I'm looking to do the Following Steps:
Reading in a CSV File
Add The Contents from the CSV File to An Array
Compare the Contents from the CSV with the Contents from another Array
If the Items in the Array aren't members of the CSV Array
Send Email
I First Tried Running the Script with One Host Missing from the Reports2 CSV File, This Missing Host was displayed to the Console and Written to the Reports2 File, but Still when i Re-Run the Code it still displays the last Element (Host that was Missing From Reports2.CSV):
This is the script I'm currently working On:
EDIT: I have now edited the code snippet to reflect the working solution
$user = ''
$pswd = ''
$vCenter_Servers = ""
$now = Get-Date
$start = $now.AddDays(-15)
$esxiHosts = Import-CSV C:\Scripts\Report1.csv #Reading CSV File
$MaitanceMode = #()
$Ticket = #()
foreach($ESXI in $esxiHosts){
$Ticket += $ESXI | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach($vCenter in $vCenter_Servers) {
$srv = Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenter -User $user -Password $pswd
Get-VMHost -PipelineVariable esx -Server $srv | Where-Object {$_.ConnectionState -eq 'Maintenance'} |
ForEach-Object -Process {
$maintEntered = Get-VIEvent -Entity $esx -Start $start -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) -Server $srv |
Where-Object{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.EnteredMaintenanceModeEvent]}
else {
$MaitanceMode += $esx | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
} #Ending ForEach Loop
$NoTicket = $MaitanceMode | Where {$Ticket -Contains $_}
You should instantiate your array containing the results as an empty array, probably before ForEach-Object -Process {... with $MaitanceMode = #() and when you want to add elements to it, replace this line:
$MaitanceMode = $esx | select name
$MaitanceMode += $esx | select name
Further replace this line:
$esxiHosts = Import-CSV C:\Scripts\Report2.csv
by this line:
$esxiHosts = Import-CSV C:\Scripts\Report2.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
and this line:
$MaitanceMode += $esx | select name
by this line:
$MaitanceMode += $esx | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
And don't forget to instantiate $MaitanceMode as an empty array. This is now mandatory. Otherwise it will become a string and not an array.
Despite the accepted answer from #Thomas, it is not correct to use the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection in PowerShell. For one thing, it is a very expensive syntax.
see: Why should I avoid using the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection.
To build a collection of objects in PowerShell, you should use the PowerShell pipeline by removing the <variable> += of the concerned commands (this will leave the objects on the pipeline) and catch the whole collection by adding <variable> = in front of the iterator (e.g. Foreach-Object). By using this PowerShell syntax, there is no need to initiate the arrays (<variable> = #()).
Taking your script as an example:
$user = ''
$pswd = ''
$vCenter_Servers = ""
$now = Get-Date
$start = $now.AddDays(-15)
$esxiHosts = Import-CSV C:\Scripts\Report1.csv #Reading CSV File
$Ticket = foreach($ESXI in $esxiHosts){
$ESXI | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach($vCenter in $vCenter_Servers) {
$srv = Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenter -User $user -Password $pswd
Get-VMHost -PipelineVariable esx -Server $srv | Where-Object {$_.ConnectionState -eq 'Maintenance'} |
$MaitanceMode = ForEach-Object -Process {
$maintEntered = Get-VIEvent -Entity $esx -Start $start -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) -Server $srv |
Where-Object{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.EnteredMaintenanceModeEvent]}
else {
$esx | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
} #Ending ForEach Loop
$NoTicket = $MaitanceMode | Where {$Ticket -Contains $_}
Is there any Powershell script or how can i modify this script to import multiple ips as a csv file if a vm has multiple ip addresses ?
This is my existing script
# Create Report Array
$report = #()
# Get all the VMs from the selected subscription
$vms = Get-AzVM
# Get all the Network Interfaces
$nics = Get-AzNetworkInterface | Where-Object { $_.VirtualMachine -NE $null }
foreach ($nic in $nics) {
$ReportDetails = "" | Select-Object ip-address, vm_name, interface_name
$vm = $vms | Where-Object -Property Id -eq $nic.VirtualMachine.id
$ReportDetails.vm_name = $vm.Name
$ReportDetails.ip-address = [String]$nic.IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress
$ReportDetails.interface_name = $nic.Name
$report += $ReportDetails
$report | Sort-Object VMName | Format-Table ip-address, vm_name, interface_name
$report | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $reportFile
As a general recommendation, you should try to avoid using the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection, besides $null` should be on the left side of the equality comparison.
