Instance of 'MongoEngine' has no 'StringField' member - mongodb

Trying to create a models for WTForms using Mongo Engine according to the documentation here and getting the error returned Instance of 'MongoEngine' has no 'StringField' member when trying to create a model as such
class Example(db.Document):
Value = db.StringField(max_length=200)

The workaround is to use mongoengine package directly, which is installed as a dependency of flask_mongoengine.
from mongoengine import StringField
class Example(db.Document):
value = StringField(max_length=200)
The error is provided by pylint - a code analysis tool for python, it just fails to validate dynamic members of db. Your code is correct it will won't fail at runtime.
Another option is to setup project .pylintrc to silence such warnings, or place pylint comments over the line displaying error:
# pylint: disable=no-member
value = db.StringField(max_length=200) # no error


Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Cannot use object of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class as array

Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Cannot use object of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class as array | Error thrown in file typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Controller/Page/TreeController.php in line 189
This happened after a core update to TYPO3 - 9.5.17
The following thanks to Michael Hitzler.
As far as I can see there is already a solution within the install tool in class BackendUserConfigurationUpdate.
This seems to address exactly the issue.
Not quite sure in which version the additional migration task has been added, but it helps you solving the issue system wide.
Just got to module Admin Tools -> Update and select Update Wizard.
There you should see a new, not yet executed migragtion task:
Update backend user configuration array
The backend user "uc" array, which is persisted in the db, now only allows for arrays inside its structure instead of stdClass objects. Update the uc structure for all backend users.
Execute this migration task and your BE users will be updated and have a sane uc configuration in the end.
Problem solved and page tree can be loaeded again.
./typo3cms upgrade:wizard backendUsersConfiguration
Should solve the issue.

MongoEngine connects to incorrect database during testing

I'm creating Flask app connected to mongodb using MongoEngine via flask-mongoengine extension. I create my app using application factory pattern as specified in configuration instructions.
While running test(s), I specified testing database named datazilla_test which is passed to mongo instance via mongo.init_app(app). Even though my app.config['MONGODB_DB'] and['MONGODB_DB'] instance has correct value (datazilla_test), this value is not reflected in mongo instance. Thus, when I run assertion assert mongo.get_db().name ==['MONGODB_DB'] this error is triggered AssertionError: assert 'datazzilla' == 'datazzilla_test'
What am I doing wrong? Why database connection persist with default database datazzilla rather, than datazilla_test? How to fix it?
Source Code
from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine
mongo = MongoEngine()
def create_app(config=None):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MONGODB_HOST'] = 'localhost'
app.config['MONGODB_PORT'] = '27017'
app.config['MONGODB_DB'] = 'datazzilla'
# override default config
if config is not None:
return app
import pytest
from app import mongo
from app import create_app
def app():
app = create_app({
'MONGODB_DB': 'datazzilla_test',
assert mongo.get_db().name ==['MONGODB_DB']
# AssertionError: assert 'datazzilla' == 'datazzilla_test'
return app
Mongoengine is already connected when your fixture is called, when you call app = create_app from your fixture, it tries to re-establish the connection but fails silently (as it sees that there is an existing default connection established).
This got reworked in the development version of mongoengine (see but wasn't released yet (As of 04-JUN-2019). When that version gets out, you'll be able to disconnect any existing mongoengine connection by calling disconnect_all
In the meantime, you can either:
- check where the existing connection is created and prevent it
- try to disconnect the existing connection by using the following:
from mongoengine.connection import disconnect, _connection_settings
def app():
del _connection_settings['default']
app = create_app(...)
But it may have other side effects
Coincidentally, I figure-out fix for this problem. #bagerard answer is correct! It works for MongoClient where client's connect is set to True -this is/should be default value.
MongoClient(host=['mongo:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=False, read_preference=Primary())
If that is the case, then you have to disconnect database and delete connection settings as #bagerard explains.
However, if you change MongoClient connection to False, then you don't have to disconnect database and delete connection settings. At the end solution that worked for me was this solution.
def create_app(config=None):
app.config['MONGODB_CONNECT'] = False
As I wrote earlier. I found this solution coincidentally, I was trying to solve this problem MongoClient opened before fork. Create MongoClient only after forking. It turned out that it fixes both problems :)
P.S If there are any side effects I'm not aware of them at this point! If you find some then please share them in comments section.

