Raspberry Pi 4 Bluetooth LE (BLE) Mesh with nRF52832 - raspberry-pi

I'd like to use Raspberry Pi 4 to collect data from several BLE mesh supported devices (beacons) that uses a chip like nRF52832, nRF52833 or nRF52840.
I know that Pi 4 comes with bluetooth 5.0.
My question is, can I use Pi 4 as it is without any hat, cape etc. connected to collect data from the beacons that uses those chips and communicates by using the BLE mesh technology.

Yes, you should be able to use the Raspberry Pi for mesh functionality depending on the version of BlueZ that is available there. Mesh functionality was initially added in BlueZ v5.47 (September 2017) and subsequent versions of BlueZ have had bug fixes and additions to this feature. You can find more information here:-
You can check the version of BlueZ that is on your Raspberry Pi through the following command:-
bluetoothctl --version
I hope this helps.


is it possible to develop games with Unity Game Engine on Raspberry Pi 4B

I am interested in game development, but my main computer is a raspberry pi 4B, and I won't be upgrading for a while. I am hoping to upgrade eventually, but for now I would like a solution for running Unity Engine on my Raspberry Pi 4B. performance is not my worry, I am overclocking to 2ghz and am using a lightweight desktop. I will only be doing 2d on my pi, but I want to use unity so that i don't have a massive learning curve when I hopefully upgrade and am able to do 3d.
In theory, it should be possible since Raspberry PI supports the Ubuntu Desktop operating system and so does Unity. Though, I haven't personally tested this out.
So that means that you would need to install Ubuntu on your Raspberry PI device and then install Unity Hub and then a version of the Unity editor.
Operating systems supported by Raspberry PI
Linux distributions supported by Unity

bluetoothctl does not show bluetooth low energy (BLE) device

I would like to pair my Bluetooth Low Energy Sport Watch (Suunto Ambit 3) to my Raspberry PI 3 B V1.2
I am using the RaspianOS Version 10 buster with kernel Version 5.4.79-v7+
This OS contains the bluez stack in version 5.50 which was installed from a predefined package via apt-get.
Usually the ble pairing is done with smartphones under android and IOS. When doing the pairing process the watch offers a pincode which has to be entered by the smartphone.
With nRFConnect app under android the pairing works fine.
When I am running the hcitool on my raspberry and the watch is in pairing mode it appears.
sudo hcitool -i hci0 lescan
but when i try to run the sudo bluetoothctl command with scan on my device does not appear and pairing with the correct mac address does not work either.
Other devices still appear in bluetoothctl
I also had a look into https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/issues/3689 but this seems that this is only related to newer raspberry pi models.
Do have any idea what hinders my device from being found in the bluetoothctl scan mode or what can I do to pair my device with pin code enabled?
I found a solution by myself.
inside bluetoothctl calling the following sequence
menu scan
transport le
scan on
finally enables bluetoothctl to find my watch.
The connect command is then also working.

How to use Raspberry Pi to stimulate IoT devices traffic

I wonder how can I use Raspberry Pi to stimulate IoT devices traffics.
There isn't a lot of resources on google so I'd post my question here.
What tools could I use?
Thanks ahead

How do you get a waveshare 3.5 inch touch LCD to work with Raspbian Jessie?

I have a waveshare 3.5 inch touch LCD display and I m trying to get it working with the latest version of Raspbian A.K.A Raspbian Jessie. I followed futurice.com 's tutorial on getting it to work (tutorial is titled I'd like some LCD on my pi) and it worked on Raspbian Wheezy just fine. All I get now is a blank white screen. All help is greatly appreciated! (I must use the official Raspbian Jessie image without NOOBS from the Raspberry pi website.) I have a Raspberry Pi 2 Mobel B +.
From the product page:
Why the LCD doesn't work with my Raspbian? To use the LCD with the
Raspberry Pi official image, driver should be installed first. Please
refer to the user manual. However, for the first testing, you may want
to use our provided image directly. Why the LCD still doesn't work
with the Waveshare provided image? Make sure the hardware connection
is correct and connects fine. Make sure the image in TF card is burnt
correctly. The PWR will keep on and the ACT will keep blinking when
the Raspberry Pi starts up successfully, in case both of the two LEDs
keep on, it is possible that the image was burnt incorrectly OR the TF
card was in bad contact. Which power supply should I use? It is
strongly recommended to use a stand-alone 5V/2A power adapter, because
the PC's USB port might doesn't have enough power to support the Pi
and LCD. For more info, please check the wiki page
You can find more info on their wiki.
It sounds like you either need to use their Raspian image, or install the driver for this display on your existing Raspian install:
wget http://www.waveshare.net/w/upload/7/73/LCD-show.tar.gz
tar xvf LCD-show.tar.gz
cd LCD-show/
sudo ./LCD35-show

How do i make the Raspberry Pi use a Custom OS

I have made an OS is cosmos, but I cant seem to get the Raspberry Pi to actually boot the OS up. I made a bootable SD card and USB stick but the raspberry pi doesn't load anything up.
Cosmos os only supports the x86 processor type. All versions of the raspberry pi either use ARM_6 or ARM_7. A completely different type. So what I'm saying is Cosmos OS won't work on your raspberry pi because it was made for computers with a different type of computer chip. For your raspberry pi I suggest you use raspian which is the operating system the Raspberry Pi Foundation suggests using. You can download it here.