I have an array of DataFrames that I obtain by using randomSplit() in this manner:
val folds = df.randomSplit(Array.fill(5)(1.0/5)) //Array[Dataset[Row]]
I'll be iterating over folds using a for loop, where I will be dropping the ith entry inside folds and store it separately. Then I will be using all the others as another DataFrame as in my code below:
val df = spark.read.format("csv").load("xyz")
val folds = df.randomSplit(Array.fill(5)(1.0/5))
for (i <- folds.indices) {
var ts = folds
val testSet = ts(i)
ts = ts.drop(i)
var trainSet = spark.createDataFrame(spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD[Row], testSet.schema)
for (j <- ts.indices) {
trainSet = trainSet.union(ts(j))
While this does serve my purpose, I was also trying another approach where I would still separate folds into ts and testSet, and then use the flatten function for the remaining inside ts to create another DataFrame using something like this:
val df = spark.read.format("csv").load("xyz")
val folds = df.randomSplit(Array.fill(5)(1.0/5))
for (i <- folds.indices) {
var ts = folds
val testSet = ts(i)
ts = ts.drop(i)
var trainSet = ts.flatten
But at the initialization of the trainSet line, I get an error that: No Implicits Found for parameter asTrav: Dataset[Row] => Traversable[U_]. I have also done import spark.implicits._ after initializing the SparkSession.
My end goal with the creation of trainSet after flatten is to retrieve a DataFrame created after joining (union) the other Dataset[Row]s inside ts. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
I'm using Spark 2.4.5 with Scala 2.11.12
EDIT 1: Added how I read the Dataframe
I'm not sure what's your intention here but instead of using mutable variables and flattening you can do recursive iteration like this:
val folds = df.randomSplit(Array.fill(5)(1.0/5)) //Array[Dataset[Row]]
val testSet = spark.createDataFrame(Seq.empty)
val trainSet = spark.createDataFrame(spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD[Row], testSet.schema)
go(folds, Array.empty)
def go(items: Array[Dataset[Row]], result: Array[Dataset[Row]]): Array[Dataset[Row]] = items match {
case arr # Array(_, _*) =>
val res = arr.map { t =>
go(arr.tail, result ++ res)
case Array() => result
As I have seen the use case of testSet, there is no usage of it in the method body
I have replaced that for loop with a simple reduce:
val trainSet = ts.reduce((a,b) => a.union(b))
I am playing around with spark code to know more about shuffling. I wrote the following code to see how are stages formed if there is a if-else statement. I have declared val result so that the result could be assigned to it later in the if statement. But I am not sure about the return type to assign to it.
Is there an abstract class that goes with all the RDDs?
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("spark shuffle")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val d = sc.parallelize(0 until 1000).map(i => (i%1000, i))
val x = d.reduceByKey(_+_)
val count = 1
val result: RDD // What is the correct return type here?
if(count == 1)
result= d.rightOuterJoin(x)
d is a RDD[(Int, Int)]
Then doing a reduce by key gives the same thing but reduced down
Doing a right outer join then gives you RDD of (Int, (Option[Int], Int)) - ie for each key the L and R value (with the L option being optional if not there)
So doing a collect gives you an array of the same thing
The API documentation is not easy to follow for all these functions, there is a lot of generic types, and a lot of implicit types. I would recommend that you either use an IDE which will hint the types for you, or else use a tool that gives you a console that you can try snippets in.
you can avoid assignment to var (it should be var, not val)
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("spark shuffle")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val d = sc.parallelize(0 until 1000).map(i => (i%1000, i))
val x = d.reduceByKey(_+_)
val count = 1
if (count == 1) {
When I execute a function in a mapPartition of dataset (executeStrategy()) it returns a result which I could check by debug but when I use dataset.show () it shows me an empty table and I do not know why this happens
This is for a data mining job at my school. I'm using windows 10, scala 2.11.12 and spark-2.2.0, which work without problems.
case class MyState(code: util.ArrayList[Object], evaluation: util.ArrayList[java.lang.Double])
private def executeStrategy(iter: Iterator[Row]): Iterator[(String,MyState)] = {
val listBest = new util.ArrayList[State]
Predicate.fuzzyValues = iter.toList
for (i <- 0 until conf.runNumber) {
Strategy.executeStrategy(conf.iterByRun, 1, conf.algorithm("algorithm").asInstanceOf[GeneratorType])
val result = postMining(listBest)
result.map(x => (x.getCode.toString, MyState(x.getCode,x.getEvaluation))).iterator
def run(sparkSession: SparkSession, n: Int): Unit = {
import sparkSession.implicits._
var data0 = conf.dataBase.repartition(n).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
var listBest = new util.ArrayList[State]
implicit def enc1 = Encoders.bean(classOf[(String,MyState)])
val data1 = data0.mapPartitions(executeStrategy)
I expect that the dataset has the results of the processing of each partition, which I can see when I debug, but I get an empty dataset.
