Disable back to cursor behavior in Netbeans 11 - netbeans

When scrolling in the Netbeans editor and unfolding a code block with the + on the left, the editor scrolls back to the cursor position automatically.
Does anybody know how to disable this behaviour?

It's a known critical bug.
Collapsing a block often results in a jump of the editor to an
incorrect editing position (and scrolling the page cause a rejump to
that position after a second of scroll inactivity). The same sources
works perfectly with Netbeans 8.2.
Apparently, it was introduced when fixing another bug right before or during the donation of NetBeans to the Apache Foundation.
Probably, for now (NetBeans 11.3), you have no option rather than using NetBeans 8.2 or waiting for 12.0 or 12.1 or later.
You can always vote for the bug in the NetBeans issue tracker. More votes, more attention, faster fixing.


Eclipse text render issue

I am using Eclipse Neon2 on Mac. Text in code editor has render problem and overlaps on scroll. When I select all the text (cmd+a) it re renders and solves the problem. But when I re scroll it overlaps again.
I couldn't find a solution on internet.
How can I solve this.
Please check the screenshot.
I think it is a bug in Eclipse 489383. There are plenty of similar issues were reported and closed as duplicated, but this one is still open and, as I understand, targeted for version 4.6. There is a simple workaround that has helped in some cases (in mine it did help): export GTK3=0 before starting eclipse.

Anybody experiences problems in contextual menus behavior?

Dear RubyMine Overflowers,
I downloaded the latest version of RubyMine (3.2.1) on a Mac running SL 10.6.8 and latest apple provided Java.
I am experiencing some problematic behavior regarding the mouse right-click.
I can bring up contextual menus only by double right-clicking. if I single right-click, the menu comes up very instantly and disappears.
After some experimentation, I have concluded that if I right-click and manage to keep the mouse pointer at the exact pixel as before r-clicking, contextual menu disappears. If the pixel before right-click is different than the one after r-click the Contextual menu stays. (Imagine the chaos when this applies to the Project window: i get constant warnings of moving files).
Anybody experiencing such funny stuff in RubyMine? or otherwise, any way to change mouse pointer sensitivity?
Many thanks...
There is similar issue, but it's known to affect only Linux users with Eclipse keymap:
Intellij right click context menu problems in Ubuntu.
I can't reproduce it on Mac, but the question above is worth checking, maybe the suggested workaround will work for you.

Netbeans 7 and undocked editor window: Why won't files open in the undocked window?

I can't seem to find an answer to this one, so I thought I would check here. I recently upgraded from Netbeans 6.9.1 to 7.0. In 6.9.1, if I undocked the editor window (for use on a second monitor) and then double-clicked a file in the Projects view, the file would open in the opened undocked editor. In 7.0, it opens in the empty section of the rest of the docked IDE, and I have to drag it to the undocked editor. I don't remember changing a setting in 6.9.1 to turn on the desired behaviour. Sounds like a small thing, but it gets annoying if you are opening and closing files frequently.
Anyone know how to remedy this?
Hopefully it is not too obvious, but if it is, I will eat my humble pie and you can return to your regularly scheduled day...
Just in case anyone else was having this issue, it was fixed in the 7.0.1 update for Netbeans. I have installed that version, and now everything works as correctly as it used to, which is fantastic because undocked code windows seems to be the best solution for multiple monitors in my experience.

Empty Dialogs in Flex Builder

I have been experiencing a strange issue in Flex Builder 3 where certain dialogs such as the Add New Project wizard and the SVN Commit dialog are completely empty save for the title area.
I'm running Flex Builder v3.0 (build on the Windows 7 RC. I have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling Flex Builder to no avail. I don't think it's Windows 7 causing the issues because it was working a couple of months ago with no problems. Even more strange is that I have not installed any additional plugins or made any configuration changes to Flex Builder between the time before these problems began and now.
Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, know of any solutions?
Here are a couple of screenshots to illustrate the behaviour.
alt text http://www.colincochrane.com/image.axd?picture=2009%2f9%2fdialog2.PNG
alt text http://www.colincochrane.com/image.axd?picture=2009%2f9%2femptydialog.png
You are probably running Logitech SetPoint. Try killing all setpoint processes. (you don't even have to restart flex). It worked for me :-S
According to this Adobe forums post, there are multiple causes:
SetPoint (as indicated by Scheea)
Wacom Tablet drivers
In addition, comments suggest the following:
These seem to suggest that the cause is any program which monitors keystrokes or mouse movement.
Workaround: In the new wizard dialog above, note the question mark on the bottom left (the help button). When you click on the help button a help panel is added to the dialog on the right separated from the main dialog by a splitter. When you drag the splitter the rest of the dialog appears. You may need to scroll to a position where you can see all of its contents, but it should become usable. Resizing the dialog alone was not sufficient for me.
In addition, I couldn't fully use the mouse to select elements so I had to type into the filter field in order for the correct projects to show up.
I had the issue with Window7 x64 Ultimate with FB3 Pro and shutting down Set Point seems to have fixed the issue.
For me it was Set Point and Display Fusion (allows you to set up multiple background images as wallpaper on multiple monitors). Took a lot of hair pulling to figure this out.

Can you disable automatic horizontal scrolling in Eclipse?

Sometimes when I jump into source code, e.g. from search or when looking up the declaration of something, the Eclipse text editor tries to display nearby long lines by horizontal scrolling. This happens even if the item I jumped to is well within the display without scrolling. I find this rather annoying, so:
Is there a way to disable this? I have searched in vain through all the editor settings.
Specifically, this is about Eclipse CDT, but I suppose the behaviour is the same in JDT.
This seems to happen in other eclipse editors too (like PDT for PHP)
It could have been related with the ScrolledFormText, but the Plugin Spy tells us a WorkbenchWindow class is concerned, as well as an AbstractDecoratedTextEditor, that is in essence an org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.
The source of that AbstractTextEditor indicates having:
a ScrollLinesAction for vertical scrolling
a TextNavigationAction for settings the cursor and potentially triggering horizontal scrolling
I am not sure how to change that behavior, except by contributing somehow to the active editor identifier (for instance, for java, "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ClassFileEditor"), and modifying that Action.
I was having the same issue and found these open bugs for it on the Eclipse Bugs:
You can prevent it from happening when you switch the Code Folding off and reload the file.
right click on your eclipse shortcut and choose properties. in compatibility tab choose "windows xp(servicepack 3). http://www.vistax64.com/vista-general/133849-disable-dynamic-horizontal-scrolling-vista.html