kie-maven-plugin for gradle 5.2.1 - drools

I have seen many examples kie-maven-plugin using maven. But i want to know how to make a plugin kie-maven-plugin in gradle project. Seems like that plugin is not avilable in gradle core plugin. I appriciate if someone share github project link


What is Buildship and is there a Gradle plugin for NetBeans?

Could someone explain this feature named "Buildship" in the Eclipse IDE marketplace? Is this feature available for the Netbeans IDE?
It is a plugin for Eclipse to provide integration with Gradle. It lets you perform Gradle related procedures from within the IDE.
E.g. You can easier import or start new projects configured with Gradle, the Gradle preferences menu allows you to choose which Gradle version will be used (the one installed in your OS or the project's wrapper), tasks view etc. There are some extra menus/buttons for easier access too. For a more thorough description, you can refer to the plugin's page in Eclipse marketplace or the plugin's Github page (it is open-source, as is Eclipse, as is Gradle itself).
It is included in the latest Eclipse versions, at least in the "for Java" and "for Enterprise Java" flavors of the IDE.
To avoid any possible confusion, there is:
The Buildship plugin for integrating Gradle to the Eclipse IDE, adding extra functionality to the IDE itself.
There is also the "eclipse" plugin, used in the build.gradle file of a project. This is a Gradle plugin that enables you to manipulate the files Eclipse uses to build your projects (.classpath, JDT settings etc) from within the buildscript using the Gradle DSL. You can use this plugin even if you are working in another IDE (so that the correct Eclipse files are created and another collaborating developer using Eclipse can correctly build your project).
These are two different plugins for different purposes.
I don't think "Buildship" itself is available for NetBeans since "Buildship" is the name for the Eclipse-specific plugin developed under the Eclipse github page.
For Netbeans exists this plugin for Gradle integration. (If you select Netbeans in, it redirects you to the Netbeans plugin website. The plugin version there seems very old but when you open the github page you will see it is actively developed with the latest release in 12/2018).
However I haven't used Netbeans with Gradle and I can not provide any reliable info on how tight the integration is or if there are any other solutions.

Cannot find debugging option with gradle buildship eclipse plugin

I am trying to debug a simple Ratpack application with gradle. I have gradle build builship plugin with my eclipse mars. I am just not able to find how I could debug a gradle based java application. Any help in this regard is really appriciated.
Got a note from Gradle community that the are still working on gradle debug plugin.

Gradle Plugin resolve artifact

Is it possible for a Gradle plugin to resolve an artifact on its own? I know that in Maven, plugins can inject the Aether RepositorySystem and use that to download artifacts (That's how the Appengine Maven Plugin downloads the Appengine SDK). Is there similar functionality in Gradle?
I don't know what exactly you are trying to achieve but there are two things you could do when it comes to adding artifacts to a project with a plugin:
simply add the dependency you wish to be resolved to one of project's configurations using the plugin and let Gradle resolve it for you
add a custom configuration and do whatever you need to do with the resolved artifact, just like gradle gae plugin does for downloading gae sdk here and here

Gaelyk eclipse configuration error

I've tried to configure a gaelyk project in eclipse using the gradle script of the template project and always failed.
to do this I use the following command:
gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse
All the packeges seems correctly downloaded, the .project and .classpath files are created but I always fint this error on the project:
The App Engine SDK 'C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches\artifacts\\appengine-api-1.0-sdk\c12498cf18507aa6433a94eb7d3e77d5\jars\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.6.1.jar' on the project's build path is not valid
(SDK location 'C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches\artifacts\\appengine-api-1.0-sdk\c12498cf18507aa6433a94eb7d3e77d5\jars\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.6.1.jar' is not a directory)
It seems that the appengine SDK is specified uncorrectly in the .classpath/.project files.
I've installed eclipse Indigo and the last version of the google plugin for eclipse
How can I fix it?
I am personally not using Eclipse for Gaelyk development. Therefore, I am not sure if the existing Eclipse configuration in the Gradle build script of the template project will work with the Google plugin.
However, a while ago I got a pull request for the Gradle GAE plugin to integrate with the Eclipse plugin. I had turned it down because it's too specific and it would lead to potentially a lot of bugs to the Gradle plugin as the Google configuration might change. The author was planning to creating a separate plugin for it so you can try to ping him.
I also know of another Gradle plugin that might help you here. Also try to post your question the Gaelyk mailing list.

Is there a maven plugin or mojo to build IntelliJ IDEA plugins

I'd like to use Maven to build an IntelliJ IDEA plugin. Googling and searching SO has failed me. Can anyone tell me if there is a such a Maven plugin?
If you're still interested in using Maven for IntelliJ plugin development, here's how we implemented at our company :
I don't think you need a dedicated one. A plugin is just a jar with a particular file descriptor. Nothing the standard plugins can't produce.