Problems adding symbols in the scale (Bracket plugin) - plugins

I used to code in sublime, but i decided to migrate to VScode.
when I programmed in Sublibe i used brackethighlighter and that plugin has symbols on the scale.
But in VSCODE we just have that strange lines.
Theres any way to config that plugin? To be equal to the sublime.
Or other similar plugin.


Is there any way to avoid plugin cross incompatibility in VSCode?

So I am thinking about learning front-end framework vue.js on vscode instead of jetbeans webstorm (pretty much wanting to switch to vscode). And I usually use vscode for competetive programming with cpp and python.
So the problem is when I turn on my VSCode editor the preset (all the plugins, snippets etc.) are enabled for competetive programming.
Is there any kind of VSCode "profiles" where I would have different layouts for different programming languages/frameworks I want to work with without plugin cross incompatibility?

Eclipse Generic Text Editor Sort OUtline

I thought this would be very simple to achieve but I cannot sort the outline in alphabetical order in the generic text editor that is now the default editor for javascript files in Eclipse 2020-12. In fact I have no sorting options whatsoever in the outline.
This is all I have in any perspective using the generic text editor.
This really affects my productivity having to sroll through many functions in a javascript file to find the correct one. I have hundreds of javascript files with hundreds of functions each.
I am using Wild Web Developer tools as this is the way Eclipse is heading (and because each update automaticaly installs it). Also I have node.js installed even though I don't require node.js for anything other than the generic text editor.
I'd prefer to not have the overhead of uninstalling Wild Web Devleoper and installing JDT each time Eclipse updates. Ideally, I should be able to simply update when prompted and all works as previously.
This is the Eclipse version I am using
Version: 2020-12 (4.18.0)
Build id: 20201210-1552
Does anybody have any idea how I can simply sort my functions and variables alphabetically in the generic text editor please? (I can sort the outline in java files

Better plugin for Julia autocomplete for Vs code

I am new to Julia and wanted to shift from Juno IDE to vs code. Juno has a pretty awesome auto-complete which shows which package a function comes from. I was wondering if there is an external plugin that I could install to get something similar to vs code. The vs code hovering to get the details of the function is good, but I definitely prefer the one Juno offers.
Here is a pic of the Juno autocomplete
There is only one official Julia VS Code Extension at the moment which does support autocompletion:
The different results you see is just a factor of what the various IDE's are searching for when they populate that autocomplete list.
Note that this is on the radar of the Julia VS Code team:

Is there any text editor for Mac that can be configured to have, or already has, autocomplete for Lua?

I know TextWrangler shows the option, but it doesn't actually do anything. So what I want is autocomplete, either with a key combination, or while I type.
Syntax coloring/highlighting is a requirement as well, though I know Xcode and TextWrangler have that.
You might want to use Lua Development Tools for this purpose. It has syntax coloring, plus it is doing smart autocomplete, depending on what your actual context is (required modules, ...)
It is an Eclipse Technology project, and it is Open Source! (EPL license).
Project web page -
Installation via Eclipse Marketplace -
I don't know if you have seen this page, but it seems a good place to start:
If I search for "completion" I get:
Decoda (Win)
LuaEdit (Win)
DForD (Win)
NsEditor (Win)
Visual Studio + LuaLite
Eclipse + LuaEclipse or LunarEclipse (java)
I personally use Vim + SuperTab (which only auto-fills with things that you have previously written).
There's a nice plugin for IntelliJ IDEA for Lua. IntelliJ IDEA is really nice, though kind of biggish.
Aside of that there is also TextAdept which is a lot smaller, and 100% configurable in Lua.
And probably a bunch of others.
If you want full (semantic) autocompletion, you should try lua-inspect (source code), which can be installed in the SciTE editor, and also into ViM using vim-lua-inspect.
It uses Metalua to fully parse the source code into AST and then performs code analysis. Apart from simple keyword-based syntax highlighters, it can:
differentiate between local/global variables, parameters and unused variables
jump to the definition of a variable/function
autocomplete table members
correctly rename variables/functions (not only definitions but also uses)
Even though it is not yet stable, and tends to hang on large scripts, it is very usable for standard Lua programs, mainly for it's intelligent autocompletion and renaming.

Eclipse: Using "Open Declaration" ... in a Scala project

I've been trying to convert from Java to Scala for a few months, and found that the greatest roadblock is that Eclipse plugin for Scala is hardly better then using Vim.
I normally have "Build Automatically" on, so apart from Open and Save, the commands I use most of the time are:
Open Declaration (F3)
References > Workspace (Ctrl-Shift-G)
Open Type Hierarchy (F4)
Open Type (Ctrl-Shift-T)
Content Assist (Ctrl-Space)
and looking at the Outline.
None of this works with the Scala IDE for the libraries. Some stuff works for my own code, like outline. But the rest just returns the following error:
The resource is not on the build path of a Java project.
Is there any way to get any of those things to work in Eclipse? Without them, basically the only thing I get is syntax highlight and compile-on-save, and I can get syntax highlight from vim without needing 1.5 GB of ram...
With implicits, and static function import, finding out from where something comes is really difficult without F3. I ended up using Google to find what class/trait defines what.
[EDIT] I just pulled Eclipse Classic 3.6.2, and, which wasn't available the last time I checked. They have fixed the Outline, and "Open Type", that's it. The rest still doesn't work.
Which version of the Eclipse plugin are you using? If the version is from a while ago, then you're right, it's a bit buggy.
However, there is a new version, currently in beta (as of 23.04.2011) available from Scala IDE Eclipse download site. This is a lot better.
Also, please make sure that the 'Use JDT content assists' checkboxes are checked in Scala->Setup diagnostics window.
Please try the new version, and see if it fixes your problems. If not, raise a bug, and the team will fix it.