Crystal Report in 2017 do not display data - crystal-reports

This is currently my problem. I used 2017 and database in xampp server. I watched a video from youtube and it says to connect it with ODBC connector. But all I can see from server explorer are tables only from my database. I cant see the columns under such tables. And when I run the program, crystal report does not display the data, only the column names. What am I gonna do? huhu help me pleeeaaase.
When i try to add data connection, this window shows no "MySQL Database". I am using Visual Studio Community 2017 and I installed mysql for visual studio 8.0
enter image description here


Visual Studio 2022 -Crystal reports Application - Crystal Reports presents a blank report

I recently installed Visual Studio 2022 along with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio (RforVS6413SP33_0-80007712)
I am able to preview data in the dataset but my report shows no data whatsoever.
Getting desperate/
It was supposed to be simple.
Any clue ?
I tried everything that I could think of, really ... Including making a test report with just one table (no joins or anything)
I am using Visual Studio for windows and it's a VB app.
Windows 10 Pro and SQL server Express.

crystal reports 13 Oracle connection problem

I'm trying to migrate a small .NET application (VS2008, Crystal Report 10, OS Win7 32-bit)
The application has got 2 reports that use some data of an oracle database version 11g Release 2 (
When I upgrade the application (VS2019Pro, latest Crystal Report (CR13SP25), OS Win10 64-bit) the application itself runs as expected and the 2 crystal reports show the proper data.
It's only when I open Database Expert in crystal report designer and try to access the Oracle connection, I receive an error when trying to pull the list of tables of that connection.
I've tried all 3 possible Oracle connections and all of them give a (different) error:
(1) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle (MSDAORA): "ADO error code: 0x80004005 - Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019"
(2) OLE DB for Oracle (OraOLEDB.Oracle): "ADO error code: 0x8000ffff"
(3) Oracle Server (crdb oracle): "Unknown error in database connector"
Now the weird part is that sometimes I do have access to those 3 connections in Database Expert, meaning the list of tables becomes visible.
This happens very rarely and doesn't last for a long time. I've also noticed that when this happens I can access all 3 different connections, so it's "all or nothing".
This behaviour is the same when I create a new solution and add a new crystal report or when I use Visual Studio 2017 Professional instead of 2019.
Anybody has an idea on how to fix this kind of behaviour?
Thanks in advance!
Finally managed to solve this one.
First I opened the old project in Visual Studio 2019, triggering the conversion screens of both the solution itself and Crystal Reports (choose Yes).
Since my original solution was using the (obsolete) Microsoft OLE DB connection for Oracle I’d first created a new connection, in Database Expert (in An existing Crystal Report), that used the OLE DB provider of Oracle situated in OLE DB (ADO).
Next I replaced the old connection by the new one (again in Database Expert).
After applying this to all of the existing reports, everything was working properly!

Visual Studio 2015 - Sql Server Project Database Diagram

Is there as way to create database diagram in Visual Studio as a Sql Server Project?
I know it is possible to do it in sql server management studio, but I am also wondering if it is possible to do in Visual studio.
As per MSDN ( the Visual Database Designer was deprecated in Visual Studio 2013.
If you're using an older version of Visual Studio, note that support for the design tool within Visual Studio stops at SQL Server 2008 R2. (See "Important" box on top of page at )
The short answer: no.
Actually there are two ways that i know In Visual Studio.
Add to project ADO.NET Entity Data model. It creates for you a .edmx file which contains a tables with relation.
More info MSDN. It also install Entity framework.
Open Server explorer > Connection to Database. Select Microsoft SQL Server, Server name=.; (or your PC name) and then choose your database schema.
You can check this video.
I hope it helps you.

Show Data Table missing on Visual Studio 2013 + SQL Server 2012 Express

A similar topic as this has been discussed, but my problem lies with a different version of Visual Studio; I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Professional and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express.
I am following this tutorial and I have progressed to the "Accessing Your Model's Data from a Controller" section.
It says to open Server Explorer, expand Tables and right-click the Movies table and select Show Table Data. This option is missing (along with Add New Table, Add New Trigger, New Query and Open Table Definition). I only have Copy, Refresh and Properties.
Other posts talk about SQL Server Data Tools. On the page to download it there is a link to download "Download Visual Studio 2013 with SQL Server Tooling", which goes to a page to download a trial copy of Visual Studio 2013.
It makes little sense to me. Am I suppose to have the option in 2013 Professional or not? I have also installed Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
I had the same problem. I tried to install SSDT for Visual Studio. Make sure that the Visual studio version matches.
The reason for me to have this problem: Because I reinstalled SQL server management, and this overwrote the "old" one (which is match VS).

Crystal Report - Changing DB location not working

I've worked with Crystal Reports for several yrs but now with a particular report created by another developer, I cannot change the DB connection/location.
He used an OLE DB connection and created the report for use in a Windows App using Visual Studio. The report works "sort of" in Visual Studio but I have a higher version of VS (VS 2010) than the developer but it is causing issues on the formulas he uses.
I am now just trying to open the report outside of VS directly in Crystal and I can't get it to update the db location.
I created an ODBC linc and tried using it to swap out the db location and it says:
"Data Object cannot be opened/accessed" ... followed by "Unknown Database Connector Error"
I don't know how to troubleshoot this further. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I had the same issue, and was able to resolve it by selecting the SQL Server Native Client 10.0 driver rather than the 11.0 one when setting up the ODBC connection.
You have to delete the original if you want to have the same name.