ActiveMQ Artemis. Reliable cluster with synchronous replication - activemq-artemis

I want to configure a cluster with the following expected behavior:
Сluster must be HA ( 3 nodes at least).
I have queues in which it is important to maintain processing order. The consumer always reads this queue in a single thread. If he took the message, then we consider our task completed.
I don't need load balancing - it is important for me to maintain the order of messages.
I want to avoid split-brain.
If we have 3 nodes, then if 1 of the nodes fails, the cluster should continue to work.
I tried following configurations:
master + slave + slave with replication.
It works. But does not solve the problem of split brain
master + slave + slave + Pinger
As far as I understand, this does not give a 100% guarantee of detecting network problems. We can also get split-brain.
3 pairs of live/backup nodes.
This is solved split brain problem but how can we avoid the following situation:
Producer send message to group A in queue (where important to maintain processing order)
Group A crashed ( 1/3 of all nodes 2/6)
The message stored in the journal of group A
Cluster continue to work;
Producer send message to group B in queue (where important to maintain processing order)
Consumer got this message first; We did not support the required message order.
How should I build a cluster to solve these problems?

You can't achieve the behavior you want using replication. You need to use a shared store between the nodes. If you must use 3 nodes then I would recommend master + slave + slave. Otherwise I'd recommend master + slave.
Also, for what it's worth, replication is not synchronous within the broker. It is asynchronous and non-blocking. However, it is still reliable. For example, when a broker is configured for HA with replication and it receives a durable message from a client it will persist that message to disk and send it to the replicated backup concurrently without blocking. However, it will wait for both operations to finish before responding to the client that it has received the message. This allows much greater message throughput than using a synchronous architecture internally although the whole process will appear to be synchronous to external clients.
Also, it's worth noting that work is underway to change how replication works to make it more robust against split brain and to enable a single master + slave pair that is suitable for production use.


How many kafka streams app is recommended to run on single machine in production?

In our architecture, we are assuming to run three jvm processes on one machine (approx.) and each jvm machine can host upto 15 kafka-stream apps.
And if I am not wrong each kafka-stream app spawns one java thread. So, this seems like an awkward architecture to have with around 45 kafka-stream apps running on a single machine.
So, I have question in three parts
1) Is my understanding correct that each kafka-stream app spawns one java thread ? Also, each kafka-stream starts a new tcp connection with kafka-broker ?
2) Is there a way to share one tcp connection for multiple kafka-streams ?
3) Is is difficult(not recommended) to run 45 streams on single machine ?
The answer to this is definitely NO unless there is a real use case in production.
Multiple answers:
a KafkaStreams instance start one processing thread by default (you
can configure more processing threads, too)
internally, KafkaStreams uses two KafkaConsumers and one KafkaProducer
(if you turn on EOS, it uses even more KafkaProducers): a KafkaConsumer
starts a background heartbeat thread and a KafkaProducer starts a
background sender thread => you get 4 threads in total (processing, 2x
heartbeat, sender) -- if you configure two processing threads, you end
up with 8 threads in total, etc)
there is more than one TCP connection as the consumer and the producer
(and the restore consumer, if you enable StandbyTasks) connect to the
it's not possible to share any TPC connections atm (this would require
a mayor rewrite of consumers and producers)
how many threads you can efficient run depends on your hardware and
workload... monitor you CPU utilization and see how buys your machine is...
Each Kafka stream job spawns a single thread.If the thread number is
set as n numbers it will provide parallelism in processing n number
of Kafka partitions.
If a single machine does not have the capacity to run large number of
threads, parallelism can be achieved by submitting the Streams
applications job with same application name in another machine
in the same cluster. The job will be identified by Kafka
streams and handled in background.
is is difficult(not recommended) to run 45 streams on single machine
? The answer to this is definitely NO unless there is a real use
case in production.--unless your system has these many cores
or the input has 45 partition this is not necessary

Using Celery with multiple workers in different pods

What I'm trying to do is using Celery with Kubernetes. I'm using Redis as the message broker in a different pod and I have multiple pods for each queue of Celery.
Imagine if I have 3 queues, I would have 3 different pods (i.e workers) that can accept and handle the requests.
Everything is working fine so far but my question is, what would happen if I clone the pod of one of queues to have two pods for one single queue?
I think client (i.e Django) creates a new message using Redis to send to the worker and start the job but it's not clear to me what would happen because I have two pods listening to the same queue? Does the first pod accept the request and start the job and prevents the other pod to accept the request?
(I tried to search a bit on the documentation of Celery to see if I can find any clues but I couldn't. That's why I'm asking this question)
I guess you are using basic task type, which employs 'direct' queue type, not 'fanout' or 'topic' queue, the latter two have much difference, which will not be discussed here.
While using Redis as broker transport, celery/kombu use a Redis list object as a storage of queue (source), use command LPUSH to publish message, BRPOP to consume the message.
In short, BRPOP(doc) blocks the connection when there are no elements to pop from the given lists, if the list is not empty, an element is popped from the tail of the given list. It is guaranteed that this operation is atomic, no two connection could get the same element.
Celery leverage this feature to guarantees at-least-once message delivery. use of acknowledgment doesn't affect this guarantee.
In your case, there are multiple celery workers across multiple pods, but all of them connected to one same Redis server, all of them blocked for the same key, try to pop an element from the same list object. when new message arrived, there will be one and only one worker could get that message.
A task message is not removed from the queue until that message has been acknowledged by a worker. A worker can reserve many messages in advance and even if the worker is killed – by power failure or some other reason – the message will be redelivered to another worker.
The two workers (pods) will receive tasks and complete them independently. It's like have a single pod, but processing task at twice the speed.

