Grouping by an alternating sequence in Spark - scala

I have a set of data where I can identify an alternating sequence. However, I want to group this data into one chunk leaving all the other data unchanged. That is, where ever flickering is occurring in id, I want to overwrite that group of id with the single id that makes since to the order. As a small example, consider
val dataDF = Seq(
("a", "silom", 3, 1),
("a", "silom", 2, 2),
("a", "silom", 1, 3),
("a", "silom", 0, 4), // flickering; id=0
("a", "silom", 1, 5), // flickering; id=0
("a", "silom", 0, 6), // flickering; id=0
("a", "silom", 1, 7),
("a", "silom", 2, 8),
("a", "silom", 3, 9),
("a", "silom", 4, 10),
("a", "silom", 3, 11), // flickering and so on
("a", "silom", 4, 12),
("a", "silom", 3, 13),
("a", "silom", 4, 14),
("a", "silom", 5, 15)
).toDF("user", "cat", "id", "time_sec")
val resultDataDF = Seq(
("a", "silom", 3, 1),
("a", "silom", 2, 2),
("a", "silom", 1, 3),
("a", "silom", 0, 15), // grouped by flickering summing on time_sec
("a", "silom", 1, 7),
("a", "silom", 2, 8),
("a", "silom", 3, 9),
("a", "silom", 4, 60),
("a", "silom", 5, 15). // grouped by flickering summing on time_sec
).toDF("user", "cat", "id", "time_sec")
Now a more realistic MWE. In this case, we can have multiple users and cat; unfortunately, this approach doesnt use the dataframe API and needs to collect data to the driver. This isn't scalable and needs to recursively call getGrps by dropping the length of the returned array indices.
How can I implement this using the dataframe API so as not to need collect the data to the driver which would be impossible due to size? Also, if there is a better way to do this, what would that be?
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DoubleType
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
val dataDF = Seq(
("a", "silom", 3, 1),
("a", "silom", 2, 2),
("a", "silom", 1, 3),
("a", "silom", 0, 4),
("a", "silom", 1, 5),
("a", "silom", 0, 6),
("a", "silom", 1, 7),
("a", "silom", 2, 8),
("a", "silom", 3, 9),
("a", "silom", 4, 10),
("a", "silom", 3, 11),
("a", "silom", 4, 12),
("a", "silom", 3, 13),
("a", "silom", 4, 14),
("a", "silom", 5, 15),
("a", "suk", 18, 1),
("a", "suk", 19, 2),
("a", "suk", 20, 3),
("a", "suk", 21, 4),
("a", "suk", 20, 5),
("a", "suk", 21, 6),
("a", "suk", 0, 7),
("a", "suk", 1, 8),
("a", "suk", 2, 9),
("a", "suk", 3, 10),
("a", "suk", 4, 11),
("a", "suk", 3, 12),
("a", "suk", 4, 13),
("a", "suk", 3, 14),
("a", "suk", 5, 15),
("b", "silom", 4, 1),
("b", "silom", 3, 2),
("b", "silom", 2, 3),
("b", "silom", 1, 4),
("b", "silom", 0, 5),
("b", "silom", 1, 6),
("b", "silom", 2, 7),
("b", "silom", 3, 8),
("b", "silom", 4, 9),
("b", "silom", 5, 10),
("b", "silom", 6, 11),
("b", "silom", 7, 12),
("b", "silom", 8, 13),
("b", "silom", 9, 14),
("b", "silom", 10, 15),
("b", "suk", 11, 1),
("b", "suk", 12, 2),
("b", "suk", 13, 3),
("b", "suk", 14, 4),
("b", "suk", 13, 5),
("b", "suk", 14, 6),
("b", "suk", 13, 7),
("b", "suk", 12, 8),
("b", "suk", 11, 9),
("b", "suk", 10, 10),
("b", "suk", 9, 11),
("b", "suk", 8, 12),
("b", "suk", 7, 13),
("b", "suk", 6, 14),
("b", "suk", 5, 15)
).toDF("user", "cat", "id", "time_sec")
val recastDataDF = dataDF.withColumn("id", $"id".cast(DoubleType))
val category ="cat") => x(0).toString)
val data = recastDataDF
.select($"*" +:
name =>
lag("id", 1).over(
Window.partitionBy("user", "cat").orderBy("time_sec")
.alias(s"lag_${name}_id")): _*)
.withColumn("sequencing_diff", when($"cat" === "silom", ($"lag_silom_id" - $"id").cast(DoubleType))
.otherwise(($"lag_suk_id" - $"id")))
.drop("lag_silom_id", "lag_suk_id")
.withColumn("rn", row_number.over(Window.partitionBy("user", "cat").orderBy("time_sec")).cast(DoubleType))
.withColumn("zipped", array("user", "cat", "sequencing_diff", "rn", "id"))
// non dataframe API approach (not scalable)
// needs to collect data to driver to process
val iterTuples ="zipped") => x(0).asInstanceOf[WrappedArray[Any]]).map(x => x.toArray)
val shifted: Array[Array[Any]] = iterTuples.drop(1)
val combined = iterTuples
