MapStruct: How to update a bean reference instead properties values - mapstruct

I have the following situation with MapStruct: I want to always update a field with a new instance instead of setting values in a pre-existing instance.
class A {
     B fieldB;
class B {
     String fieldString;
class ADTO {
     BDTO fieldB;
class BDTO {
     String fieldString;
I have the following mapping with MapStruct:
void copy(ADTO aDTO, #MappingTarget A a);
The result generated is similar to:
if (aDTO.getFieldB()!= null) {
if (a.getFieldB() == null) {
a.setFieldB(new B());
bDTOToB(aDTO.getFieldB(), a.getFieldB());
} else {
What I would like to generate is the following:
if (aDTO.getFieldB()!= null) {
a.setFieldB(new B()); // ALWAYS create a new B instance
bDTOToB(aDTO.getFieldB(), a.getFieldB());
} else {
I add that I need the 2 behaviors: for some fields the current behavior suits me, that is, set the values in an existing instance. For other fields, I need this change in behavior as I mentioned before (a.setFieldB(newB())).
Is it possible to do that? What better strategy?

The only way this is possible is like this:
default void init( #MappingTarget A a ) {
a.setFieldB( new B() );
void copy(ADTO aDTO, #MappingTarget A a);
The #BeforeMapping will set your field prior to check. It will however not ommit the (now obsolete) null check on the target in the generated code.
There's no way to control the target check in MapStruct. The NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy defines how a null source should be handled in the target.


How to set type definitions depending on the extending class in dartlang

Is there a way to declare return types of methods or the object-prefix to be the "extendingClass" like you would do in PHP with the static::class?
So for example:
abstract class AbstractModel {
// Should return the database-provider for the given model
dynamic get modelProvider;
// Save instance to Database - Create new if no ID exists,
// else update existing
dynamic save() {
if( id == null ) {
} else {
return this;
class ToDo extends AbstractModel {
ToDoProvider get modelProvider {
return ToDoProvider;
So in this example, obviously AbstractModel does not yet know what the return type of modelProvider will be, but I do know that it will always be the same type for a given child. Also, the return type of the save method would always be the child-class. But when writing it like this I will get an error for overwriting the modelProvider with an invalid return type.
Due to darts javascript-like nature I assume there is no way to actually achieve this like you would in PHP. But then I wonder how to type-save build re-usable code? I am trying to implement a small eloquent like query-scheme for my models so I don't have to write each CRUD method for every model - but I would still like to be precise about the types and not use dynamic everywhere.
So is there a way to do that in dart or am I completely off the track regarding dart standards?
You can use generics:
abstract class AbstractModel<ChildType extends AbstractModel<ChildType>> {
// Should return the database-provider for the given model
ModelProvider<ChildType> get modelProvider;
// Save instance to Database - Create new if no ID exists,
// else update existing
ChildType save() {
if( id == null ) {
} else {
return this;
class Model extends AbstractModel<Model> {
abstract class ModelProvider<T> {
void insert(T value);
void update(T value);
class MyModelProvider extends ModelProvider<Model> {

How to ensure proxies are created when using the repository pattern with entity framework?

I have this method in my SurveyController class:
public ActionResult AddProperties(int id, int[] propertyids, int page = 1)
var survey = _uow.SurveyRepository.Find(id);
if (propertyids == null)
return GetPropertiesTable(survey, page);
var repo = _uow.PropertySurveyRepository;
propertyids.Select(propertyid => new PropertySurvey
//Setting the Property rather than the PropertyID
//prevents the error occurring later
//Property = _uow.PropertyRepository.Find(propertyid),
PropertyID = propertyid,
SurveyID = id
.ForEach(x => repo.InsertOrUpdate(x));
return GetPropertiesTable(survey, page);
The GetPropertiesTable redisplays Properties but PropertySurvey.Property is marked virtual and I have created the entity using the new operator, so a proxy to support lazy loading was never created and it is null when I access it. When we have access direct to the DbContext we can use the Create method to explicitly create the proxy. But I have a unit of work and repository pattern here. I guess I could expose the context.Create method via a repository.Create method and then I need to remember to use that instead of the new operator when I add an entity . But wouldn't it be better to encapsulate the problem in my InsertOrUpdate method? Is there some way to detect that the entity being added is not a proxy when it should be and substitute a proxy? This is my InsertOrUpdate method in my base repository class:
protected virtual void InsertOrUpdate(T e, int id)
if (id == default(int))
// New entity
// Existing entity
context.Entry(e).State = EntityState.Modified;
Based on the answer supplied by qujck. Here is how you can do it without having to employ automapper:
Edited to always check for proxy - not just during insert - as suggested in comments
Edited again to use a different way of checking whether a proxy was passed in to the method. The reason for changing the technique is that I ran into a problem when I introduced an entity that inherited from another. In that case an inherited entity can fail the entity.e.GetType().Equals(instance.GetType() check even if it is a proxy. I got the new technique from this answer
public virtual T InsertOrUpdate(T e)
DbSet<T> dbSet = Context.Set<T>();
DbEntityEntry<T> entry;
if (e.GetType().BaseType != null
&& e.GetType().Namespace == "System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies")
//The entity being added is already a proxy type that supports lazy
//loading - just get the context entry
entry = Context.Entry(e);
//The entity being added has been created using the "new" operator.
//Generate a proxy type to support lazy loading and attach it
T instance = dbSet.Create();
instance.ID = e.ID;
entry = Context.Entry(instance);
//and set it's values to those of the entity
e = instance;
entry.State = e.ID == default(int) ?
EntityState.Added :
return e;
public abstract class ModelBase
public int ID { get; set; }
I agree with you that this should be handled in one place and the best place to catch all looks to be your repository. You can compare the type of T with an instance created by the context and use something like Automapper to quickly transfer all of the values if the types do not match.
private bool mapCreated = false;
protected virtual void InsertOrUpdate(T e, int id)
T instance = context.Set<T>().Create();
if (e.GetType().Equals(instance.GetType()))
instance = e;
//this bit should really be managed somewhere else
if (!mapCreated)
Mapper.CreateMap(e.GetType(), instance.GetType());
mapCreated = true;
instance = Mapper.Map(e, instance);
if (id == default(int))
context.Entry(instance).State = EntityState.Modified;