For the concerned script and expanding the ip_address property this would mean:
# Get all the VMs from the selected subscription
$vms = Get-AzVM
# Get all the Network Interfaces
$nics = Get-AzNetworkInterface | Where-Object { $Null -ne $_.VirtualMachine }
$ReportDetails = foreach ($nic in $nics) {
$vm = $vms | Where-Object -Property Id -eq $nic.VirtualMachine.id
vm_name = $vm.Name
ip_address = $_
interface_name = $nic.Name
csv is not designed to support properties with multivalues (e.g. array). you could use json instead:
$report | convertto-json | set-content -path $reportFile
Or if it has to be a csv you can flattern the structure or join the array to a delimited string, e.g.
$ReportDetails.ip-address = ($nic.IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress -join "|")
I am trying to create a csv file which contains the username and the group memberships from a list of usernames to a CSV file.
But the CSV file is formatted as below
Username and group in 1 cell
$list = Get-Content c:\Tools\Powershell\ACA\userlist.txt
$list | `
$user = $_;
get-aduser $user -Properties memberof | `
select -expand memberof | `
%{new-object PSObject -property #{User=$user;Group=$_;}} `
} |
export-csv –Path "C:\Tools\Powershell\ADUsers.csv" -Delimiter ‘;’ –NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
How can I have the formatting as the first cell with the username and the below cells with the groups
Export-CSV is the wrong way to achieve your desired solution.
You should be better with something like this:
$excelfile = "C:\Daten\test.xlsx"
###Excel Parameter###
$excel = New-Object -COM "Excel.Application"
$excel.displayalerts = $false
$excel.visible = $false
$excel.usercontrol = $false
$Worksheet.Activate() | Out-null
$x = 1
$y = 1
$list = get-content c:\daten\list.txt
foreach ($user in $list){
$groups = (get-aduser $user -Properties memberof | select -expand memberof | %{new-object PSObject -property #{User=$user;Group=$_;}} | select -ExpandProperty Group)
$z = $groups.count
$excel.cells.item($y,$x) = $user
for ($i = 2; $i -le $groups.count+1; $i++)
$excel.cells.item($i,$x) = $groups[$i]
get-process *excel* | kill -Force
Its not 100% correct. Something is wrong with the counter of the username. First user works good though.
I have an empty array that's storing all my windows services that start with certain strings such as OPS-AmazonServer,not included in the code I provided is where I parse the service to just say it's application name.
I then have a CSV file with a list of service names labeled under 'Application Name'. It looks like this
What I want to do is compare the service stored in the array to the CSV list but I can't seem to figure out how the logic flows.
$services = get-service Centinel* -ComputerName $serverName | select -expand name
$centinelServices = #()
$services = get-service OPS* -ComputerName $serverName | select -expand name
$opsServices = #()
$services = #()
foreach($service in $centinelServices) {
$services += $service
foreach($service in $opsServices) {
$services += $service
$csvLocation = "\\logserver\Cardinal\OPS\QA\Task\conf\Centinel\app-restart.csv"
$masterList = import-csv $csvLocation
$applications = #()
$masterList | ForEach-Object {$applications += $_.ApplicationName}
forEach($service in $services){
forEach($application in $applications){
if($service -eq $application){
"$service match found"
else {
"$service match not found"
Ok, easiest way to do this is to use Compare-Object, and a little magic with Select.
I'm going to assume that the ApplicationName column in your CSV is a list of strings that match up with the Name property in your Windows Services list. So let's start by importing that CSV, and changing the property name of ApplicationName to just Name, so that it matches the related property on your Windows Service objects.
