KDE custom shortcut to run fish function - fish

I'm trying to set ALT+F to run a fish function:
function nextSong
set song (echo '{ "command": ["get_property", "path"] }' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket | jq .data)
echo 'playlist_next' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket
mv $song (fileSuffix $song s)
when I press ALT-F I get this error: "Timeout on server nextsong: Socket operation timed out"
It's not very clear whether the error is because KDE is not using fish to run the command or if the error is because it doesn't have the same permission that I have to run socat (???)
edit: it's also strange because in the error the s in nextsong is lowercase but in Custom Shortcuts the Action is definitely set to "nextSong" with capital "S"
I would think that if it is using bash then I would guess that it would silently fail or something like "can't find the command"


Terminal prompt disappears when a named pipe is used

I'm trying to use named pipes in a project. I have two terminals open, Terminal A and Terminal B.
In terminal A, I issued this command:
mkfifo myFifo && tail -f myFifo | csh -s
It seems as if standard out is being redirected somewhere else, though, because my prompt disappears and some commands aren't reflected in terminal A.
For example, if in terminal B I begin a python session via issuing echo "python" > myFifo, then echo "print 'Hello, World'" > myFifo, I don't see Hello, World in terminal A.
However, if I issue echo ls > myFifo within terminal B, I see the correct output from ls in terminal A.
Does anyone know why sometimes the output appears and sometime it doesn't?
I'm running on CentOS 6.6
You read from the FIFO with csh, if you start an interactive Python shell in csh, then it won't be reading from the FIFO because it's busy running python.
Python doesn't somehow automagically do a REPL on the FIFO. How should it even know about the FIFO? It has no knowledge of it.
You could, perhaps, tell Python to read commands from the FIFO with something like:
>>> import os, sys, time
>>> fifo = open(os.open('myFifo', os.O_NONBLOCK), 'r')
And then:
$ echo 'print(42+5)' > ! myFifo
Will give you:
>>> eval(fifo.read())
Perhaps there's also a way to tell Python to read commands from myFifo by overwriting sys.stdin, but I can't get that working in my testing.
It's a bit unclear to me what exactly you're trying to achieve here, though. I suspect there might be another solution which is much more appropriate to the problem you're having.

OpenSuse - Command for Beep Sound (System Bell)

I have a source code that runs perfectly fine on Ubuntu, it does some copumtations, and at some points it beeps like this
system("beep -f 400 -l 500");
On Ubuntu I had to do
apt-get install beep
However, I migrated to OpenSuse (not my choice) and now I get this message "sh: beep: command not found", as the command and package are obviously different.
Does anybody know hot to trigger the system beep sound and define the duration and frequency? I have been able to find only one way to change the parameters
setterm -bfreq 500 -blength 500
, but no way to actually trigger the system bell (beep). The following things don't work
echo ^G
echo -e "\a"
PS - the system Bell is enabled at
Configure Desktop -> Application and System Notifications -> System Bell
and you can actually play with this
So, I did what #fvu proposed.
However, one needs to have sudo rights, to do so, otherwise (e.g. at my work-place we don't have sudo rights) there is this output message
Could not open /dev/tty0 or /dev/vc/0 for writing open: No such file or directory
In this case, you should:
sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/beep
as proposed here
I noticed that on my OpenSuse 12.3 system, the bell is working in xterm or gnome-terminal, but not in konsole or xfce4-terminal.
If the same applies to your system, then maybe a work-around could be creating a shell script called "beep" which calls xterm and rings the bell:
xterm -e "echo -e '\a'; sleep 1"

How to tell bash not to issue warnings "cannot set terminal process group" and "no job control in this shell" when it can't assert job control?

To create a new interactive bash shell I call bash -i. Due to issues with my environment, bash cannot assert job control (I'm using cygwin bash in GNU emacs) and issues warnings ("cannot set terminal process group" and "no job control in this shell"). - I have to live with the disabled job control in my environment, but I would like to get rid of the warning:
How can I tell bash not to assert job control and not to issue these warnings? I obviously still want the shell as an interactive one.
Note: I have tried set -m in .bashrc, but bash still writes out the warnings on start up - the ~/.bashrc file might be executed after the shell tries to assert job control. Is there a command line option which would work?
man bash says about set options that The options can also be specified as arguments to an invocation of the shell. Note you will need +m not -m. Admittedly the manual isn't quite clear on that.
However looking at bash source code (version 4.2), apparently it ignores the state of this flag. I would say this is a bug.
Applying the following small patch makes bash honor the m flag on startup. Unfortunately this means you will have to recompile bash.
--- jobs.c.orig 2011-01-07 16:59:29.000000000 +0100
+++ jobs.c 2012-11-09 03:34:49.682918771 +0100
## -3611,7 +3611,7 ##
/* We can only have job control if we are interactive. */
- if (interactive == 0)
+ if (interactive == 0 || !job_control)
job_control = 0;
original_pgrp = NO_PID;
Tested on my linux machine where job control is available by default, so the error messages you see on mingw are not printed here. You can still see that bash honors the +m now, though.
$ ./bash --noprofile --norc
$ echo $-
$ fg
bash: fg: current: no such job
$ exit
$ ./bash --noprofile --norc +m
$ echo $-
$ fg
bash: fg: no job control

Make zsh completion more bash-like / best practice with zsh completion

Using bash I did like to do something like this:
$ l
$ $CMD f<TAB>
(f gets completed to "file", I type "*", [23] or whatever)
$ $CMD file*<Enter>
This way I am sure the command is executed on all the files I want it to.
When I try to do this with zsh, this happens:
$ l
$ $CMD f<TAB>
(f is completed to "file15165", I have to press <backspace> five times and then type "*")
$ $CMD file*<Enter>
Which is quite ineffective. Now how can I achieve the bash behaviour using zsh? Or how would a zsh user attempt to do what I am doing?
It appears I had setopt menucomplete in my .zshrc, which resulted in the explained behaviour. Removing it fixed it.

Can I execute a multiline command in Perl's backticks?

In Unix, I have a process that I want to run using nohup. However this process will at some point wait at a prompt where I have to enter yes or no for it to continue. So far, in Unix I have been doing the following
nohup myprocess <<EOF
So I start the process 'myprocess' using nohup and pipe in a file with 'y' then close the file. The lines above are effectively three seperate commands - i.e. I hit enter on the first line in UNIX, then I get a prompt where I enter 'y' and then press enter to then finally type 'EOF' and hit return again.
I want to know execute this in Perl but I am not sure how I can execute this command as it is over three lines. I don't know if the following will work....
my $startprocess = `nohup myprocess <<EOF &
Please help - thank you!
I think your proposal will work as is. If not, try replacing the redirect with a pipe:
my $startprocess = `(echo "y" | nohup myprocess) &`;
Also, depending on WHY you are doing a nohup, please look at the following pure Perl daemonizing approach using Proc::Daemon : How can I run a Perl script as a system daemon in linux?
Expect for interactive programs can be used as well.