Allow jasper server users to create a domain - jasperserver

I would like that some users could create domains on my JasperReports Server (users with role X),
I found a documentation were everything is explaind (doc), it worked in a demo enterprise version of JasperReports
but when I tried the same process on the production JasperReports (LDAP configured), I got this error :
Error creating bean with name 'remoteServiceConfiguration' -> Error creating bean with name 'authenticationAuthoirizationFilterChainProxy' ->
Cannot resolve reference to bean 'filterInvocationInterceptor' while setting constructor argument with key [6] ->
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported configuration attributes: [L4_IT_DEVS] (my role)
Screen :
Has someone already had this kind of error when configuring domain creation for users ?

I had this problem before and solved by using roles with the prefix "ROLE_" in their names, like "ROLE_L4_IT_DEVS" for example.
Hope that could help !


OpenSource: Encryption of JDBC Password in configuration properties file

As I noticed a plugin available for the enterprise version (; is there an option for users of Rundeck open source to perform the same kind of encyption of datasource password in the configuration file?
As I noticed many people mentioning writing their own java programs and leveraging the Jasypt utilities; I tried this. I do have two jar files (one for encrypt and one for decrypt). I created a directory (since I'm using rpm based Rundeck 3.3 installation) called: /var/lib/rundeck/lib . I added this directory to the JVM classpath in /etc/sysconfig/rundeckd via: export RDECK_JVM_SETTINGS="-Djava.class.path=/var/lib/rundeck/lib/*". I converted my /etc/rundeck/ file to groovy format and updated the /etc/sysconfig/rundeck with: export RDECK_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/rundeck/rundeck-config.groovy". However when I change the /etc/rundeck/rundeck-config.groovy entry for datasource.password to:
datasource.password=MyDecrypt("MyTest123Password"); I get an error in the Rundeck logs after restarting:
[2020-09-08T18:01:03,168] WARN context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext - Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'application': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.ConfigSlurper$_parse_closure5.MyDecrypt() is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [MyTest123Password]
Any suggestions?
That's encryption is only for Rundeck Enterprise, perhaps the best approach on Rundeck Community is to secure the file through file UNIX permissions.

Apache Meecrowave OAuth2 JPA

I succeedeed in creating my own OAuth2 server using JCache as token store but I'm facing an issue when moving to JPA.
My configuration is :
But I got exception below during OpenJPA bootstrap :
here was an error while setting up the configuration plugin option "MetaDataFactory".
The plugin was of type "org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.PersistenceMappingFactory".
Setter methods for the following plugin properties were not available in that type: [,,,,].
Possible plugin properties are:
Ensure that your plugin configuration string uses key values that correspond to setter methods in the plugin class.
I suppose I missed something in configuration...
Any help would be appreciated.
Using --oauth2-jpa-properties you can set any persistence unit properties you want, I guess you will have to override openjpa.MetaDataFactory default value which is set to jpa(,,,,,
You can also check if your configuration is properly propagated and if there is no classpath conflict (another persistence.xml with an oauth2 unit?) because I just retested and your configuration seems to work.

OFBiz-11.04 deployment in JBoss-5.1.0

In order to get flexibility in load balancing and clustering, I thought of deploying my OFBiz application in JBoss-5.1.0 as per document (
Build was successful and I could see all WAR files in server/default/deploy/OFBiz.ear and other JAR files in lib folder. But I am getting a few issues when starting JBoss server. Please take a look and help me if you have any clues.
Could not find definition for entity name EntityKeyStore
Could not find definition for entity name JobSandbox
Entity definitions for EntityKeyStore is located in entitymodel.xml of framework/entity/entitydef folder. I could not find this xml anywhere inside OFBiz.ear. (Not only this XML, none of the entitymodel.xml s are found in ear. But no issue with other entities. I do not know why it is so). I checked my database (server/default/data/derby) and found out ENTITY_KEY_STORE there.
The same is the case for JobSandBox.
After this exception, the server seems to proceed with creating dispatcher for each component and it started with accounting. I am getting another issue here.
Could not get root location for component with name [common], error was: org.ofbiz.base.component.ComponentException: No component found named : common
---- exception report ----------------------------------------------------------
Error processing include at [component://common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml] Could not get root location for component with name [common], error was: org.ofbiz.base.component.ComponentException: No component found named : common
This exception is repeatedly printed in log file. And down the line, the same kind of exception is thrown for other components like commonext, accounting and ecommerce.
After these exceptions "Could not find definition for entity name Tenant" is also thrown.
My OFBiz application uses a multitenant environment. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Exception while creating sp.xml using ssoadmin

I am facing this exception when I trying to create the sp.xml using the ssoadmin :
com.sun.identity.cli.CLIException: AdminTokenAction: FATAL ERROR: Cannot obtain Application SSO token.
Check for the following properties
at com.sun.identity.cli.LogWriter.log(
at com.sun.identity.cli.Authenticator.ldapLogin(
at com.sun.identity.cli.AuthenticatedCommand.ldapLogin(
at com.sun.identity.federation.cli.CreateMetaDataTemplate.handleRequest(
at com.sun.identity.cli.SubCommand.execute(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CLIRequest.process(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CLIRequest.process(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.serviceRequestQueue(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.(
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.main(
And I also tried adding something like this in the ssoamdin.bat :
But the same exception...
How to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
The 'map-to-site' property is only needed if you have a site configured an the host where you run ssoadm is not able to talk to the siteURL.
You may set' as JVM options within ssoadm.bat.
You may then look into the debug directory you should find a pointer what's wrong.
The above got sorted in my case when i went to the ssoadmin folder openam/bin and found the ssoadm.bat file and opened it in the edit mode and added the following two lines in the java comaand :
-D"\tomcatsslkeystore" (tomcat keystore path)
-D"" (tomcat keystore password)