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select #{l='Name';e={$_.ApplicationName}}
Then we simply use Compare-Object to see what's in both lists:
Compare-Object (Get-Service) -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name -IncludeEqual
If you wanted to parse that you can always pipe it to a Where clause, or use combinations of -IncludeEqual and -ExcludeDifferent parameters:
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select #{l='Name';e={$_.ApplicationName}}
$myServices = Get-Service
$foundServices = Compare-Object $myServices -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
$servicesNotInMaster = Compare-Object $myServices -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name | Where {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='}
$servicesNotFoundLocally = Compare-Object $myServices -DifferenceObject $masterList -Property Name | Where {$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'}
Or using the Switch cmdlet to do it all in one go:
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select #{l='Name';e={$_.ApplicationName}}
$myServices = Get-Service
Switch(Compare-Object $myServices -dif $masterList -prop Name -includeequal -PassThru){
{$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='} {[array]$servicesNotInMaster += $_}
{$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'} {[array]$servicesNotFoundLocally += $_}
{$_.SideIndicator -eq '=='} {[array]$foundServices += $_}
Edit: Ok, updating from your addition to the OP. Looks like you could be well served by simply using a Where clause rather than getting services over and over.
$services = Get-Service -ComputerName $serverName | Where{$_.Name -like 'ops*' -or $_.Name -like 'Centinel*'} | Select -Expand Name
Then you import your CSV, and use Select -Expand again to get the value of the property, rather than looping through it like you were before.
$masterList = Import-Csv $csvLocation | Select -Expand ApplicationName
Now you just have two arrays of strings, so this actually gets even simpler than comparing objects... You can use the -in operator in a Where statement like this:
$services | Where{$_ -in $masterList} | ForEach{"$_ match found"}
That basically filters the $services array to look for any strings that are in the $masterList array. This will only work for exact matches though! So if the service is listed as 'OPS-AmazonServer', but in your CSV file it is listed at just 'AmazonServer' it will not work! I use that example specifically because you have that in your example in your question. You specifically call out the service named 'OPS-AmazonServer' and then in your CSV sample you list just 'AmazonServer'.
If the listings in the CSV are partial strings that you want to match against you could use RegEx to do it. This will probably make less sense if you aren't familiar with RegEx, but this would work:
$services = Get-Service -ComputerName $serverName | Where{$_.Name -like 'ops*' -or $_.Name -like 'Centinel*'} | Select -Expand Name
$masterList = (Import-Csv $csvLocation | ForEach{[regex]::escape($_.ApplicationName)}) -join '|'
$services | Where{ $_ -match $masterList } | ForEach{"$_ match found"}
I want to add a specific selection of data in a variable like this:
$a = Get-Service | select -First 10 | ? Name -Like "App*"
$collection = $null
foreach($item in $a){
if($item.Status -like "Running"){
$collection = $collection + $item
When trying to run I got an error like:
No method found "op_addition"
What can I do to save my selection in a separate variable?
At first, $collection is $null.
Then, after the first loop iteration, $collection is a single ServiceController object, since $null + $object is just $object.
On the second loop iteration, it fails because ServiceController don't have any overloads for +, just as the error informs you.
You'll need to declare $collection an actual collection (you can use the #() array subexpression operator) for + to work they way you expect:
$a = Get-Service | select -First 10 | ? Name -Like "App*"
$collection = #()
foreach($item in $a){
if($item.Status -like "Running"){
$collection = $collection + $item
Alternatively, assign all the output from the loop directly to $collection:
$a = Get-Service | select -First 10 | ? Name -Like "App*"
$collection = foreach($item in $a){
if($item.Status -like "Running"){
Which could of course be simplified with a single Where-Object statement in the pipeline:
$collection = Get-Service App* |Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Running'}
I'm trying to find the next available computer name in out domain. Our computers use a naming format
I can find the existing computer accounts and add 1 but I can't work out for to get it to start looking at 001, I'm aware of the use of "{0:d3}" -f but I'm not using it correctly. Can anyone help?