Can "observer" nodes in zookeeper respond with stale results?

This question is in reference to
Observers are non-voting members of an ensemble which only hear the
results of votes, not the agreement protocol that leads up to them.
Other than this simple distinction, Observers function exactly the
same as Followers - clients may connect to them and send read and
write requests to them. Observers forward these requests to the Leader
like Followers do, but they then simply wait to hear the result of the
vote. Because of this, we can increase the number of Observers as much
as we like without harming the performance of votes.
Observers have other advantages. Because they do not vote, they are
not a critical part of the ZooKeeper ensemble. Therefore they can
fail, or be disconnected from the cluster, without harming the
availability of the ZooKeeper service. The benefit to the user is that
Observers may connect over less reliable network links than Followers.
In fact, Observers may be used to talk to a ZooKeeper server from
another data center. Clients of the Observer will see fast reads, as
all reads are served locally, and writes result in minimal network
traffic as the number of messages required in the absence of the vote
protocol is smaller.
1) non-voting members of an ensemble - What do the voting members vote on?
2) How does an update request work for observers - When a ZK leader gets an update request, it requires a quorum of nodes to respond. Observer nodes seems like is not considered a quorum node. Does that mean an observer node lags behind the leader node for updates? If that is true, how does it ensure that observer nodes do not respond with stale data during reads?
3) Clients of the Observer will see fast reads, as all reads are served locally, and writes result in minimal network traffic as the number of messages required in the absence of the vote protocol is smaller - Reads from all the other nodes will also be local only because they are in-sync with the leader, no? And I did not get the part about writes.
These questions should be good to understanding zookeeper and distributed systems in general. Appreciate a good detailed answer for these. Thanks in advance !
1) non-voting members of an ensemble - What do the voting members vote on?
Typical members of the ensemble (not observers) vote on success/failure of proposed changes coordinated by the leader. There is some further discussion of the details in the paper ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems.
2) How does an update request work for observers - When a ZK leader gets an update request, it requires a quorum of nodes to respond. Observer nodes seems like is not considered a quorum node. Does that mean an observer node lags behind the leader node for updates? If that is true, how does it ensure that observer nodes do not respond with stale data during reads?
You are correct that observer nodes are not considered necessary participants in the quorum. In general, update lag will be subject to network latency between the observer and the leader. (Whether or not this is noticeable is subject to specific external factors, such as whether or not the observer and leader are in the same data center with a low-latency network link.)
Note that even without use of observers, there is no guarantee that every server in the ensemble is always completely up to date. The Apache ZooKeeper documentation on Consistency Guarantees contains this disclaimer:
Sometimes developers mistakenly assume one other guarantee that ZooKeeper does not in fact make. This is:
Simultaneously Consistent Cross-Client Views ZooKeeper does not
guarantee that at every instance in time, two different clients will
have identical views of ZooKeeper data. Due to factors like network
delays, one client may perform an update before another client gets
notified of the change. Consider the scenario of two clients, A and B.
If client A sets the value of a znode /a from 0 to 1, then tells
client B to read /a, client B may read the old value of 0, depending
on which server it is connected to. If it is important that Client A
and Client B read the same value, Client B should should call the
sync() method from the ZooKeeper API method before it performs its
However, clients of ZooKeeper will never appear to "go back in time" by reading stale data from a point in time prior to the data they already read. This is accomplished by attaching a monotonically increasing transaction ID (called "zxid") to each ZooKeeper transaction. When the ZooKeeper client interacts with a server, it compares the client's last seen zxid to the current zxid of the server. If the server is behind the client, then it will not allow the client's next read to be processed by that server.
3) Clients of the Observer will see fast reads, as all reads are served locally, and writes result in minimal network traffic as the number of messages required in the absence of the vote protocol is smaller - Reads from all the other nodes will also be local only because they are in-sync with the leader, no? And I did not get the part about writes.
It's important to note that this statement from the documentation is written in the context of an important use-case for observers: multiple data center deployments with higher network latency between different data centers. In this statement, "served locally" means served from a ZooKeeper server within the same data center as the client, so that it doesn't suffer from the longer latency of connecting to another data center. For full context, here is a copy of the full quote:
In fact, Observers may be used to talk to a ZooKeeper server from another data center. Clients of the Observer will see fast reads, as all reads are served locally, and writes result in minimal network traffic as the number of messages required in the absence of the vote protocol is smaller.