.zipAll(shifted, Array("", "", Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN), Array("", "", Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN))
val testArr ={
case (data0, data1) =>
if(data1(3).toString.toDouble > 2 && data0(3).toString.toDouble > 2 && data1(0) == data0(0) && data1(1) == data0(1)) {
if(data0(2) != data1(2) && data0(2).toString.toDouble + data1(2).toString.toDouble == 0) {
(data1(0), data1(1), data1(3), data0(4))
else ("", "", Double.NaN, Double.NaN)
else ("", "", Double.NaN, Double.NaN)
.filter(t => t._1 != "" && t._2 != "" && t._3 == t._3 && t._4 == t._4) // fast NaN removal
val typeMappedArray = => (x._1.toString, x._2.toString, x._3.toString.toDouble, x._4.toString.toDouble))
def getGrps(arr: Array[(String, String, Double, Double)]): (Array[Double], Double, String, String) = {
if(arr.nonEmpty) {
val user = arr.take(1)(0)._1
val cat = arr.take(1)(0)._2
val rowNum = arr.take(1)(0)._3
val keepID = arr.take(1)(0)._4
val newArr = arr.drop(1)
val rowNums = (Array(rowNum)) ++{
case (tups, idx) =>
if(rowNum + idx + 1 == tups._3) {
rowNum + 1 + idx
else Double.NaN
.filter(v => v == v)
(rowNums, keepID, user, cat)
else (Array(Double.NaN), Double.NaN, "", "")
// after overwriting, this would allow me to group by user, cat, id to sum the time
getGrps(typeMappedArray) // returns rows number to overwrite, value to overwrite id with, user, cat
res0: (Array(5.0, 6.0, 7.0),0.0,a,silom)
res1: (Array(11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0),4.0,a,silom)
A second approach using collect_list but this relies on getGrps working recursively which I cannot get working properly. Here is the code I have so far with a modified getGrps for the the collect_list minus recursive.
val data = recastDataDF
.select($"*" +:
name =>
lag("id", 1).over(
Window.partitionBy("user", "cat").orderBy("time_sec")
.alias(s"lag_${name}_id")): _*)
.withColumn("sequencing_diff", when($"cat" === "silom", ($"lag_silom_id" - $"id").cast(DoubleType))
.otherwise(($"lag_suk_id" - $"id")))
.drop("lag_silom_id", "lag_suk_id")
.withColumn("rn", row_number.over(Window.partitionBy("user", "cat").orderBy("time_sec")).cast(DoubleType))
.withColumn("id_rn", array($"id", $"rn", $"sequencing_diff"))
.groupBy($"user", $"cat").agg(collect_list($"id_rn").alias("array_data"))
// collect one row to develop how the UDF would work
val testList = data.where($"user" === "a" && $"cat" === "silom").select("array_data").collect
.map(x => x(0).asInstanceOf[WrappedArray[WrappedArray[Any]]])
.map(x => x.toArray)
.map(x => (x(0).toString.toDouble, x(1).toString.toDouble, x(2).asInstanceOf[Double]))
// this code would be in the UDF; that is, we would pass array_data to the UDF
scala.util.Sorting.stableSort(testList, (e1: (Double, Double, Double), e2: (Double, Double, Double)) => e1._2 < e2._2)
val shifted: Array[(Double, Double, Double)] = testList.drop(1)
val combined = testList
.zipAll(shifted, (Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN), (Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN))
val testArr ={
case (data0, data1) =>
if(data0._3 != data1._3 && data0._2 > 1) {
(data0._2, data0._1)
else (Double.NaN, Double.NaN)
.filter(t => t._1 == t._1 && t._1 == t._1)
// called inside the UDF
def getGrps2(arr: Array[(Double, Double)]): (Array[Double], Double) = {
// no need for user or cat
if(arr.nonEmpty) {
val rowNum = arr.take(1)(0)._1
val keepID = arr.take(1)(0)._2
val newArr = arr.drop(1)
val rowNums = (Array(rowNum)) ++{
case (tups, idx) =>
if(rowNum + idx + 1 == tups._1) {
rowNum + 1 + idx
else Double.NaN
.filter(v => v == v)
(rowNums, keepID)
else (Array(Double.NaN), Double.NaN)
We would .withColumn("data_to_update", udf) and the data_to_update column would be a WrappedArray[Tuple2[Array[Double], Double]] with row_numbers to id to overwrite. The result for user a, cat silom would be
WrappedArray((Array(4.0, 5.0, 6.0),0.0), (Array(10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0),4.0))
The array pieces are row numbers and the Double is id to update those rows with

