = 2
no-orphans = true
log-date = true
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
The furthest that I can get is that it has something to do with uwsgi's forking. But beyond that I'm not clear on what needs to be done.
The issue ended up being uwsgi's forking.
When working with multiple processes with a master process, uwsgi initializes the application in the master process and then copies the application over to each worker process. The problem is if you open a database connection when initializing your application, you then have multiple processes sharing the same connection, which causes the error above.
The solution is to set the lazy configuration option for uwsgi, which forces a complete loading of the application in each process:
Set lazy mode (load apps in workers instead of master).
This option may have memory usage implications as Copy-on-Write semantics can not be used. When lazy is enabled, only workers will be reloaded by uWSGI’s reload signals; the master will remain alive. As such, uWSGI configuration changes are not picked up on reload by the master.
There's also a lazy-apps option:
Load apps in each worker instead of the master.
This option may have memory usage implications as Copy-on-Write semantics can not be used. Unlike lazy, this only affects the way applications are loaded, not master’s behavior on reload.
This uwsgi configuration ended up working for me:
socket = /tmp/my_app.sock
logto = /var/log/my_app.log
plugins = python3
virtualenv = /path/to/my/venv
pythonpath = /path/to/my/app
wsgi-file = /path/to/my/app/
callable = app
max-requests = 1000
chmod-socket = 666
chown-socket = www-data:www-data
master = true
processes = 2
no-orphans = true
log-date = true
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
# the fix
lazy = true
lazy-apps = true
As an alternative you might dispose the engine. This is how I solved the problem.
Such issues may happen if there is a query during the creation of the app, that is, in the module that creates the app itself. If that states, the engine allocates a pool of connections and then uwsgi forks.
By invoking 'engine.dispose()', the connection pool itself is closed and new connections will come up as soon as someone starts making queries again. So if you do that at the end of the module where you create your app, new connections will be created after the UWSGI fork.
I am running a flask app using gunicorn on Heroku. My application started exhibiting this problem when I added the --preload option to my Procfile. When I removed that option, my application resumed functioning as normal.
Not sure whether to add this as an answer to this question or ask a separate question and put this as an answer there. I was getting this exact same error for reasons that are slightly different from the people who have posted and answered. In my setup, I using gunicorn as a wsgi for a Flask application. In this application, I was offloading some intense database operations off to a celery worker. The error would come from the celery worker.
From reading a lot of the answers here and looking at the psycopg2 as well as sqlalchemy session documentation, it became apparent to me that it is a bad idea to share an SQLAlchemy session between separate processes (the gunicorn worker and the sqlalchemy worker in my case).
What ended up solving this for me was creating a new session in the celery worker function so it used a new session each time it was called and also destroying the session after every web request so flask used a session per request. The overall solution looked like this:
def shutdown_session(exception=None):
#celery_app.task(bind=True, throws=(IntegrityError))
def access_db(self,entity_dict, tablename):
with Session() as session:
except IntegrityError as e:
print('primary key violated')
raise e

Squeryl 0.9.5 (with Lift 2.4) not releasing database connections/pools

Following the recommended transaction setup for Squeryl, in my Boot.scala:
import net.liftweb.squerylrecord.SquerylRecord
import org.squeryl.Session
import org.squeryl.adapters.H2Adapter
DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:lift_proto.db;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", "sa", ""),
new H2Adapter
The first startup works fine. I can connect via H2's web-interface and if I use my app, it updates the database appropriately. However if I restart jetty without restarting the JVM, I get:
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:h2:lift_proto.db;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1
The same result is had if I replace "DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" with "AUTO_SERVER=TRUE", or remove it entirely.
Following the recommendations on the Squeryl list, I tried C3P0:
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource
val cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource
org.squeryl.SessionFactory.concreteFactory =
Some(() => Session.create(
cpds.getConnection, new H2Adapter())
This produces similar behavior:
WARNING: A C3P0Registry mbean is already registered. This probably means that an application using c3p0 was undeployed, but not all PooledDataSources were closed prior to undeployment. This may lead to resource leaks over time. Please take care to close all PooledDataSources.
To be sure it wasn't anything I was doing which was causing this, I started and stopped the server without calling a transaction { } block. No exceptions were thrown. I then added to my Boot.scala:
transaction { /* Do nothing */ }
And the exception was once again thrown (I'm assuming because connections are lazy). So I moved the db initialization code to its own file away from Lift:
SessionFactory.concreteFactory = Some(()=>
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test", "sa", ""),
new H2Adapter
transaction {}
Results were unchanged. What am I doing wrong? I cannot find any mention of needing to explicitly close connections or sessions in the Squeryl documentation, and this is my first time using JDBC.
I found mention of the same issue here on the Lift google group, but no resolution.
Thanks for any help.
When you say you are restarting Jetty, I think what you're actually doing is reloading your webapp within Jetty. Neither the h2 database or C3P0 will automatically shut down when your app reloads, which explains the errors you are receiving when Lift tries to initialize them a second time. You don't see the error when you don't create a transaction block because both h2 and C3P0 are initialized when the first DB connection is retrieved.
I tend to use BoneCP as a connection pool myself. You can configure the minimum number of pooled connections to be > 1, which will stop h2 from shutting down without the need for DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1. Then you can use:
LiftRules.unloadHooks append { () =>
yourPool.close() //should destroy the pool and it's associated threads
That will close all of the connections when Lift is shutdown, which should properly shutdown the h2 database as well.

