How can I get the build output directory inside tests run by sbt? - scala

I need to create directories and files for some tests. My project uses sbt as the build tool, and common practice is to use File.createTempFile or similar APIs, but I abhor that practice. I want all files created by my tests to reside somewhere inside the output directory (<module>/target/), so that they'll be removed when I run clean, but otherwise preserved if I have need of them to figure out test failures.
The test framework is not relevant: if your solution requires a particular framework, I'll happily adopt it or figure out how it does the trick and use that.
In short, I need the answer to one of these two questions:
How can I create a file inside the build output directory from a test run by sbt?
How can I find out what is the build output directory for the current project from a test run by sbt?

In ScalaTest, try passing target
settingKey[File]("Main directory for files generated by the build.")
to config map as -Dkey=value. For example, in build.sbt specify
Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(s"-DtargetDir=${target.value}")
and then define test like so
import org.scalatest._
class ExampleSpec extends fixture.FlatSpec with fixture.ConfigMapFixture with Matchers {
"The config map" should "contain target directory used by sbt" in { configMap =>
configMap should contain key "targetDir"


sbt it:test cannot find test resource file that IntelliJ can

I'm writing an integration test method in scala (play framework). The test class is SourceIntegrationTest. I've placed a file, source.json, in /test/resources. I'm aware that "sbt copies files from src/test/resources to target/scala-[scalaVersion]/test-classes" as described in this answer. However, using the answer referenced there only works for me when running my test in IntelliJ. When I run sbt it:testOnly SourceIntegrationTest in terminal, my test fails with a NullPointerException. sbt cannot find source.json. How can I get sbt to find my file when running my integration test in terminal?
My test method looks like:
def testGetSource(): Unit = {
val jsonSource: String = Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("source.json")).mkString
val json: JsValue = Json.parse(jsonSource)
val source = controller.getSource(json)
assertEquals(source.sourceName = "Premier")
When you write an integration test, the test file is not placed in the test folder. You need to create another directory for integration test. Now the source folder will contain three directories main, test, it. And all integration test will be kept in it folder. You can read about it here

How to only run tests not having a certain tag in scala using flatspec through sbt?

As a scala beginner, I want to tag the integration tests in order to exclude them from running in certain scenarios (as they can be quite slow and might break due to external changes/problems).
I created the tag integration this way:
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers, Tag}
object integration extends Tag("com.dreamlines.tags.integration")
In my test I tag a test like so:
class SchemaValidation extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
it should "return valid json" taggedAs (integration) in {
assertSchema(response, endpointSchema)
Yet when reading up on how to filter certain tests based on the tag in the docs, I get highly confused as suddenly I read that I should be using
scala [-cp scalatest-<version>.jar:...] [arguments]
which has the flags I am looking for:
-l specifies a tag to exclude (Note: only one tag name allowed per -l) -l SlowTests -l PerfTests
Yet I am only used to run my tests via:
sbt test
I have no idea what the scala test runner here is referring to or what goes on under the hood when I run sbt test. I am truly lost.
I was expecting to execute the tests not entirely unlike this:
sbt test --ignore-tag integration
According to the sbt documentation on test options the following should work for you:
testOnly -- -l integration
Or in case ScalaTest uses the fully qualified tag id:
testOnly -- -l com.dreamlines.tags.integration
In case you want to do this by default, you can adjust the testOptions in the build.sbt file.
You might consider a different approach for integration test. Instead of tagging them, you might want to put them in the src/it/{scala|resources} folders.

How do I exclude package from publishing with sbt?

I want to publish a library, which has some usage examples in runnable classes. When I call sbt run , it finds them and asks me, which of the main classes found I want, and then launches it. That's neat, I'd like this behaviour to stay. But those examples complicate my Android build ( more proguard configs ), so I don't want them in published artefacts.
For now, I totally exclude them, putting this into build.sbt :
excludeFilter in Compile ~= { _ ||
new FileFilter {
def accept(f: File) = f.getPath.containsSlice("/examples/")
} }
then, when I run sbt publish-local, I get jars without examples, but then one can't get the library source and see how it works, with just typing sbt run. How can I exclude examples package only from publishing, but let it still be compiled for local runs?
I'd recommend splitting examples into another subproject instead.