The following recursive method applied in a UDF operating on the array_data column will create the desired results
def getGrps(arr: Array[(Double, Double)]): Array[(Array[Double], Double)] = {
def returnAlternatingIDs(arr: Array[(Double, Double)],
altIDs: Array[(Array[Double], Double)]): Array[(Array[Double], Double)] = arr match {
case arr if arr.nonEmpty =>
val rowNum = arr.take(1)(0)._1
val keepID = arr.take(1)(0)._2
val newArr = arr.drop(1)
val rowNums = (Array(rowNum)) ++{
case (tups, idx) =>
if(rowNum + idx + 1 == tups._1) {
rowNum + 1 + idx
else {
.filter(v => v == v)
val updateArray = altIDs ++ Array((rowNums, keepID))
returnAlternatingIDs(arr.drop(rowNums.length), updateArray)
case _ => altIDs
returnAlternatingIDs(arr, Array((Array(Double.NaN), Double.NaN))).drop(1)
The return value for the first collect_list is Array((Array(5.0, 6.0, 7.0),0.0), (Array(11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0),4.0)) as desired.
Full UDF
val identifyFlickeringIDs: UserDefinedFunction = udf {
(colArrayData: WrappedArray[WrappedArray[Double]]) =>
val newArray: Array[(Double, Double, Double)] = colArrayData.toArray
.map(x => (x(0).toDouble, x(1).toDouble, x(2).toDouble))
// sort array by rn via less than relation
stableSort(newArray, (e1: (Double, Double, Double), e2: (Double, Double, Double)) => e1._2 < e2._2)
val shifted: Array[(Double, Double, Double)] = newArray.toArray.drop(1)
val combined = newArray
.zipAll(shifted, (Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN), (Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN))
val parsedArray ={
case (data0, data1) =>
if(data0._3 != data1._3 && data0._2 > 1 && data0._3 + data1._3 == 0) {
(data0._2, data0._1)
else (Double.NaN, Double.NaN)
.filter(t => t._1 == t._1 && t._1 == t._1)
getGrps(parsedArray).filter(data => data._1.length > 1)


How to further extract list to make a triple nested list from a double nested list

I have a list of lists that I want to separate using one of the internal values
I was thinking hash map would work but I am not that familiar with it so a list would look like this
val data: List[(Int, Int, Int, Int)] = List((0, 1, 2, 3), (1, 1, 2, 7), (2, 1, 5, 5), (3, 1, 3, 7), (4, 1, 2, 8), (5, 1, 5, 4), (6, 1, 3, 5))
and I want to get something like:
List(((0, 1, 2, 3), (1, 1, 2, 7), (4, 1, 2, 8)), ((3, 1, 3, 7),(6, 1, 3, 5)),((5, 1, 5, 4), (2, 1, 5, 5)))
I separate it by the 3rd element in each list
This is a solution to what you are looking for but you will have List of list not a List of Tuples:
val list : List[(Int, Int, Int, Int)] = List((0, 1, 2, 3), (1, 1, 2, 7), (2, 1, 5, 5), (3, 1, 3, 7), (4, 1, 2, 8), (5, 1, 5, 4), (6, 1, 3, 5))
> res = List(List((0,1,2,3), (1,1,2,7), (4,1,2,8)), List((2,1,5,5), (5,1,5,4)), List((3,1,3,7), (6,1,3,5)))
You can use the groupBy function on a list:
list.groupBy( i => i._3 )
will create a Hashmap. You will want to massage the values of the Map afterwards.
Good luck !