Authenticate with ECE ElasticSearch Sink from Apache Fink (Scala code)

Compiler error when using example provided in Flink documentation. The Flink documentation provides sample Scala code to set the REST client factory parameters when talking to Elasticsearch,
When trying out this code i get a compiler error in IntelliJ which says "Cannot resolve symbol restClientBuilder".
I found the following SO which is EXACTLY my problem except that it is in Java and i am doing this in Scala.
Apache Flink (v1.6.0) authenticate Elasticsearch Sink (v6.4)
I tried copy pasting the solution code provided in the above SO into IntelliJ, the auto-converted code also has compiler errors.
// provide a RestClientFactory for custom configuration on the internally created REST client
// i only show the setMaxRetryTimeoutMillis for illustration purposes, the actual code will use HTTP cutom callback
restClientBuilder -> {
Then i tried (auto generated Java to Scala code by IntelliJ)
// provide a RestClientFactory for custom configuration on the internally created REST client// provide a RestClientFactory for custom configuration on the internally created REST client
import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope
import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials
import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.HttpAsyncClientBuilder
import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder
// provide a RestClientFactory for custom configuration on the internally created REST client// provide a RestClientFactory for custom configuration on the internally created REST client
esSinkBuilder.setRestClientFactory((restClientBuilder) => {
def foo(restClientBuilder) = restClientBuilder.setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() {
override def customizeHttpClient(httpClientBuilder: HttpAsyncClientBuilder): HttpAsyncClientBuilder = { // elasticsearch username and password
val credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider
credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(es_user, es_password))
The original code snippet produces the error "cannot resolve RestClientFactory" and then Java to Scala shows several other errors.
So basically i need to find a Scala version of the solution described in Apache Flink (v1.6.0) authenticate Elasticsearch Sink (v6.4)
Update 1: I was able to make some progress with some help from IntelliJ. The following code compiles and runs but there is another problem.
new RestClientFactory {
override def configureRestClientBuilder(restClientBuilder: RestClientBuilder): Unit = {
restClientBuilder.setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() {
override def customizeHttpClient(httpClientBuilder: HttpAsyncClientBuilder): HttpAsyncClientBuilder = {
// elasticsearch username and password
val credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider
credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(es_user, es_password))
The problem is that i am not sure if i should be doing a new of the RestClientFactory object. What happens is that the application connects to the elasticsearch cluster but then discovers that the SSL CERT is not valid, so i had to put the trustfullSslContext (as described here, this got me past the SSL issue but now the ES REST Client does a ping test and the ping fails, it throws an exception and the app shutsdown. I am suspecting that the ping fails because of the SSL error and maybe it is not using the trustfulSslContext i setup as part of new RestClientFactory and this makes me suspect that i should not have done the new, there should be a simple way to update the existing RestclientFactory object and basically this is all happening because of my lack of Scala knowledge.
Happy to report that this is resolved. The code i posted in Update 1 is correct. The ping to ECE was not working for two reasons:
The certificate needs to include the complete chain including the root CA, the intermediate CA and the cert for the ECE. This helped get rid of the whole trustfulSslContext stuff.
The ECE was sitting behind an ha-proxy and the proxy did the mapping for the hostname in the HTTP request to the actual deployment cluster name in ECE. this mapping logic did not take into account that the Java REST High Level client uses the org.apache.httphost class which creates the hostname as hostname:port_number even when the port number is 443. Since it did not find the mapping because of the 443 therefore the ECE returned a 404 error instead of 200 ok (only way to find this was to look at unencrypted packets at the ha-proxy). Once the mapping logic in ha-proxy was fixed, the mapping was found and the pings are now successfull.

OrientDB console diagnostic - not very helpful?

I am running some OrientDB script and getting the below. How can I make it report lines in the script with the error - the error message is super unhelpful?
Also, doing SET VERBOSE 10; at the beginning does not help either.
Property created successfully.
Property created successfully.
Property created successfully.
Property created successfully.
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OCommandExecutionException: Class not found: Subscription
DB name="my.db"
Loading script /Users/hristostoyanov/projects/gitlab/peruncs/recres_repos/recres/recres-webapp/src/main/odb/scripts/sample_data.sql...
Disconnecting from the database [my.db]...OK
The error:
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OCommandExecutionException: Class not found: Subscription
DB name="my.db"
means that you're trying to execute a command on a Class that doesn't exists, in this case Subscription.
Hope it helps
Turned out to be Orient DB 3.0.2 issue
Also, if you need better feedback during long script execution, start the script with:
set echo on;

Undefined method `FactoryGirl' -- upgrading from 2.0.2 to 3.4.2

I'm in the process of upgrading from factory_girl (2.0.2 to 3.4.2) and factory_girl_rails (1.1.0 -> 3.4.0)
and I'm having issues with my rspec tests seeing factory girl.
I think I've successfully altered my factories to deal with the new syntax, and have removed the extra require statements that were bringing in multiple copies of the same files. My server now starts up, so I know that the factories.rb file is correctly getting parsed.
Now when I run my rspec tests, I'm getting this error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `FactoryGirl' for #
it 'can be created' do
course = FactoryGirl(:course)
With Factory Girl 3.4.2, you will need to explicitly use the create method.
course = FactoryGirl.create(:course)