EF: Partial class - acces to the adapter?

let's say that I have a table TabA
namespace MyProject.Models.Database //<-- the same namespace as the EF's dbmx file
public partial class TabA
public void Foo()
Inside the Foo method, I need to perform some operations on the other table which isn't asosiated with the TabA In the other words, I need to access to the Entity Framework adapter inside that method. Is it possible ?
the answer is here
If I understand the problem correctly, I assume you have your reasons for wanting to work on another entity from the TabA entity. If this is true, I can see two ways of doing this.
A) If you want your changes to be applied at the same time as other potential changes to the TabA Entity, then you can always pass in the context as a parameter:
namespace MyProject.Models.Database //<-- the same namespace as the EF's dbmx file
public partial class TabA
public void Foo(YourDbContext context)
var otherTableQuery = from x in context.SecondTable
where ...
select x;
foreach (var item in otherTableQuery)
item.Column1 = "A certain value";
Your calling method might look like:
public void DoChangesToTabA()
using ( YourDbContext context = new YourDbContext())
var tabAquery = from x in context.TabA
where ...
select x;
foreach( var item in tabAQuery)
item.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
Now your changes will be applied the next time you call context.SaveChanges() from the calling method.

Eclipse refactor overridden method into final and abstract parts

I have a method which i'd like to refactor
Basically i want to split the top level method in a abstract and a final part.
The method in question is overridden in quite a few places where additional functionality is added, but eventualy the super call is always made.
The code now basically look like:
(not all Extending classes override but those that do, do it this way)
class Base {
public Object getStuff(String key) {
out = //code to get data from the Database.
return out
class Extended1 extends Base {
public Object getStuff(String key) {
if("some_non_db_value".equals(key)) {
return "some custom stuff";
return super.getStuff(key);
What i'd like as a result would be something like:
class Base {
public final Object getStuff(String key) {
out = getCustom(key);
if(out != null) {
return custom;
out = //code to get data from the Database.
return out
public abstract Object getCustom(String key);
class Extended1 extends Base {
public Object getCustom(String key) {
if("some_non_db_value".equals(key)) {
return "some custom stuff";
return null;
I was hoping there would be a refactor action (or partial refactor) to get to (or closer to) this point.
I would first rename getStuff() to getCustom() which would take care of all the extended classes. Then changing the Base class should be relatively easy.

autofac: IEnumerable<Lazy<IFoo, IFooMetaData>> --> Lazy.Value(with runtime param)?

Using Autofac, I have multiple IFoo components that take a run-time parameter in the constructor. I'm using some Metadata from the types along with the run-time parameter to construct and manage running instances.
interface IFoo
int RunTimeId { get; }
class Foo1 : IFoo
public Foo1 (int runtTimeId)
class Foo2 : IFoo
public Foo2 (int runtTimeId)
Module/Registration something like:
builder.Register<Func<int, Foo1>>(c =>
var cc = c.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return id => cc.Resolve<Foo1>(TypedParameter.From<int>(id));
.As<Func<int, IFoo>>()
.WithMetadata<IFooMetaData>(m => m.For(sm => sm.FooType, typeof(Foo1)));
builder.Register<Func<int, Foo2>>(c =>
var cc = c.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return id => cc.Resolve<Foo2>(TypedParameter.From<int>(id));
.As<Func<int, IFoo>>()
.WithMetadata<IFooMetaData>(m => m.For(sm => sm.FooType, typeof(Foo2)));
And a component that creates new Foos with the run-time parameters and metadata. I need to be create ALL IFoos for a given run-time parameter, and need to check for existing instances (essentially using Metadata + RunTimeId as a key) before creating.
public class FooActivator
public FooActivator(IEnumerable<Lazy<Func<int, IFoo>, IFooMetaData>> fooFactories)
m_FooFactories = fooFactories;
private void HandleNewRunTimeIdEvent(int id)
private void CreateFoosForNewId(int id)
foreach (var fooFactory in m_FooFactories)
if (!FooWithThisMetadataAndIdExists(fooFactory.Metadata.FooType, id))
var newFoo = fooFactory.Value(id);
Obviously, I can enumerate all of the IFoos and check metadata using the Lazy Enumeration, but can't pass in the run-time parameter to Lazy.Value. Seems like I need to pass in an Enumerable of Func<>s somehow, but can't figure out how to attach the metadata. Or maybe I need an entirely different approach?
Just getting my head wrapped around autofac, and hoping there's a clean way to accomplish this. I could settle for just using the concrete Foo type (instead of metadata) if there's a simple way to enumerate all of them (without creating them), and use the type + run-time Id as my key instead.
Updated the code with a working solution. Figured out how to register Factories properly with metadata. Seems to work.