I have switch button and when I go to some other tab and come again it turns on itself. I want it to stay On or Off depending on what last selected. Though the value are getting saved in data base correctly but when go to some other tab it is back to On. This is code below.
bool _hideProfile = false;
title: Card(
color: themeProvider.isDarkMode? black :white,
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left:20,right: 20),
child: SwitchListTile(
title: _hideProfile? Text("Profile hidden",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),)
:Text(" Profile visible",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18)),
secondary: _hideProfile?
Icon(Icons.visibility_off_outlined,color: lRed ):
activeColor: Colors.blueGrey,
inactiveThumbColor: mRed,
inactiveTrackColor: dRed,
value: _hideProfile,
setState(() {
_hideProfile = value;
String userStatus = 'active';
if (value) {
userStatus = 'hidden';
CreateAccountData(userStatus: userStatus ,);
"userStatus" : userStatus,
print('Profile hidden: $value');
You are using setState() for the state management so when you will go to some other page then the variable will loose it's state means it will get disposed and when you will come back it will start what ever you had set as default.
Now to over come this use state management package like provider, mobx, bloc etc.
I am new to Flutter, I want to create a dropdown list of icons and text in TextformField in Flutter. Like bank icon with its name. Please see the screenshot and suggest me any code. Thank you in advance. Please help.
Probably use DropdownButton class,
On the documentation page you can see there is an example code that does not include an Icon.
You can add an icon to the dropdown items by changing the items parameter to have a Row wrapping an Icon and Text widget.
items: <String>['One', 'Two', 'Free', 'Four']
.map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((String value) {
return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: Row(
children: [
//custom object
class Item{
String name; //set the item name
Icon icon; //set corresponding icon
Item selectedItem;
List<Item> itemList = []; //create a list of the items, you need to add items into it first
isExpanded: true,
hint: new Text("Select Item"),
value: selectedItem ,
icon: Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down_circle),
iconSize: 24,
elevation: 16,
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.blueAccent),
underline: Container(
height: 2,
onChanged: (Item newValue) {
setState(() {
selectedItem = newValue;
items:<DropdownMenuItem<Item>>((Item value) {
return DropdownMenuItem<Item>(
value: value,
child: Row(
//set alignment here
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: [
Icon(value.icon), //in here you can display the icon
Text(, //name of the item
Here's my code for the password field:
obscureText: isObscure,
decoration: InputDecoration(
suffix: TextButton(
child: isPasswordObscure
? Text(
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey),
: Text(
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey),
onPressed: () {
setState(() { isObscure = !isObscure; });
If I run it, the password field would look like this:
If you review my code, I only specified a text button and not an icon as the suffix. The visibility icon was added by Flutter Edge and when I click on it, it only changes its icon and does not unobscure or obscure the text field.
What I want to know is how do I change or remove the icon? And maybe also give it a callback so it knows what to do when I click on it.
The problem doesn't exist on mobile, only on browsers desktop Edge.
I tried setting suffix and suffixIcon to null but the visibility icon is still showing.
Update: I've discovered that the problem only exists on MS Edge.
If you wants to turn off the visibility icon set onPressed: () {},
also if you want to remove the visibility icon form overview wrap it with opacity widget
opacity: 0.0,
child: textButton(),
Please find the below code sample to include the visibility option for the textField. by including a variable _isObscured in a stateful widget. we have implemented it with the auto obscure after 2 second delay.
Center(child: TextField(
obscureText: _isObscured,
decoration : InputDecoration(
onTap: (){
setState(() => this._isObscured =
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), (){
setState(() => this._isObscured =
child: Icon( Icons.visibility),
I found a solution:
// the magic function
void fixEdgePasswordRevealButton(FocusNode passwordFocusNode) {
Future.microtask(() {
js.context.callMethod("fixPasswordCss", []);
// widget code
child: TextField(
onChanged: (_) async {
focusNode: passwordFocusNode,
obscureText: true,
// end of index.html
window.fixPasswordCss = () => {
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = '::-ms-reveal { display: none; }';
Also posted on the relevant issue.
I have my checkbox widget all set up and would like to change the tick color to green when selected (currently it is white). So I managed to change the color of the checkbox when it is un-selected to white by adding a theme. I want to change the selected tick color to green, however I cant seem to find the right option under theme to do so.
Widget buildResultTile(data) {
return Theme(
data: ThemeData(unselectedWidgetColor: white),
activeColor: transparent,
title: AutoSizeText(
maxLines: 1,
style: TextStyle(
color: white,
value: _serachSelectList.contains(data),
onChanged: (bool value) {
setState(() {
if (value) {
} else {
secondary: const Icon(Icons.account_box, color: white),
Selected (I want only the tick to be
To change the fill color of the checkbox in a CheckboxListTile, you can simply set the toggleableActiveColor property in your ThemeData:
// ... other theme values ...
