How do I start a browser in Ubuntu on a PC? - command

Can anyone help me figure out why I cannot start my browser through the Ubuntu command line prompt. My instructor plainly says to use the command "start example.html" (I'm on PC), but when I attempt it I keep getting "Command 'start' not found, did you mean":
command 'smart' from deb smartpm-core
command 'stat' from deb coreutils
command 'startx' from deb xinit
command 'tart' from deb tart
command 'rstart' from deb x11-session-utils
command 'kstart' from deb kde-runtime
Try: sudo apt install

Just type:
In the terminal

Entering explorer.exe . into the command line allowed me to then set Chrome as the default browser for my work


How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on RHEL?

I would like to open VSCode from my RHEL terminal using the code command but when I try to type Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH directly in VSCode Command Palette, it indicates that No matching command is found. Is there a way to configure $PATH directly via the command line to make code work?
Finally what worked for me was to run the following commands :
sudo rpm --import
dnf check-update
sudo dnf install code

bash: /usr/bin/apt-get: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

I'm having a few issues. I'm using Kali Linux. In the terminal, I attempted to do
apt-get update but I'm getting this message back,
'bash: /usr/bin/apt-get: cannot execute binary file: Exec format
It started having this issue when I attempted to install Visual Studio Code via terminal command dpkg -i code_1.41.1-1576681836_amd64.deb. Although the vscode icon shows up in 'Accessories', once I try to open the program, it doesn't open. So I attempted to do the apt-get update just in case something was being missed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Install Perl in Jupyter notebook on Ubuntu 16.04LTS

Sorry if the question is too obvious.
I'm having problems with the installation of Iperl from
I know that anyway Jupyter has the option to run Perl code through %%perl but it could be annoying to add this to every cell.
The steps that I followed where the next:
-First I installed Perl
sudo apt-get install perl
-next, I followed the steps that they provide:
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev ipython ipython-notebook libmagic-dev
git clone
cd p5-Devel-IPerl
dzil build
(I did this step before discover that I have to run cpanm --installdeps . inside /home/User/p5-Devel-IPerlto install dependencies required)
cpanm --installdeps .
./bin/iperl console # start the console
./bin/iperl notebook # start the notebook --> These commands doesn't work because my Ipython notebooks are located in Anaconda2
My questions are:
When I follow these instructions, the installation I guess is done outside of Anaconda2 and maybe because of that, it doesn't appear in the notebook.
How to do it to include it inside of Anaconda2?
If it is not possible, how to run it at least in a parallel notebook outside of Anaconda2 parent folder?
Thank you a lot for any advice.
You can check real documentation for Devel::IPerl module here.
I could install it in my docker with Ubuntu, where I've installed the default Jupyter previously.
For IPerl I installed:
$ sudo apt install libzmq3-dev
$ sudo apt install cpanminus
$ export ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64'
$ cpanm --build-args 'OTHERLDFLAGS=' ZMQ::LibZMQ3
$ cpanm Devel::IPerl
After this, both the console and the notebook worked for me (I start it as described in the doc):
# iperl console
Jupyter console 5.2.0
In [1]: print "hello world!"
hello world!Out[1]: 1
In [2]: sub pow { $_[0]**$_[1] }
In [3]: pow(2,3)
Out[3]: 8
In [4]: pow(3,2)
Out[4]: 9
"Hello world" in IPerl jupyter:
I've recently started to investigate IPerl for Jupyter, but it works really good so far.

How can I run madge on Windows

The instructions for madge are only good for a linux system (it requires sudo to get the command line part set up). Is there a way to run it on windows?
It turns out to be very simple. To install madge:
npm install madge
Then to set it up for the command line:
npm -g install madge
You can then run it with a command of:
For typescript generate .js files do:
madge -f amd -c .
and you'll get the circular report. You need the "-f amd".

running a lex program in linux mint

I am trying to run a lex program in linux mint.I saved that file as abc.l,now i am trying to compile this file in the terminal by typing the following commands:
vi abc.l
lex abc.l
gcc lex.yy.c -lfl
but after the last command it is saying that no such file or directory.
please help me out in running the program.
First of all check if you have installed Lex on your system by doing a "man lex" .
If not installed,you need to install Lex & Yacc tools by typing these in the command prompt
$sudo apt-get install flex
$sudo apt-get install bison
For compiling try this command,
$ cc -w lex.yy.c -ll
Then to run the actual program,type