GitHub Webhook Not Sending Messages for Changes in Projects Tab to my Discord Channel - github

This problem is probably best suited for the devs at GitHub but I'll post it here anyway for others with the same issue.
The GitHub Webhook works just fine on Discord sending notifications about any changes in the repos but any changes to the Projects tab does not get updated to Discord via the Webhook.


How to experiment with GitHub Actions without users "watching" the repo getting email notifications

On GitHub I get email notifications for repositories I "watch".
I can choose to disable email notifications for a specific repository:
Watch notification settings per repo
Or I can do it globally in my settings: personal settings
But as a repo owner, can I disable notifications for other users watching my repo?
I plan to build a somewhat more complicated GitHub Action and I suspect it is going to require some trial and error to get it right. I would like to prevent "watchers" getting notifications every time the Action starts & fails or gets aborted while I experiment.
To do this, you could do your experiments in a temporary fork of your repo.

Integrating slack with github to get notifications on push happening to specific branch

I am looking for a way how i can get a message to slack channel when a push happens in specific branch of github repo.
I tried doing it with below mentioned steps -
1. Installed github app in slack.
2. Added github to slack channel using /github.
After that when i try connecting to repository, github asked to authenticate. When i tried to do so it is navigating me to instead of custom github domain of the company.
Please help me here.
You could add to your repository a .github/workflows in order to use a GitHub Action (which is also available for GitHub Enterprise, not just
For example:
An action which wraps the Slack chat.postMessage API method for posting to channels, private groups, and DMs.
This action sends messages using Slack bot tokens, which have two main advantages compared to user tokens and incoming webhooks:
Bots can't be disabled inadvertently when a Slack user is disabled or removed. Slack has written about this in a recent announcement, and
Bots offer a powerful range of capabilities that can be leveraged to perform more functions.
If you have a Drone continuous integration system in place you can use a webhook to trigger sending a Slack notification. This would work for the repository .drone.yml file:
- name: slack
image: plugins/slack
channel: my_awesome_channel
username: Github Bot
event: [ pull_request ]
branch: [ dev, master ]
template: |
New Pull Request Opened By: {{}} ({{}} / {{build.branch}})
This assumes that drone is already enabled and the webhook configured in Github. If it isn't you can enable it through the Drone web dashboard by navigating to Repositories and clicking the green switch next to your repo name.
For custom github domain of company you need to use slack app (Githhub Enterprise Server) instead of Github App.
Once you are done with installation of Githhub Enterprise Server App on slack , Under configuration you will se payload url. Copy payload URL and go to github repository settings add webhooks sections and add payload url there and keep content type application/json

Should GitHub Pages https:<moniker><repo> point to Read-the-docs build?

I have a GitHub repo of docs linked to my RTD account. The GitHub/RTD connection appears to be set up correctly with a functional webhook (green checks at both ends). Commits to the repo trigger a successful build on RTD as expected. RTD is an Authorized OAuth App and my RTD account is connected to my GitHub account.
Under Settings -> GitHub pages, I have tried both master branch and master branch/docs. I would expect to go to the connected RTD docs. But it just shows the repo-name/ file, not the docs. Am I misunderstanding the linkage or the use of GitHub Pages? Or am I completely missing something? Thanks for any insight.
I put in a help desk question to GitHub and their response was:
GitHub Pages provides its own web hosting and will not integrate with external services. If you're publishing your site elsewhere GitHub Pages will not link to it.
So the answer is "no", adding the webhook only triggers a new build on commits and I do explicitly need a docs/index.html (or .md) that redirects to the RTD documentation.

Replacing Github email service with Webhooks

Right now we are using the Github email service so that our team receives notifications whenever changes are made. However, soon Github services will be deprecated. I was wondering if there was any pre existing services that could replicate the behavior that the Github email service produced. This would save us a lot of time and we wouldn't have to run a server just for handling this one webhook.
As recently (Nov. 2018) confirmed in "GitHub Services Brownout Updates and Timeline", GitHub services (like email notification) will disappear in January 2019.
The original annoucement suggested to replace them with webhooks.
The intention of GitHub Services was to allow third-party developers to submit code for integrating with their services, but this functionality has been superseded by GitHub Apps and webhooks.
In addition, check out GitHub Actions, still in beta but which have potential.
There are efforts made to look for a webhook-based alternative in the meantime. As in for instance pyinstaller/pyinstaller issue 3579. But no clear answer yet.
Update Feb. 2020: this issue is now closed. And GitHub Actions are no longer in beta.

discord webhook for github organization

What I find really useful and awesome about discord is how easy is to setup a webhook. I have channels dedicated just to some repos I have on github, usually inside an organization.
I realised just today that in Github you add a webhook to an entire organization and that would be great for me. like this:
But after having set up the webhook, and successfully sent some test POST (through the github UI), I see no messages in the related channel.
Is it just me with this issue?
N.B.: It doesn't give me a error when I add the webhook for the Organization.
I just don't receive the message on Discord
EDIT: Okay. I restricted the issue to these actions. I don't see any messages for these actions:
Creating a repository
deleting a repository