I have tried rdd with the same function executeStrategy() and this one returns an rdd with the results. What is the problem with the dataset?
I have two RDD's of the form:
data_wo_header: RDD[String], data_test_wo_header: RDD[String]
scala> data_wo_header.first
res2: String = 1,2,3.5,1112486027
scala> data_test_wo_header.first
res2: String = 1,2
RDD2 is smaller than RDD 1. I am trying to filter RDD1 by removing the elements whose regEx matches with RDD2.
The 1,2 in the above example represent UserID,MovID. Since it's present in the test I want the new RDD such that it's removed from RDD1.
I have asked a similar ques but it is requiring to do unnecessary split of RDD.
I am trying to do something of this sort but it's not working:
def create_training(data_wo_header: RDD[String], data_test_wo_header: RDD[String]): List[String] = {
var ratings_train = new ListBuffer[String]()
data_wo_header.foreach(x => {
data_test_wo_header.foreach(y => {
if (x.indexOf(y) == 0) {
ratings_train += x
val ratings_train_list = ratings_train.toList
return ratings_train_list
How should I do a regex match and filter based on it.
You can use broadcast variable to share state of rdd2 and then filter rdd1 based on broadcasted variable of rdd2. I replicate your code and this works for me
def create_training(data_wo_header: RDD[String], data_test_wo_header: RDD[String]): List[String] = {
val rdd2array = sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(data_test_wo_header.collect())
val training_set = data_wo_header.filter{
case(x) => rdd2array.value.filter(y => x.matches(y)).length == 0
Also with scala and spark I recommend you if it is possible to avoid foreach and use more functional paradigm with map,flatMap and filter functions
I have a parent Graph that I want to filter into multiple subgraphs, so I can apply a function to each subgraph and extract some data. My code looks like this:
val myTerms = <RDD of terms I want to use to filter the graph>
val myVertices = ...
val myEdges = ...
val myGraph = Graph(myVertices, myEdges)
val myResults : RDD[(<Tuple>)] = myTerms.map { x => mySubgraphFunction(myGraph, x) }
Where mySubgraphFunction is a function that creates a subgraph, performs a calculation, and returns a tuple of result data.
When I run this, I get a Java null pointer exception at the point that mySubgraphFunction calls GraphX.subgraph. If I call collect on the RDD of terms, I can get this to work (also added persist on the RDDs for performance):
val myTerms = <RDD of terms I want to use to filter the graph>
val myVertices = <read RDD>.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
val myEdges = <read RDD>.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)
val myGraph = Graph(myVertices, myEdges)
val myResults : Array[(<Tuple>)] = myTerms.collect().map { x =>
mySubgraphFunction(myGraph, x) }
Is there a way to get this to work where I don't have to call collect() (i.e. make this a distributed operation)? I'm creating ~1k subgraphs and the performance is slow.
I am trying to split my data set into train and test data sets. I first read the file into memory as shown here:
val ratings = sc.textFile(movieLensdataHome+"/ratings.csv").map { line=>
val fields = line.split(",")
Then I select 80% of those for my training set:
val train = ratings.sample(false,.8,1)
Is there an easy way to get the test set in a distributed way,
I am trying this but fails:
val test = ratings.filter(!_.equals(train.map(_)))
val test = ratings.subtract(train)
Take a look here. http://markmail.org/message/qi6srcyka6lcxe7o
Here is the code
def split[T : ClassManifest](data: RDD[T], p: Double, seed: Long =
System.currentTimeMillis): (RDD[T], RDD[T]) = {
val rand = new java.util.Random(seed)
val partitionSeeds = data.partitions.map(partition => rand.nextLong)
val temp = data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((index, iter) => {
val partitionRand = new java.util.Random(partitionSeeds(index))
iter.map(x => (x, partitionRand.nextDouble))
(temp.filter(_._2 <= p).map(_._1), temp.filter(_._2 > p).map(_._1))
Instead of using an exclusion method (like filter or subtract), I'd partition the set "by hand" for a more efficient execution:
val probabilisticSegment:(RDD[Double,Rating],Double=>Boolean) => RDD[Rating] =
(rdd,prob) => rdd.filter{case (k,v) => prob(k)}.map {case (k,v) => v}
val ranRating = rating.map( x=> (Random.nextDouble(), x)).cache
val train = probabilisticSegment(ranRating, _ < 0.8)
val test = probabilisticSegment(ranRating, _ >= 0.8)
cache saves the intermediate RDD sothat the next two operations can be performed from that point on without incurring in the execution of the complete lineage.
(*) Note the use of val to define a function instead of def. vals are serializer-friendly