function GetComputerList($ComputerName)
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = “LDAP://dc=domain,dc=local”
$objSearcher.Filter = ("(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=$ComputerName))")
$colProplist = "name"
$objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
foreach ($i in $colPropList){[void]$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)}
$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
foreach ($objResult in $colResults)
{$objComputer = $objResult.Properties; $objComputer.name}
$HostName = Finance
$unit="{0:d3}" -f $_
$num = GetComputerList("$HostName*") | Foreach {[int]($_.Name)} | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1
$name = $HostName+($unit+($num+1))
Try this, it gets all computer with name starting with 'departmentName', strips all a-z characters, leaving just the numbers, converts the numbers to integers and sorting them to find the largest one:
$searcher = [ADSISearcher]'(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=departmentName*))'
$searcher.PageSize = 1000
$last = $searcher.FindAll() | Foreach-Object { [int]($_.Properties.name -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1
$digitLength = "$last".Length
$NewComputerName = "{0}{1:D$digitLength}" -f 'departmentName',($last+1)
# get next available number in a range of numbers. returns 5 for 1,2,3,4,6,7,9
$number = $searcher.FindAll() | Foreach-Object { [int]($_.Properties.name -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object
for($i=0; $i -lt $number.length; $i++) {if( $number[$i+1]-$number[$i] -gt 1) {$number[$i]+1; break} }
try this:
$searcher = [ADSISearcher]'(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=Finance*))'
$searcher.PageSize = 1000
$last = $searcher.FindAll() | Foreach-Object {
[string]($_.Properties.name -replace '\D') } | Sort-Object
$i = 0
$last | % { if ($i -ne [int]$_ ) { $new = $i.tostring().padleft(3,'0'); break }
{ $i++ }}
$newComputerName = "finance" + $new
based on the information in this post I have made a few changes and tweaks to the code for my environment to check more than just AD.. and also fixed it not filling in blanks at the start of a range.. I have blogged it here: AutoGeneratingServer Names
copy of the code here too, and I know it can be refactored lots!
# ********************************************************
$startOfName = "xxxYYYZZWEB"
# ********************************************************
# VMWare Details
$ADVIServers = #("vsphere1.blah.local","vsphere2.blah.local","vsphere3.blah.local","vsphere4.blah.local")
$StandAloneHosts = #()
# DNS Details
$DNSServer = "xxxxxx.blah.local"
# SCCM 2012 Details
$SCCM2012SiteServer = "sccm2012.blah.local"
$SCCM2012SiteCode = 'SiteCode'
# SCCM 2007 Details
$SCCM2007SiteServer = "sccm2007.blah.local"
$SCCM2007SiteCode = 'SiteCode2'
# SCOM 2007 Details
$SCOMServer = "scom.blah.local"
# Create Empty Arrays
$VMNumbers = #()
$ADnumbers = #()
$DNSNumbers = #()
$SCCM2012Numbers = #()
$SCCM2007Numbers = #()
$SCOM2007Numbers = #()
# VMWare
Write-Verbose "Processing VMware"
Add-PSSnapin vmware.vimautomation.core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Set options for certificates and connecting to multiple enviroments
$null = Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Confirm:$False
$null = Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple -Scope User -Confirm:$False
# Connect to each AD Authenticated viServer
foreach ($VIServer in $ADVIServers){$null = Connect-VIServer $VIServer -verbose:$false}
# Connect to standalone host
foreach ($Host in $StandAloneHosts){$null = Connect-VIServer $Host -User 'usernamehere' -Password 'passwordhere' -verbose:$false}