Seam 2.2GA + JBoss AS 5.1GA + Postgres 8.4

Sorry for the big wall of text, but its mostly logs
Thx for any help in any of my problems
I've been trying to get help from Seam forums, but in vain.
I'm trying this Setup mentioned in the title, but unsuccessfully.
I have it all installed correctly and the problems start with the seam-gen.
This is my
#Generated by seam setup
#Sat Aug 29 19:12:18 BRT 2009
glassfish.home=C\:/Program Files/glassfish-v2.1
./seam create-project works okay, but when I try generate-entities, I get the following...
[echo] Reverse engineering database using JDBC driver /home/rgoytacaz/postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar
[echo] project=/home/rgoytacaz/workspace/Commerce
[echo] model=com.atom.Commerce.model
[hibernate] Executing Hibernate Tool with a JDBC Configuration (for reverse engineering)
[hibernate] 1. task: hbm2java (Generates a set of .java files)
[hibernate] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment).
[hibernate] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[javaformatter] Java formatting of 4 files completed. Skipped 0 file(s).
this is problem no.1. How do I fix this? What is this? I had to do this in eclipse. It worked.
Then I import the seam-gen created project into eclipse, and deploy to JBoss 5.1. While my servers start I've noticed the following..
03:18:56,405 ERROR [SchemaUpdate] Unsuccessful: alter table PostgreSQL.atom.productsculturedetail add constraint FKBD5D849BC0A26E19 foreign key (culture_Id) references PostgreSQL.atom.cultures
03:18:56,406 ERROR [SchemaUpdate] ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented: "postgresql.atom.productsculturedetail"
03:18:56,407 ERROR [SchemaUpdate] Unsuccessful: alter table PostgreSQL.atom.productsculturedetail add constraint FKBD5D849BFFFC9417 foreign key (product_Id) references PostgreSQL.atom.products
03:18:56,408 ERROR [SchemaUpdate] ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented: "postgresql.atom.productsculturedetail"*
03:18:56,408 INFO [SchemaUpdate] schema update complete
Problem no.2. What is this cross-database references?
What about this..
03:18:55,089 INFO [SettingsFactory] JDBC driver: PostgreSQL Native Driver, version: PostgreSQL 8.4 JDBC3 (build 701)
Problem no.3 I've said in the to use JDBC4 driver, I don't know why seam insists to use JDBC3 driver. Where do I change this?
When I go into http://localhost:5443/Commerce and try to browse the auto-generated CRUD UI.
I get this error.. Error reading 'resultList' on type com.atom.Commerce.action.ProductsList_$$_javassist_seam_2
And this is what is showing in my server logs...
03:34:00,828 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate:
products0_.product_Id as product1_0_, as active0_
PostgreSQL.atom.products products0_ limit ?
03:34:00,848 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 0A000
03:34:00,849 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented: "postgresql.atom.products"
Position: 81
03:34:00,871 SEVERE [viewhandler] Error Rendering View[/ProductsList.xhtml]
javax.el.ELException: /ProductsList.xhtml: Error reading 'resultList' on type com.atom.Commerce.action.ProductsList_$$_javassist_seam_2
Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query
Problem no.4 What is going on here? Cross-database references?
Thx for any help in any of my problems.
You did receive a few answers on the Seam forums (here and here), but you didn't follow up. Anyway, all these are actually caused by one problem:
As Stuart Douglas told you, you shouldn't use a catalog when connecting to PostgreSQL. To fix this, replace the property "hibernate.default_catalog=PostgreSQL" in your properties file by the property: "hibernate.default_catalog.null=", so that your file looks like this:
hibernate.default_catalog.null= # <-- This is the replaced property
You should be able to use seam generate-entities fine afterwards (assuming the rest of your configuration is correct). I'd recommend doing the generation into a clean folder.
Cross-database references is when a query tries to access two or more different databases. PostgreSQL does not support this, and thus complains when there is more than 1 period in the table name, so in PostgreSQL.atom.productsculturedetail, the bold part should be removed. Hibernate adds this prefix when you tell it to use a default catalog, which we already fixed in step 1 above (by telling it not to use a catalog), so this problem should be fixed after you regenerate your entities.
(Note that this is effectively the same as what Stuart Douglas told you, that you should remove the catalog="PostgreSQL" attribute in the annotations on your entity classes.)
When you specified the postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar file in the properties file, this didn't mean that the driver supports JDBC4. Although the name of the file would suggest so, the driver's website clearly states that "The driver provides a reasonably complete implementation of the JDBC 3 specification". This shouldn't be a problem for you, as you're not using the driver directly (or at least you're not supposed to). The driver is sufficient for Hibernate to fulfill its requirements and provide the required functionality.
This issue is caused by the same problem above. Hibernate is unable to read data from the database because of the incorrect query. Fixing the catalog problem should fix this issue.