Can sbt-native-packager generate multiple start scripts for one project?

I'm currently using sbt-native-packager to generate a start script for my scala application. I'm using packageArchetype.java_application. I create the script in sbt:
sbt clean myproject/stage
and then "install" the application by copying the created lib and bin directories to the installation directory. I'm not distributing it to anyone, so I'm not creating an executable jar or tarball or anything like that. I'm just compiling my classes, and putting my jar and all the library dependency jars in one place so the start script can execute.
Now I want to add a second main class to my application, so I want a second start script to appear in target/universal/stage/bin when I run sbt stage. I expect it will be the same script but with a different name and app_mainclass set to the different class. How would I do this?
The sbt-native-packager generated script allows you to pass in a -main argument to specify the main class you want to run. Here's what I do for a project named foo:
Create a script with whatever common options you want that calls the sbt-native-packager generated script:
./target/universal/stage/bin/foo -main "$#"
Then I create a separate script for each main class I want to run. For example
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
./ com.example.FirstApp -- "$#"
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC"
./ com.example.SecondApp -- "$#"
Having multiple main classes is... supported now (Q4 2016, native package 1.2.0)
See "SBT Native Packager 1.2.0" by Muki Seiler
Single Project — Multiple Apps
A major pain point for beginners is the start script creation. The bash and bat start scripts are only generated when there is a either
Exactly one main class
Explicitly set main class with
mainClass in Compile := Some(“com.example.MainClass”)
For 1.2.x we will extends the implementation and support multiple main classes by default.
Native packager will generate a start script for each main class found on the classpath.
SBT provides them via the discoveredMainClasses in Compile task.
If there is only one main class, SBT will assign it to the mainClass in Compile setting. This leads to three cases:
Exactly one main class.
In this case native-packager will behave like previous versions and just generate a single start script, using the executableScriptName setting for the script name.
Multiple main classes and mainClass in Compile := None.
This is the default behaviour defined by SBT. In this case native-packager will generate the same start script for each main class.
Multiple main classes and mainClass in Compile := Some(…).
The user has set a specific main class, which will lead to a main start script being generated using the executableScriptName setting. For all other main classes native-packager generates forwarder scripts.
Having multiple main classes not supported now. As a workaround you could use single main class and check command line args.
Starting your app:
myApp prog1
In your main class:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
if(args[0] == "prog1")

How to create a compiler Action for SBT

I want to create an Action to automate GCJ compilation. Since I couldn't make it work with Ant, I decided to try SBT. The docs say how to create an Action and how to run an external process. What I don't yet see is how to reuse the directory tree traversal which exists for java and scala compiler Actions. In this case my input files would be all the .class files under a certain root folder. I would also need to specify a specific classpath for GCJ. Any pointers for this would be appreciated too.
I haven't used GCJ much at all and I'm still pretty new at SBT, but this is how I believe you could write a quick task to do exactly what you are looking for with SBT 0.7.1. You can use a PathFinder to grab all of the class files like so:
val allClasses = (outputPath ##) ** "*.class"
Using that PathFinder and the "compileClasspath" top level method, you can construct a task like this which will run gcj using the current project's classpath and compose all of the .class files into one gcjFile:
val gcj = "/usr/local/bin/gcj"
val gcjFile = "target/my_executable.o"
val allClasses = (outputPath ##) ** "*.class"
lazy val gcjCompile = execTask {
<x>{gcj} --classpath={":")} -c {"-c ")} -o {gcjFile}</x>
} dependsOn(compile) describedAs("Create a GCJ executable object")