# get next available number in a range of numbers.
$VMNames = Get-VM -Name "$($startOfName)*" -verbose:$false |select Name
$VMNames |select Name | Foreach-Object {Write-Verbose $_.Name} | Sort-Object
$VMNumbers = $VMNames |select Name | Foreach-Object {[int]($_.Name -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object
Write-Verbose "$($VMNumbers.Count) Matching entries found"
# Active Directory
Write-Verbose "Processing Active Directory"
# Issue Query
$searcher = [ADSISearcher]"(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=$($StartOfName)*))"
$searcher.PageSize = 1000
# get next available number in a range of numbers. returns 5 for 1,2,3,4,6,7,9 From AD
$ADNames = $searcher.FindAll() | Foreach-Object {[string]$_.Properties.name} | Sort-Object
$ADNames | Foreach-Object {Write-Verbose $_} | Sort-Object
$ADnumbers = $ADNames | Foreach-Object {[int]($_ -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object
Write-Verbose "$($ADnumbers.Count) Matching entries found"
# Search DNS
Write-Verbose "Processing DNS"
# Import DNS module
Import-Module dnsShell -Verbose:$false
$DNSNames = get-dnsRecord -server $DNSServer -RecordType A -Zone blah.local | select Name |where {$_.Name -like "$($startOfName)*"}
$DNSNames | Foreach-Object {Write-Verbose $_.Name} | Sort-Object -Unique
$DNSNumbers = $DNSNames | Foreach-Object {[int]($_.Name -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object -Unique
Write-Verbose "$($DNSNumbers.Count) Matching entries found"
# Search SCCM
Write-Verbose "Processing SCCM 2012"
# Query SCCM2012 Env
$SCCM2012Members = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SCCM2012SiteServer -Namespace "ROOT\SMS\site_$SCCM2012SiteCode" -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_FullCollectionMembership WHERE CollectionID='SMS00001' AND Name LIKE '$($startOfName)%' order by name" | select Name -Unique
$SCCM2012Members |select Name | Foreach-Object {Write-Verbose $_.Name} | Sort-Object
$SCCM2012Numbers = $SCCM2012Members |select Name | Foreach-Object {[int]($_.Name -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object
Write-Verbose "$($SCCM2012Numbers.Count) Matching entries found"
Write-Verbose "Processing SCCM 2007"
# Query SCCM2007 Env
$SCCM2007Names = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SCCM2007SiteServer -Namespace "root\sms\site_$SCCM2007SiteCode" -class "SMS_R_System" -filter "Name LIKE `"$startOfName%`"" |select Name | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique
$SCCM2007Names |select Name | Foreach-Object {Write-Verbose $_.Name} | Sort-Object
$SCCM2007Numbers = $SCCM2007Names |select Name | Foreach-Object {[int]($_.Name -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object
Write-Verbose "$($SCCM2007Numbers.Count) Matching entries found"
# Search Production SCOM 2007
Write-Verbose "Processing SCOM 2007"
#Initialize SCOM SnapIn
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -verbose:$false
#Connect to Production SCOM 2007 Env.
$null = New-ManagementGroupConnection -ConnectionString $SCOMServer
#Connect to SCOM Provider
Push-Location 'OperationsManagerMonitoring::'
# Get Agents Matching Name
$SCOM2007Names = Get-ManagementServer |Get-Agent |Where {$_.Name -like "$($startOfName)*"}
$SCOM2007Names | Foreach-Object {Write-Verbose $_.Name} | Sort-Object
$SCOM2007Numbers = $SCOM2007Names | Foreach-Object {[int]($_.Name -replace '\D').Trim() } | Sort-Object
Write-Verbose "$($SCOM2007Numbers.Count) Matching entries found"
# Return to previous location
# Merge arrays adding a zero so we allways start issuing numbers from the beginning (ie 001)
$list = #(0) + $VMNumbers + $ADnumbers + $DNSNumbers + $SCCM2012Numbers + $SCCM2007Numbers + $SCOM2007Numbers
# Remove Duplicates numbers from the array and sort into numerical order
$list = $list | Sort-Object -Unique
Write-Verbose "Used numbers after sorting: $($list)"
# Determine if next server name is a gap in the sequence in the array
for($i=0; $i -lt $list.length; $i++) {
if( $list[$i+1]-$list[$i] -gt 1) {
# The gap between the current server number and the next element in the array is greater than 1
# So we have an available number we can use.
# TODO: - Add support for consecutive numbers IE build 6 servers with consecutive numbers.
$num = "{0:000}" -f ($list[$i]+1)
# If no gap found in the sequence then use the next number from the sequence in the array
if ($num -eq $null) {
$num = "{0:000}" -f (($list[-1]+1))
# Construct new name
$NewComputerName = "{0}{1}" -f $startOfName,$num
# Create DNS Record to 'reserve / mark the name as in use'
Write-Verbose "Creating DNS Reservation"
New-DnsRecord -Name $NewComputerName -IPAddress "" -Zone blah.local -Type A -Server $DNSServer
write-output $NewComputerName