Communication protocol

I'm developing distributed system that consists of master and worker servers. There should be 2 kind of messages:
Master gets state of worker and respond immediately with appropriate command. For instance:
Message from Worker to Master: "Hey there! I have data a,b,c"
Response from Master to Worker: "All ok, But throw away c - we dont need this anymore"
The participants exchange this messages with interval T.
Direct master command
Lets say client asks master to kill job #123. Here is conversation:
Message from Master to Worker: "Alarm! We need to kill job #123"
Message from Worker to Master: "No problem! Done."
Obvious that we can't predict when this message appear.
Simplest solution is that master is initiator of all communications for both messages (in case of heartbeat we will include another one from master to start exchange). But lets assume that it is expensive to do all heartbeat housekeeping on master side for N workers. And we don't want to waste our resources to keep several tcp connections to worker servers so we have just one.
Is there any solution for this constraints?
First off, you have to do some bookkeeping somewhere. Otherwise, who's going to realize that a worker has died? The natural place to put that data is on the master, if you're building a master/worker system. Otherwise, the workers could be asked to keep track of each other in a long circle, or a randomized graph. If a worker notices that their accountabilibuddy is not responding anymore, it can alert the master.
Same thing applies to the list of jobs currently running; who keeps track of that? It also scales O(n), so presumably the master doesn't have space for that either. Sharding that data out among the workers (e.g. by keeping track of what things their accountabilibuddy is supposed to be doing) only works so far; if a and b crashes, and a is the only one looking after b, you just lost the list of jobs running on b (and possibly the alert that was supposed to notify you that b crashed).
I'd recommend a distributed consensus algorithm for this kind of task. For production, use something someone else has already written; they probably know what they're doing. If it's for learning purposes, which I presume, have a look at the raft consensus algorithm. It's not too hard to understand, but still highlights a lot of the complexity in distributed systems. The simulator is gold for proper understanding.
A master/worker system will never properly work with less than O(n) resources for n workers in the face of crashing workers. By definition, the master needs to control the workers, which is an O(n) job, even if some workers manage other workers. Also, what happens if the master crashes?
Like Filip Haglund said read the raft paper you should also implement it yourself. However in a nutshell what you need to extract from it would be this. In regaurds to membership management.
You need to keep membership lists and the masters Identity on all nodes.
Raft does it's heartbeat sending on master's end it is not very expensive network wise you don't need to keep them open. Every 200 ms to a second you need to send the heartbeat if they don't reply back the Master tells the slaves remove member x from list.
However what what to do if the master dies well basically you need to preset candidate nodes. If you haven't received a heart beat within the timeout the candidate requests votes from the rest of the cluster. If you get the slightest majority you become the new leader.
If you want to join a existing cluster basically same as above if not leader respond not leader with leaders address.

How are out-of-order and wait-free writes handled?

As stated in Guarantees:
Sequential Consistency - Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
Let's assume a client makes 2 updates (update1 and update2) in a very short time window (I understand zookeeper is good at read-domination applications). So my questions are:
Is that possible update2 is received before update1, therefore for zookeeper update1 has later stamp than that of update2? I assume yes due to network connection nature. If this the case that means client will lose its update2 and will have update1. Is there anyway zookeeper can ACK back the client with different stamp or whatever other data that let the client to determine if update2 is really received after update1. Basically zookeeper tells what it sees from server side to client, which gives client some info to act if that's not what the client wants.
What if there is a leader failure after receiving and confirming update1 and before receiving update2? I assume such writes are persisted somewhere in disk/DB etc. When the new leader comes back will it catch up first, meaning conduct update1, before confirming update2 back to client?
Just curious, since zookeeper claims it supports wait-free writing, does that mean there is a message queue built inside zookeeper to hold incoming writes? Otherwise if the leader has to make sure the update is populated to all other followers, the client is actually being blocked by during this replication process. I am guessing that's part of reason zookeeper does not support heavy write application.
For the first two questions, I think you can find details in Zookeeper's paper.
It's quite normal that different operations from the same client arrive in disorder to Zookeeper node. But Zookeeper use TCP to ensure that sequential network package will be receive orderly.
Leader must write operations in Write-Ahead-Log before it can confirm operations. The problems will diverge in two dimensions. The first situation we should consider is whether the leader could recover before followers realize leader failure. If yes, nothing bad will happen, all operations in failure time will lost, and client will resend the operations. If not, then we should consider whether the Leader has proposed a proposal before it fails. If it fails before proposing a proposal, then client will know the failure. If it has proposed a proposal, there must be at least one node in the cluster which has got the newest transactions. Then it will be the new Leader in next rolling. When the original Leader recovers from failure, it will realize he's no longer the leader(All transactions of Zookeeper contains a 64-bits transaction id, of which the higher 32 bits represent epoch, and the lower 32 bits represents proposal id). It will communicate with new Leader and then get updated(Sometimes it need truncate it's local transaction log first).
I don't know the details since I haven't read ZooKeeper's source code. But Leader only needs over half acknowledge from followers before it response to clients. Zookeeper provide both blocking and non-blocking API and you can choose what you like.