Spark Scala: Aggregate DataFrame Column Values into a Ordered List

I have a spark scala DataFrame that has four values: (id, day, val, order). I want to create a new DataFrame with columns: (id, day, value_list: List(val1, val2, ..., valn)) where val1, through valn are ordered by asc order value.
For instance:
(50, 113, 1, 1),
(50, 113, 1, 3),
(50, 113, 2, 2),
(51, 114, 1, 2),
(51, 114, 2, 1),
(51, 113, 1, 1)
would become:
((51,114),List(2, 1)
((50,113),List(1, 2, 1))
I'm close, but don't know what to do after I've aggregated the data into a list. I'm not sure how to then have spark order each value list by the order int:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val testList = List((50, 113, 1, 1), (50, 113, 1, 3), (50, 113, 2, 2), (51, 114, 1, 2), (51, 114, 2, 1), (51, 113, 1, 1))
val testDF = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(testList).toDF("id1", "id2", "val", "order")
val rDD1 ={case Row(key1: Int, key2: Int, val1: Int, val2: Int) => ((key1, key2), List((val1, val2)))}
val rDD2 = rDD1.reduceByKey{case (x, y) => x ++ y}
where the output looks like:
((51,114),List((1,2), (2,1)))
((50,113),List((1,3), (1,1), (2,2)))
The next step would be to produce:
((51,114),List((2,1), (1,2)))
((50,113),List((1,1), (2,2), (1,3)))
You will just need to map over your RDD and use sortBy:
scala> val df = Seq((50, 113, 1, 1), (50, 113, 1, 3), (50, 113, 2, 2), (51, 114, 1, 2), (51, 114, 2, 1), (51, 113, 1, 1)).toDF("id1", "id2", "val", "order")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id1: int, id2: int, val: int, order: int]
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
scala> val rDD1 ={case Row(key1: Int, key2: Int, val1: Int, val2: Int) => ((key1, key2), List((val1, val2)))}
rDD1: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Int, Int), List[(Int, Int)])] = MapPartitionsRDD[10] at map at <console>:28
scala> val rDD2 = rDD1.reduceByKey{case (x, y) => x ++ y}
rDD2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Int, Int), List[(Int, Int)])] = ShuffledRDD[11] at reduceByKey at <console>:30
scala> val rDD3 = => (x._1, x._2.sortBy(_._2)))
rDD3: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Int, Int), List[(Int, Int)])] = MapPartitionsRDD[12] at map at <console>:32
scala> rDD3.collect.foreach(println)
((50,113),List((1,1), (2,2), (1,3)))
((51,114),List((2,1), (1,2)))
| 51|113| [1]|
| 51|114| [1, 2]|
| 50|113| [1, 1, 2]|

Make RDD from List in scala&spark

Orgin data
A, John, 1, 3
A, Bob, 2, 5
A, Sam, 3, 1
B, Kim, 1, 4
B, John, 2, 3
B, Ria, 3, 5
To mak ID group list, I did below
val MapRDD = { x => (x.getAs[String](colMap.ID), List(x)) }
val ListRDD = MapRDD.reduceByKey { (a: List[Row], b: List[Row]) => List(a, b).flatten }
My goal is making this RDD (purpose is to find SEQ-1's NAME and Number diff in each ID group)
A, John, 1, 3, NULL, NULL
A, Bob, 2, 5, John, 2
A, Sam, 3, 1, Bob, -4
B, Kim, 1, 4, NULL, NULL
B, John, 2, 3, Kim, -1
B, Ria, 3, 5, John, 2
Currently ListRDD would be like
A, ([A,Jone,1,3], [A,Bob,2,5], ..)
B, ([B,Kim,1,4], [B,John,2,3], ..)
This is code I tried to make my goal RDD with ListRDD (not working as I want)
def myFunction(ListRDD: RDD[(String, List[Row])]) = {
var rows: List[Row] = Nil
ListRDD.foreach( row => {
rows ::: make(row._2)
//rows has nothing and It's not RDD
def make( eachList: List[Row]): List[Row] = {
caseList.foreach { x => //... Make PRE_NAME and DIFF in new List
My final goal is to save this RDD in csv (RDD.saveAsFile...). How to make this RDD(not list) with this data.
Window functions look like a good fit here:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lag
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("A", "John", 1, 3),
("A", "Bob", 2, 5),
("A", "Sam", 3, 1),
("B", "Kim", 1, 4),
("B", "John", 2, 3),
("B", "Ria", 3, 5))).toDF("ID", "NAME", "SEQ", "NUMBER")
val w = Window.partitionBy($"ID").orderBy($"SEQ")$"*",
lag($"NAME", 1).over(w).alias("PREV_NAME"),
($"NUMBER" - lag($"NUMBER", 1).over(w)).alias("DIFF"))

