What is the Variable Editor in Octave GUI - matlab

Can someone tell me what the variable editor section of Octave GUI does? Is it supposed to be like MATLAB's Live scripts?

please see screenshots in this below report


Command Window Output with MATLAB GUI

I am pretty new to MATLAB GUI. I've attempted to teach it to myself the last few weeks so I can understand and improve some code that is being developed where I work. GUI is still a fairly new concept to me.
I am wondering: I need the command window to output the mean of a set of data according to a function that is called by pressing a button on the GUI. Where would I include this code and how should I go about it?
You can debug the code by using 'disp' or 'fprintf' functions. Notice that converts your content to compatible with the function.

How can I create a tab in MatLab GUI?

I am sorry for asking the same questions which has been asked before. But the thing is I am not in matlab for a long and especially during trying to build a GUI I am crossing some problems which looks like complicated when l compare which C#.
Now I am using Matlab 7.12.0(R2011a) and I want to know the possibility to add tab in my GUI to make it more clear.
I am appreciate for answers which could give me an idea to figure out.
You can create tabs using uipanels where you toggle the visibility to reproduce the tab like behaviou, there are a few utilisties on the Matlab FEX.
To do this you need to be happy with creating GUI's using code only (no guide).
If you do want an easy interactive way of creating a GUI with tabs then I have my own commercial GUI toolbox that creates very nice tabs.

Can I use MATLAB editor without running MATLAB?

Is there any way to open MATLAB editor without opening MATLAB ? I would like to edit my codes using MATLAB editor and my laptop is getting very slow. So Can I just open MATLAB editor?
Also, is there any good editor like MATLAB's editor?
The MATLAB Editor is part of the IDE, so you can't launch it without launching MATLAB.
Notepad++ is a great text editor for Windows, that supports syntax highlighting for many languages, including MATLAB, and is pretty lightweight.
You can just open it in notepad or text editor. Just right click on it and select open with and then select whichever text editor you want to use.
Since MATLAB GUI is quite computationally expensive I open MATLAB without the GUI:
matlab -nodesktop
In such a way I have the MATLAB prompt ready to work and I edit files with sublime text editor setting MATLAB syntax.
It looks like this:

How to start Matlab profiler

I switched to Matlab 2012b (from 2011a), but fail to find out how to start the profiler gui in the new matlab gui.
The GUI option is still there, in the editor tab:
You will be able to specify input parameters once the function has crashed ;)
AFAIK, this should still work:
profile viewer
while we're at it, these tweaks should still work, too:
profile -memory on
setpref('profiler', 'showJitLines', true);
I don't have the opportunity to check, but you mean to say that R2012 doesn't have the little button on the top anymore?

Non Maximized matlab GUI figure

Is there a way to create a GUI which starts as a maximized windows?
I've tried to add set(gcf,'Units','normalized','Position',[0,0,1,1]); at the end of my gui's mygui_OpeningFcn() function but the GUI is not maximized properly (see printscreen).
Setting the GUI properties at GUIDE to Units-'normalized' and Position-[0,0,1,1] didn't help either.
I've also tried to use the Matlab File Exchange maximize function by adding maximize(handle.figure1); at the end of my gui's mygui_OpeningFcn() but it doesn't work either (same visual result - a GUI which is not entirely maximized).
Is there a way to make the Matlab GUI appear as a maximized figure when I launch it?
Why am I getting this strange visual behavior of the GUI?
If you are on a Windows machine, I suggest you use the WindowAPI submission from FEX. It directly calls Windows API functions (using a MEX file), thus allowing far more advanced control of figures than just minimize and maximize:
hFig = figure('Menubar','none');