PHP-FPM processes holding onto MongoDB connection states

For the relevant part of our server stack, we're running:
NGINX 1.2.3
PHP-FPM 5.3.10 with PECL mongo 1.2.12
MongoDB 2.0.7
CentOS 6.2
We're getting some strange, but predictable behavior when the MongoDB server goes away (crashes, gets killed, etc). Even with a try/catch block around the connection code, i.e:
$mdb = new Mongo('mongodb://localhost:27017');
catch (MongoConnectionException $e)
die( $e->getMessage() );
$db = $mdb->selectDB('collection_name');
Depending on which PHP-FPM workers have connected to mongo already, the connection state is cached, causing further exceptions to go unhandled, because the $mdb connection handler can't be used. The troubling thing is that the try does not consistently fail for a considerable amount of time, up to 15 minutes later, when -- I assume -- the php-fpm processes die/respawn.
Essentially, the behavior is that when you hit a worker that hasn't connected to mongo yet, you get the die message above, and when you connect to a worker that has, you get an unhandled exception from $mdb->selectDB('collection_name'); because catch does not run.
When PHP is a single process, i.e. via Apache with mod_php, this behavior does not occur. Just for posterity, going back to Apache/mod_php is not an option for us at this time.
Is there a way to fix this behavior? I don't want the connection state to be inconsistent between different php-fpm processes.
While I wait for the driver to be fixed in this regard, my current workaround is to do a quick polling to determine if the driver can handle requests and then load or not load the MongoDB library/run queries if it can't connect/query:
// connect
$mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost:27017");
// try to do anything with connection handle
define('MONGO_STATE', TRUE);
catch(MongoCursorException $e)
error_log('Error connecting to MongoDB: ' . $e->getMessage() );
catch(MongoConnectionException $e)
error_log('Error connecting to MongoDB: ' . $e->getMessage() );
The PHP mongo driver connectivity code is getting a big overhaul in the 1.3 release, currently in beta2 as of writing this. Based on your description, your issues may be resolved by the fixes for:
Once it is released you will be able to see the full list of fixes here:
Or, alternatively on the PECL site. If you can test 1.3 and confirm that your issues are still present then I'm sure the driver devs would love to hear from you before the 1.3.0 release, especially if it is easily reproducible.

MongoMapper, Padrino and Passenger - Connection Failure?

I'm currently working on a Padrino project which has been working absolutely fine in developement, but after pushing it to my live environment, I'm experiencing problems. Checked the logs and the error I'm getting is:
[31m ERROR[0m -[33m24/Jul/2012 11:32:53[0mMongo::ConnectionFailure - Operation failed with the following exception: #<Mongo::ConnectionFailure:0xa762528>:
My database.rb file is the standard one generated by Padrino, namely:
MongoMapper.connection ='localhost', nil, :logger => logger)
case Padrino.env
when :development then MongoMapper.database = 'licensing_development'
when :production then MongoMapper.database = 'licensing_production'
when :test then MongoMapper.database = 'licensing_test'
Everything works perfectly in the console, so I'm assuming that the problem is to do with Passenger. Any ideas where I might be going wrong?
OK, so ignore me. I forgot to set RACK_ENV when running the rake task that imported my data, as well as when starting the console, so there was no data in my production database.