HELM _helpers.tpl : How to check if template block is defined in _helpers.tpl? - kubernetes-helm

I want to check if a template block has been defined in _helpers.tpl.
Sudo Code:
{{- if "sample.color" template is defined }}
color: {{ include "sample.color" . }}
{{- else }}
color: {{ .Values.color }}
{{- end }}
Is there a way to achieve {{- if "sample.color" template is defined }} in helm?


HELM: include named template inside tpl .Files.Get fails

structure of folders:
- alertmanager.rules
- nodes.rules
- _helpers.tpl
- prometheus.yaml
- name: Alertmanager
- alert: PrometheusAlertmanagerConfigurationReloadFailure
expr: |
# Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see
# https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details.
max_over_time(alertmanager_config_last_reload_successful{app_kubernetes_io_name="alertmanager"}[5m]) == 0
for: 10m
severity: critical
{{ include _default_rule_labels . }}
type: Alertmanager
summary: Prometheus AlertManager configuration reload failure
description: |
The error could be caused by recent changes and could be caused by an incorrect configuration of alertmanager template (defined in templates/prometheus.yaml).
Or it can be caused by incorrect route(s) configuration (typically in argocd/apps/values.yaml)
Collect alertmanager rules from files
{{- define "alertmanager.rules" -}}
{{- range $path, $_ := .Files.Glob "files/alertmanager/rules/**.rules" }}
{{ tpl ($.Files.Get $path) $ }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Set default alert rule labels
{{- define "_default_rule_labels" -}}
environment: {{ .Values.environment }}
client: {{ .Values.client }}
cluster: {{ .Values.eks_cluster }}
sla: {{ .Values.sla }}
{{- end }}
{{- include "alertmanager.rules" . | nindent 14 }}
I'm getting the following error when trying to render the prometheus.yaml template:
✗ helm template . -s templates/prometheus.yaml
parse error at (root/templates/prometheus.yaml:15): function "_default_rule_labels" not defined
How to approach?
I can render {{ .Values.something }} inside files/alertmanager/rules/alertmanager.rules, but inclusion of named templates throws an error.

Helm Chart environment from values file

I have the following values file:
MYVAR: 12123
MYVAR2: 214123
I want to iterate over them and use them as env variables in my deployment template:
{{- range .Values.examplemap }}
- name: {{ .name }}
value: {{ .value }}
{{- end }}
I tried this
For iterate over a map in helm you can try put this in the values.yaml
- name: ENV_NAME_1
value: value123
- name: ENV_NAME_2
value: value123
So in your template you must iterate the extraEnvs like this:
{{- range .Values.image.extraEnvs }}
- name: {{ .name | quote }}
value: {{ .value | quote }}
{{- end }}
In the core Go text/template language, the range operator can iterate over either a list or a map. There's specific syntax to assign the key-value pairs in a map to local variables:
{{- $k, $v := range .Values.examplemap }}
- name: {{ $k }}
value: {{ $v }}
{{- end }}

Helm: overloading global variables on {{ include }} call?

I have a shared metadata block, based on the commons library that I would like to override a name for one specific instance. Is it possible?
{{ include "common.metadata" (merge (dict ".Values.fullnameSuffix" "-redirect") .) }} # Doesn't work - How do I add a `-redirect` suffix?
name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-redirect # Causes two `name:` attributes
Within common.metadata there is a call to "fullname" as well:
{{ define "common.metadata" -}}
name: {{ template "common.fullname" . }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
{{- end -}}
Is there a way to pass-down a variable override from the first include so that I can override the name:? It's specific only to this chart.
Use set to add a new key/value pair to a dictionary and pass it to slightly modified common.metadata helper function.
fullnameSuffix: redirect
{{- define "common.metadata" -}}
{{- if .suffix }}
name: {{ template "common.fullname" . }}-{{ .suffix }}
{{- else }}
name: {{ template "common.fullname" . }}
{{- end }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
{{- end -}}
{{- include "common.metadata" (set . "suffix" .Values.fullnameSuffix ) }}
If your fullnameSuffix is empty, name without suffix will be used.

Helm: variables in values.yaml

I have a need to use variables inside of values.yaml file:
version: 1.0
tag: {{ .app.version }} <- version taken from appVersion. In my case tag == version
Any help will be really appreciated.
version: 1.0
tag: {{ .Values.app.version }}
{{ .Values.app | first | default .Values.app.version }}
You can also try this EDIT - 2
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.app }}
{{ $key }}: {{ $value }}
{{- end }}

Define a variable in Helm template

I need to define a variable based on an if statement and use that variable multiple times.
In order not to repeat the if I tried something like this:
{{ if condition}}
{{ $my_val = "http" }}
{{ else }}
{{ $my_val = "https" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $my_val }}://google.com
However this returns an error:
Error: render error in "templates/deployment.yaml":
template: templates/deployment.yaml:30:28:
executing "templates/deployment.yaml" at
<include (print $.Template.BasePath "/config.yaml") .>: error calling
include: template: templates/config.yaml:175:59:
executing "templates/config.yaml" at <"https">: undefined variable: $my_val
The most direct path to this is to use the ternary function provided by the Sprig library. That would let you write something like
{{ $myVal := ternary "http" "https" condition -}}
{{ $myVal }}://google.com
A simpler, but more indirect path, is to write a template that generates the value, and calls it
{{- define "scheme" -}}
{{- if condition }}http{{ else }}https{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ template "scheme" . }}://google.com
If you need to include this in another variable, Helm provides an include function that acts just like template except that it's an "expression" rather than something that outputs directly.
{{- $url := printf "%s://google.com" (include "scheme" .) -}}