Error: Could not resolve the package 'rxdart' in 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart' - flutter

I created an example project inside a my flutter package and inside my example project i did:
sdk: flutter
path: ../
my_package used rxdart and i received an error after run my example project
Error: Could not resolve the package 'rxdart' in
I ran flutter packages get but the error is still here.

I just ran into the same issue. To solve it follow these steps:
Kill your app if it's running
Run flutter clean in both your main project directory and your my_package directory
Run flutter pub get in both your main project directory and your my_package directory
Now when you build your app you should be all set.

Check first, if you added rxdart package to your pubspec.yaml as shown below:
sdk: flutter
rxdart: ^0.24.1
Run flutter pub get


Stop flutter build runner from rebuilding my plugin

I have the following file structure in my flutter project
- router
- myplugin //is a dart package
-- input_folder
--- swagger.json
-- lib
--- swagger_generated_code
--- myplugin.dart
-- build.yml
and I use the following packages
the is related to the auto_route package
and the plugin is related to the swagger_dart_code_generator packge
The plugin has this build.yml from plugins/myplugin/build.yml
- lib/**
- input_folder/**
header: "//Generated code"
input_folder: "input_folder/"
output_folder: "lib/swagger_generated_code/"
But what ends up happening is that I run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
in my project root to rebuild the router as specified by the auto_route package. Which then gives the following error
FileSystemException: Cannot create file, path = './.dart_tool' (OS Error: Access is denied.
, errno = 5)
dart:io _File.createSync
package:swagger_dart_code_generator/swagger_dart_code_generator.dart 61:30 _generateExtensions
package:swagger_dart_code_generator/swagger_dart_code_generator.dart 99:32 SwaggerDartCodeGenerator.buildExtensions
package:build_runner_core/src/package_graph/apply_builders.dart 403:33 _validateBuilder
package:build_runner_core/src/package_graph/apply_builders.dart 183:9 new BuilderApplication.forBuilder.<fn>.<fn>
package:build_runner_core/src/package_graph/apply_builders.dart 346:27 _createBuildPhasesForBuilderInCycle.<fn>.<fn>
dart:core Iterable.toList
package:build_runner_core/src/package_graph/apply_builders.dart 293:8 createBuildPhases
package:build_runner_core/src/generate/build_impl.dart 109:29 BuildImpl.create
package:build_runner_core/src/generate/build_runner.dart 34:42 BuildRunner.create
package:build_runner/src/generate/build.dart 109:35 build
package:build_runner/src/entrypoint/build.dart 35:18 BuildCommand._run
package:args/command_runner.dart 209:13 CommandRunner.runCommand
package:build_runner/src/entrypoint/run.dart 26:18 run
.dart_tool\build\entrypoint\build.dart 35:16 main
If I open the plugin folder in a separate window and run the build command in there it works just fine for the plugin.
Is there a way to ignore the plugin folder when rebuilding the router perhaps?
But mainly my question is how can I rebuild my with my current structure? I can't remove the plugins folder, it needs to stay there as it is.
These are the versions I use
build_runner: ^2.1.8
auto_route_generator: ^3.2.3
chopper_generator: ^4.0.5
json_serializable: ^6.1.4
swagger_dart_code_generator: ^2.4.6
And I am on flutter version 2.10.3
Please share the code where you're initializing AutoRoute.
Meanwhile, this is what I would suggest:
Check if you're not doing anything wrong in the initialization/usage.
Make sure you are using build_runner in dev_dependencies.
Run this command on project root for one-time code generation: flutter pub run build_runner watch
Hi you can execute the buildrunner in a specific folder:
flutter pub run build_runner build lib/ --delete-conflicting-outputs

Error when add Provider package in flutter app

I want to add Provider package in my flutter app, but has error like follow image:
flutter pub pub add provider
This link don't solve it
I solved it :)
The name of your project can not be equal to package name.
The name of my project is provider and that is compiler gave an error.
In your package's pubspec.yaml add this line like below. Then run pub get/pub upgrade:
provider: ^5.0.0
Note: Indentation must be considered. Not valid
provider: ^5.0.0
This error is caused due to versioning error.
In your pubspec.yaml file
Leave the version blank, it will automatically select the best one according to
the other packages.
After this run flutter pub get

Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" when auto generating code with build_runner

After I have updated Flutter to v1.22 using code generation with build_runner was not working. I was told that the proper command to use in this version was:
dart pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting outputs
However, I receive the following error:
Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in "C:\Users\jpiab\AppData\Roaming\Pub\Cache\hosted\\_fe_analyzer_shared-2.2.0".
I have no idea why it is looking for pubspec.yaml in that folder, since that folder is not the current working directory.
--- EDIT ---
The file exists in path:
dart is just looking for it in the wrong place. Any ideas on how to fix it?
I solved for me. I use Android Studio in Ubuntu 20.04.01 LTS.
Firstly run this command:
flutter pub get
After run this command:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
Deleting the .pub-cache folder.
and then run pub get
If above method won't work then delete the folder
and then run pub get from within your project directory.
That same error I had and I resolved it by aligning my dependencies. Check if your build_runner is in the same line as flutter_test if you added it to dev_dependencies.
Error Corrected
sdk: flutter
build_runner: [latest]
My Error
sdk: flutter
build_runner: [latest]
I fixed it by changing the environment variable PUB_CACHE to the right folder.
Make sure you run the flutter command from the project's root directory.
As you can see, Running the command from a specific folder reproduces this error while everything works as expected from the project's root directory.

Error on locating local flutter package in another folder

i created a flutter package using the command
flutter create --template=package my_query
And it works fine, now i wanna use this package on my other application.
I added my package on the dependecies and also the path
sdk: flutter
path: ./Users/Name/Desktop/Flutter/my_query
error message:
pub get failed (66; Because flutter_email depends on couch_db from path
which doesn't exist (could not find package couch_db at
"‪./Users/Name/Desktop/Flutter/my_query"), version solving failed.)
exit code 66
This is the directory of my package
How to do the path correctly?
try to set the path to your package in relation to the location of your pubspec.yaml file.
E.g. if your folder flutter-projects contains a folder with flutter-app and your package my-query, try referencing my-query in your pubspec.yaml like this:
path: ../my-query
Let me know if this solved your issue!

Error in terminal while running flutter pub get: Response:

I am new to flutter and SO, I tried this Flutter force higher package dependency version,
My code was
intl: ^0.15.0
I replaced it with
intl: ^0.16.0
But I still get this error
$ flutter pub get
Error: No pubspec.yaml file found.
This command should be run from the root of your Flutter project.
Do not run this command from the root of your git clone of Flutter.
This isn't a pubspec issue. You're simply executing the command from the wrong directory.
cd into the directory where your flutter project files are. That will be the folder that contains other folders like, build, android, ios, lib along with the pubspec.yaml file. Run flutter pub get from there.
Go to the root of your project, where the lib and other directories exist. Then run the command. The best is to use the terminal of your code editor as the path would be same as root of your project in there.