Distribute elements of the fist list to another list/array

I have an Array[(List(String)), Array[(Int, Int)]] like this
((123, 456, 789), (1, 24))
((89, 284), (2, 6))
((125, 173, 88, 222), (3, 4))
I would like to distribute each element of the first list to the second list, like this
(123, (1, 24))
(456, (1, 24))
(789, (1, 24))
(89, (2, 6))
(284, (2, 6))
(125, (3, 4))
(173, (3, 4))
(88, (3, 4))
(22, (3, 4))
Can anyone help me with this? Thank you very much.
For input data defined as follows:
val data = Array((List("123", "456", "789"), (1, 24)), (List("89", "284"), (2, 6)), (List("125", "173", "88", "222"), (3, 4)))
you can use:
data.flatMap { case (l, ii) =>, ii)) }
which yields:
Array[(String, (Int, Int))] = Array(("123", (1, 24)), ("456", (1, 24)), ("789", (1, 24)), ("89", (2, 6)), ("284", (2, 6)), ("125", (3, 4)), ("173", (3, 4)), ("88", (3, 4)), ("222", (3, 4)))
which I believe matches what you are looking for.
Based on your example, it seemed to me that you were using a single type.
scala> val xs: List[(List[Int], (Int, Int))] =
| List( ( List(123, 456, 789), (1, 24) ),
| ( List(89, 284), (2,6)),
| ( List(125, 173, 88, 222), (3, 4)) )
xs: List[(List[Int], (Int, Int))] = List((List(123, 456, 789), (1,24)),
(List(89, 284),(2,6)),
(List(125, 173, 88, 222),(3,4)))
Then I wrote this function:
scala> def f[A](xs: List[(List[A], (A, A))]): List[(A, (A, A))] =
| for {
| x <- xs
| head <- x._1
| } yield (head, x._2)
f: [A](xs: List[(List[A], (A, A))])List[(A, (A, A))]
Apply f to xs.
scala> f(xs)
res9: List[(Int, (Int, Int))] = List((123,(1,24)), (456,(1,24)),
(789,(1,24)), (89,(2,6)), (284,(2,6)), (125,(3,4)),
(173,(3,4)), (88,(3,4)), (222,(3,4)))

scala array filtering based on information of another array

I have 2 types of array like this:
array one,
Array(productId, categoryId)
(2, 423)
(6, 859)
(3, 423)
(5, 859)
and another array Array((productId1, productId2), count)
((2, 6), 1), ((2, 3), 1), ((6, 5), 1), ((6, 3), 1)
I would like to filter the second array based on the first array,
firstly I want to check array 2 to see if productId1 and productId2 having the same category, if yes, will keep, otherwise will filter out this element.
So the list above will be filtered to remain:
( ((2, 3), 1), ((6, 5), 1) )
Can anybody help me with this? Thank you very much.
If you don't mind working with the first array as a map, ie:
scala> val categ_info = cats = Array((2, 423), (6, 859), (3, 423), (5, 859)).toMap
categ_info: Map[Int, Int] = Map(2 -> 423, 6 -> 859, 3 -> 423, 5 -> 859)
then we have (setting up example data as simple Ints for convenience):
val data = Array(((2, 6), 1), ((2, 3), 1), ((6, 5), 1), ((6, 3), 1))
data.filter { case ((prod1_id, prod2_id), _) =>
categ_info(prod1_id) == categ_info(prod2_id)
res2: Array[((Int, Int), Int)] = Array(((2, 3), 1), ((6, 5), 1))
as requested.