Why are formulas not propagating in null fields? - qliksense

I'm trying to change the value of nulls to something else that can be used to filter. This data comes from a QVD file. The field that contains nulls, contains nulls due to no action taken on those items ( they will eventually change to something else once an action has been taken). I found this link which was very informative but i tried multiple solutions from the document to no avail.
What i don't quite understand is that whenever i make a new field (in the script or as an expression) the formula does not propagate in the records that are null, it shows " - ". For instance, the expression isNull(ActionTaken) will return false in a field that that not null, but only " - " in fields that are null. If i export the table to Excel, the " - " is exported, i copy this cell to a text analyzer i the UTF-8 encoded is \x2D\x0A\x0A, i'm not sure if that's an artifact of the export process.
I also tried using the NullAsValue statement but no luck. Using a combination of Len & Trim = 0 will return the same result as above. This is only one table, no other tables are involved.
Thanks in advance.

I had a similar case few years ago where the field looked empty but actually it was filled with a character which just looked empty. Trimming the field also didnt worked as expected in this case, because the character code was different
What I can suggest you is to check if the character number, returned for the empty value, is actually an empty string. You can use the ord to check the character number for the empty values. Once you have the number then you can use this number to replace it with whatever you want (for example empty string)


Mailmerge single image into a Word Document based on a cell value

I'd like to include an image into a mail merged word document based on the presence of a single value in a column which contains several values.
e.g. if the cell contains the value BOB insert image, if it contains any other value then do nothing.
Most of the {INCLUDEPICTURE} functionality seems built around including a different image based on a filename matching a cell value.
{INCLUDEPICTURE} "MERGEFIELD Selection_identifier).png"\*
Works provided I translate selection_identifer in the spreadsheet itself, but there has to be a better way. There seems to be little information about this particular usecase online.
If you are only using a single image and it does not vary between merges, you should probably just use
{ IF "{ MERGEFIELD Selection_identifier }" = "BOB" "<the_image>" }
where <the_image> is a copy of the actual image, sized how you want, pasted between those quotation marks. In that case, there would be no need for an INCLUDEPICTURE field or a reference to an external image file.
As usual, all the {} have to be the special field code brace pairs that you can insert on Windows Desktop Word using Carl-F9 or similar.

Docvariable with empty string value

In word, I'm using docvariables to manage pluralization.
A VBA macro is changing the value of several docvariables to pluralize / singularize them.
But sometimes I want to use a Docvariable only for enable/disable a 's' suffix.
Problem: I cannot set it to empty string, because it deletes the docvariable.
The field displays an error in word.
So I'm searching a way to achieve this, it could be :
A way to keep a Docvariable existing, with empty string or equivalent value
A field formula which make this job if the variable doesn't exist
Any other workaround would be appreciated.
Thank you
A Document Variable (used in DocVariable field codes) cannot exist if it has no content.
A possibility would be to also store the space in this DocVariable so that it display s[space] or just [space].
Otherwise you may need to write this information to a Bookmark (possibly using a Set field) and display the content using a Ref field.

SSRS Mutli parameter had commas in it, how do i pass them without commas

I have a multiselect list parameter and two of the options have commas in them, well SSRS passes parameters with commas in it so its not registering the right value for it. how do i go around this?
multi list parameter examples-
option1, this is option one.
option2, this is option two, 2.
option three.
option four.
right now i have my code set up where i have WHEN Field in (#Param split string function that splits on commas).
i added this where clause and it helped show results from the parameter value with the commas,
Where ([Param]) collate database_default IN(SELECT Value FROM dbo.FnSplit(#Param,';'))
but now i cannot select more than one parameter at a time because i get an error message
An Error Occurred During Local Report Processing.
An Error has occurred during report porcessing.
Cannot Read the next data row for the dataset Dataset1.
String or binary data would be truncated.
Any clues as to whats my next step?
You shouldn't need to use a string split. Just use:
WHERE Value IN (#Param)
SQL Server will handle the commas automatically.

zip code + 4 mail merge treated like an arithmetic expression

I'm trying to do a simple mail merge in Word 2010 but when I insert an excel field that's supposed to represent a zip code from Connecticut (ie. 06880) I am having 2 problems:
the leading zero gets suppressed such as 06880 becoming 6880 instead. I know that I can at least toggle field code to make it so it works as {MERGEFIELD ZipCode # 00000} and that at least works.
but here's the real problem I can't seem to figure out:
A zip+4 field such as 06470-5530 gets treated like an arithmetic expression. 6470 - 5530 = 940 so by using above formula instead it becomes 00940 which is wrong.
Perhaps is there something in my excel spreadsheet or an option in Word that I need to set to make this properly work? Please advise, thanks.
See macropod's post in this conversation
As long as the ZIP codes are reaching Word (with or without "-" signs in the 5+4 format ZIPs, his field code should sort things out. However, if you are mixing text and numeric formats in your Excel column, there is a danger that the OLE DB provider or ODBC driver - if that is what you are using to get the data - will treat the column as numeric and return all the text values as 0.
Yes, Word sometimes treats text strings as numeric expressions as you have noticed. It will do that when you try to apply a numeric format, or when you try to do a calculation in an { = } field, when you sum table cell contents in an { = } field, or when Word decides to do a numeric comparison in (say) an { IF } field - in the latter case you can get Word to treat the expression as a string by surrounding the comparands by double-quotes.
in Excel, to force the string data type when entering data that looks like a number, a date, a fraction etc. but is not numeric (zip, phone number, etc.) simply type an apostrophe before the data.
=06470 will be interpreted as a the number 6470 but ='06470 will be the string "06470"
The simplest fix I've found is to save the Excel file as CSV. Word takes it all at face value then.

Cannot use t-sql contains with short words

I call my statement with CONTAINS function, but sometimes it does not return correct records, e.g. I want to return row which contain in one field word 'Your':
SELECT [Email]
WHERE CONTAINS(Comment, 'Your')
It gives mi 0 result despite that this field contains this word (the same with 'as', 'to', 'was', 'me'). When I use 'given' instead of 'Your' then I receive a result. Is there maybe a list of words which cannot be used with CONTAINS? Or maybe this words are to short (when i use 'name' then i receive the results)? The work 'Your' is at the beginning in field Comment.
The field is of type 'text' and has enabled full-text index.
Words such as those you mention are "stop words"; they are expressly excluded from being indexed and searched in Full Text Search due to how common (and thereby meaningless for searches) they are. You'll notice the same thing when searching Google, for instance.
It is possible to edit the list, but I would avoid doing so except perhaps to add words to it; the words in the list are chosen very well, IMHO, for their lack of utility in searches.