Postgres ERROR: permission denied for table - postgresql

I have a dump file generated by using pg_dump from a remote database. I am using the file to restore and populate a database using psql.
I did not have the user and database name. I peeked into the sql file and figured out the user and database.
Here are my steps:
1. psql -h <> -u <> -d ( I used the superuser here).
2. created the user as the application needs to access using this user only.
3. changed the owner of the database to the user created in step 2 using Pgadmin.
I am unable to access any tables and getting the error -- ERROR: permission denied for table
Please Help !

It is better if you use dump and restore instead of psql for restoring the database.
e.g suppose you have database dbname_source in remoteDB and dbname_target in localDB then you can use the below commands for dump and restore
./pg_dump -U postgres -p 5432 -h <remote_IP> -Ft dbname_source > dump_of_source.sql.tar
./pg_restore -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 -d dbname_target dump_of_source.sql.tar


Copying Postgresql DB dump from remote server to local

I want to take a DB dump from a remote server and then copy this dump to my local.
I tried couple of commands but didn't worked.
Lastly I tried the command below;
pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d mydb | gzip > db1.gz
I succesffully take the DB and tried with restore from Pgadmin, it gives;
pg_restore: error: input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql
But at this point I can't use psql, I have to use Pgadmin and not sure if I'm able to get successfully DB dump to my local. I mean I can't verify with restore.
How can I take DB dump from remote server to my local?
Use the "custom" format:
pg_dump -F c -h -p 5432 -U postgres -f mydb.dmp mydb
That can be restores with pg_restore and hence with pgAdmin.
You do not have to use pgAdmin. pgAdmin uses pg_restore, and there is nothing that keeps you from using it too.

How do you create a database from a backup with PostgreSQL?

In SQL Server, I can create a new database on the server from a backup from another box. I can't seem to find that functionality in pgAdmin4 with PostgreSQL10. It seems like all I can do is restore an existing database. Do I need to just create a blank database first?
You can use --create or -C in pg_dump function to make database. From Documentation :
Begin the output with a command to create the database itself and
reconnect to the created database. (With a script of this form, it
doesn't matter which database in the destination installation you
connect to before running the script.)
For syntax :
pg_dump -C -U your_user -d your_db > filename.sql
pg_dump --create -U your_user -d your_db > filename.sql

pg_dump fails with error: `FATAL: role "username" does not exist`

I have a db named backupdb, I want to import this to my local rails app so I want to take a dump of it.
When I am running pg_dump backupdb, I am getting below error.
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "backupdb" failed: FATAL: role "username" does not exist
what's wrong here. Please help.
I downloaded the db from my email and then trying to create a dump so I can import it to my local rails app
Try this way, it works!!
$ pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Fc mydb > db.dump
This command will take the backup of complete database
pg_dump -h localhost -U "dbuser" "dbname" -Fc > "pathfilename.backup"
**ex:** pg_dump -h localhost -U mani manidb - Fc > "thamesdb.backup"
for more pg_dump formats please refer to this answer
You're giving "username" as username, which does not exist. You need to pass a username that exists (postgres would probably do).
add parameters --username=postgres --password and it will ask you for the password for user postgres. (you might have security set to trust in your pg_hba.conf in which case leaving out --password would work.
If someone has the same problem using intellij, here is what helped me:
In my case the Problem was, that i right clicked the datasource, but you have to open it and right click the database itself. So in the image below don't click on localDB. Right click the database name and then do a dump.
Hope this will help someone to solve this confusing UX problem. :D
I was having the same problem but after trying out different permutations of the command options while referencing the documentation, I was able to get it running with this order of options. The command I used is:
pg_dump.exe -h localhost -U postgres -t "shop*" -t "core*" -t "profiles*" -f "path/to/output/dir_or_file" mydbname
option prefix
Any tables whose name starts with (shop, core, or profiles (NOTE: for django app tables in my case))
file out
path where I want to save the dumped file
(End of cmd)
Note: as I have multiple versions of postgresql on my computer, I had to call the newest pg_dump executable. (Just for reference)

Create database from command line

I am trying to create a database from command line.
My OS is centos and postgres version is 10.9.
sudo -u postgres psql createdb test
Password for user test:
Why is it prompting me for the password?
Change the user to postgres :
su - postgres
Create User for Postgres (in the shell and NOT with psql)
$ createuser testuser
Create Database (same)
$ createdb testdb
Acces the postgres Shell
psql ( enter the password for postgressql)
Provide the privileges to the postgres user
$ alter user testuser with encrypted password 'qwerty';
$ grant all privileges on database testdb to testuser;
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'create database test;'
createdb is a command line utility which you can run from bash and not from psql. To create a database from psql, use the create database statement like so:
create database [databasename];
Note: be sure to always end your SQL statements with ;
As some of the answers point out, createdb is a command line utility that could be used to create database.
Assuming you have a user named dbuser, the following command could be used to create a database and provide access to dbuser:
createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U dbuser testdb
Replace localhost with your correct DB host name, 5432 with correct DB port, and testdb with the database name you want to create.
Now psql could be used to connect to this newly created database:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U dbuser -d testdb
Tested with createdb and psql versions 9.4.15.
As the default configuration of Postgres, a user called postgres is made and the user postgres has full super admin access to entire PostgreSQL instance running on your OS.
sudo -u postgres psql
The above command gets you the psql command line interface in admin mode.
Creating user
sudo -u postgres createuser <username>
Creating Database
sudo -u postgres createdb <dbname>
NOTE: < > are not to be used while writing command, they are used just to signify the variables
PostgreSQL Create Database - Steps to create database in Postgres.
Login to server using postgres - postgres
Connect to postgresql database.
bash-4.1$ psql
psql (12.1)
Type "help" for help.
Execute below command to create database.
CREATE DATABASE database_name;
Check for detailed information below:
createdb -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -U $PGUSER $PGDB
With a single command line:
su -c "createuser dbuser;createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -E UTF8 -O dbuser dbname;" - postgres
It is pretty simple but sometimes I find the answers tricky.
[For windows users]
Open Windows cmd
psql -U <username>
Once connected to psql, enter the following command to create a new database: CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;
To verify that the database has been created, you can run the \l command to list all available databases. Your new database should be listed in the output.------[Additional]------
You can now connect to the new database using the \c command followed by the database name, like this: \c <database_name>
You can now run SQL commands on the new database to create tables, insert data, and so on.
Note: Make sure to replace <username>, <database_name> with your actual Postgres username and database name.
If you are using pgAdmin:
In query editor you can try like this :
CREATE DATABASE <databasename>
OWNER = <dbowner>
ENCODING = <encoding>
CONNECTION LIMIT = <numberofsimulaneousconnections>;
an example snippet :
OWNER = postgres

Postgres - How to use psql to create a database with the -c command and password authentication?

If I run the following:
psql -h localhost -U admin -c "CREATE DATABASE sales OWNER admin;"
It returns:
psql FATAL: database "admin" does not exist
I need to use password authentication and have setup .pgpass as follows:
Any ideas?
By default, when you connect as a user, the database connected to is the DB of the same name as the user.
If you want to connect to a different DB, you must specify it in the psql command line. Since in this case you're trying to create the DB, you can't connect to it yet, you must connect to another DB (like template1 or postgres) that already exists.
psql -h localhost -U admin template1 -c "CREATE DATABASE sales OWNER admin;"