I'm trying to open an Abaqus GUI on a cluster. So far I've done this using:
I log in on the cluster using MobaXterm
I start a job using:
qsub -I - X -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=32gb
I load Abaqus:
module load abaqus/2019
I call the Abaqus GUI:
abaqus cae
As said, this used to work until the day before yesterday. Now I get the following error when I try this:
Abaqus License Manager checked out the following license:
"cae" from Flexnet server the_server
<15 out of 30 licenses remain available>
FXApp::openDisplay: unable to open display :0.0
Fatal Exception: connect
Abaqus Error: Abaqus/CAE Kernel excited with an error
I've looked around and it seems that somebody else had a very similar problem here, with solutions being posted here (see the figure below). However, the solution specifies '/etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf', a file I cannot seem to find (I'm using Windows).
Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
The problem was that
qsub -I - X -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=32gb
should be
qsub -I -X -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=32gb
(removing the space between - and X)
I have a script that runs in the background which uses watch to monitor a directory for changes. This works just fine. However, I had a need for the script which runs the monitoring script to be run as daemon. The daemon is running as the same user, but now watch is returning "1 Various failures."
I suspect that there is some environment variable that is not set right, but there are too many to use trial and error to diagnose the issue. And unfortunately, "Various failures" is not very helpful. Any ideas how I might diagnose this?
The command is
watch -d -t -g ls -l
I think something like the following can be used as a work-around.
diff <(ls -l) <(sleep 1; ls -l)
I finally discovered the following on stderr.
Error opening terminal: unknown.
It was easily resolved by the answer to error opening terminal. So it did turn out to be an environment variable. I don't see this error message in the code. Perhaps it occurs when making a system call that needs the terminal.
Error message I get after running in Term2 is...
➜ ~ psql
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/libpq.5.dylib
Reason: image not found
[1] 12990 abort psql
However psql does show in the standard bin path...
➜ ~ which psql
➜ ~
Others described a similar error from Readline but my error only mentions "libpq.5.dylib".
I think it should run OK since it does run from the menu provided by postgres.app...
I am stumped.
Any advice or assistance would be much appreciated : ) ...oh I am using MacOS 10.14.6 Mojave.
Kind regards, Nodrog.
The problem I was having with psql is that after installing Postgres.app, the psql supplied inside it was not included in the $PATH variable which I loaded from the file "/etc/paths". I tried first to add the path to psql inside the Postgres.app folder (this can be seen in the header when you open a database from the "elephant in the menu bar" mentioned by richyen). The path to add to this file looks something like...
In my case, I had two other apps that used psql with other unused implementations that triggered before my entry on the last line in my "/etc/paths" file.
By moving the above entry to the top of the "/etc/paths" file, I was able to get psql to trigger first (and therefore correctly) just like selecting from the "elephant in the menu bar".
Thanks to richyen for taking the trouble to respond to my question. : D
Kind regards, Nodrog.
I have been trying to pip install psycopg2 for some time now
I have just updated to python 3.7.4, before this problem started.
To set my path to a specific python version I used the code below.
nano .bash_profile
I thought that it would now be easy for my system to identify the path of the newly installed python, as to enable it to install psycopg2. Then the below started happening.
The second line of system terminal or python terminal is now always showing:
-bash: zzzzz#: command not found on my terminal
No matter what I type on my terminal, I am always getting command not found
This would mean you literally have "zzzzz" somewhere in the bash_profile. Bash is seeing "zzzzz" as just another command to run at startup like the rest of the profile script. As there is nothing in your PATH matching that string, bash reports the issue back to you.
Either remove the extra line from your .bash_profile. OR use a terribly wasteful work-around!
ln -s /bin/true /bin/zzzzz
This will create a symbolic link to the "true" binary (all it ever does is return true) from zzzzz. Now bash can find zzzzz and run it during start up, which does nothing. No more error and an absurd work around. You should fix the file.
First time Snort user and running into two issues. After installation on a Windows 10 machine, I am able to initialize snort via an elevated command prompt: snort -A console. While snort it running however I noticed "Warning: No Preprocessors configured for policy 0." mixed into the console output.
A quick Stackoverflow search pointed me to run the following command to solve this, they said: This message indicates that no snort preprocessor is loaded. In order to get rid of this warning, please use the command: snort -v -c /etc/snort/snort.conf
But when I run this command I am greeted with another error:
Running in IDS mode
--== Initializing Snort ==--
Initializing Output Plugins!
Initializing Preprocessors!
Initializing Plug-ins!
Parsing Rules file "/etc/snort/snort.conf"
ERROR: /etc/snort/snort.conf(0) Unable to open rules file "/etc/snort/snort.conf": No such file or directory.
Fatal Error, Quitting..
This is where I get lost since that's where I have the config file (initally it was just /etc/snort.conf, but created a snort folder so the directory / file exists).
If anyone has any insight into this I would be more than grateful!
Make sure the file snort.conf has necessary permission and ownership. The directory /etc/snort should contain "chmod -R 5775" level permission. If you are installing it from source, you would be always able to copy the snort.conf to /etc/snort.
After I setup fish as the main shell chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish, I've tried to use ls command in MATLAB, but I got the following error:
??? Error using ==> ls at 36
/usr/local/bin/fish: /opt/MATLAB/R2011a/sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15'
not found (required by /usr/local/bin/fish)
Someone knows why it happens? My actual solution is to reset bash as the main shell and always run fish to use it.
Matlab uses its own glibc librarires, and it's often a big mess because of that.
You can look at my answer there for one way to solve that:
GLIBCXX not found when compiling vtk example under mex