Changing the color of the tick mark is unfortunately impossible with CheckboxListTile since it doesn't expose the checkColor property of its Checkbox widget, so you are stuck with rolling your own list tile.
You can use the checkColor property of the CheckboxListTile-Widget to set the color of the checkmark:
checkColor: Colors.black54, //sets checkmark color
// ... other properties ...
To change the fill color of the checkbox see the answer of Magnus
You need to ditch the CheckboxListTile and instead use a Row with an icon, text, and a simple Checkbox widget.
Checkbox provides checkColor property - which is responsible for the check/tick color and is white by default. Set the color you desire for that property and it should work.
Row(crossAxisAlignment:, children: [
Icon(Icons.account_box, color: Colors.white),
child: AutoSizeText(
maxLines: 1,
style: TextStyle(
color: white,
value: _serachSelectList.contains(data),
onChanged: (bool value) {
setState(() {
if (value) {
setState((){ default_color = selected_color });
} else {
setState((){ default_color = unselected_color });
activeColor: Colors.transparent,
materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
I did not test this code - you might encounter size & alignment issues that you would need to solve yourself. Nevertheless, the general idea is valid.
Let me know if this helped.
please try this pesudo code,
Color selected_color =;
Color unselected_color = Colors.transparent;
Color default_color = unselected_color ;
Widget buildResultTile(data) {
return Theme(
data: ThemeData(unselectedWidgetColor: white),
activeColor: default_color,
title: AutoSizeText(
maxLines: 1,
style: TextStyle(
color: white,
value: _serachSelectList.contains(data),
onChanged: (bool value) {
setState(() {
if (value) {
setState((){ default_color = selected_color });
} else {
setState((){ default_color = unselected_color });
secondary: const Icon(Icons.account_box, color: white),
i hope to help you
it's working code for checkbox color change for flutter
checkColor: Colors.white,
checkColor: Colors.white,
value: checkedValue,
onChanged: (newValue) {
setState(() {
checkedValue = newValue!;
ListTileControlAffinity.leading, // <-- leading Checkbox
I wanted to control a drop-down button and make it unclickable using a button.
Is there any way to make it disable. Basically not allowing it able to change.
new DropdownButton(
value: animalName,
(String value) {
return new DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: new Text('$value'),
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
animalName = value;
So this is the code I currently use on the drop-down button, but i cant disabled it.
Found this in the DropdownButton docs:
If items or onChanged is null, the button will be disabled, the down arrow will be grayed out, and the disabledHint will be shown (if provided)
onChanged: null,
items: [...],
This isn't what you want to hear, but I don't think there's currently an easy way. I experimented with simply removing all the items and that causes a nice little crash. Maybe worth raising an issue with the flutter people on github...
There is an alternative that may be good enough for you for now. If you wrap your DropdownButton in an IgnorePointer, when you want it to be disabled you can change IgnorePointer's ignoring property to true.
That way if the user taps on it, it won't do anything.
But you'll probably want to indicate to the user somehow that it's disabled as well, something like setting the hint text (as it's grey).
child: new IgnorePointer(
ignoring: true,
child: new DropdownButton(
hint: new Text("disabled"),
items: ["asdf", "wehee", "asdf2", "qwer"].map(
(String value) {
return new DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: new Text('$value'),
onChanged: (value) {},
You can make DropdownButtonFormField or DropdownButton disabled if set onChanged to null, and if you want that dropdown still shows selected value you must set disabledHint. For example:
disabledHint: Text(_selectedItem),
value: _selectedItem,
onChanged: enabled ? (value) => setState(() => _selectedItem = value) : null,
items:<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((item) {
return DropdownMenuItem(
value: item,
child: Text(item),
Just wrap it with IgnorePointer widget to make DropdownButton disable
ignoring: enabled,
child: new DropdownButton(
value: animalName,
(String value) {
return new DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: new Text('$value'),
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
animalName = value;
If items or onChanged is null, the button will be disabled, the down
arrow will be grayed out, and the disabledHint will be shown (if
So something like this should work:
onChanged: this.enabled ? (id) => setState(() => = id) : null,
okay, i found a trick that satisfied me
i wanted it hide/show the DropdownButton depending on CheckboxListTile
in StatefulWidget Class
first create a function ex:
_buildDropDown(bool enable) {
if (enable) {
return DropdownButton<String>(
hint: Text("Hint"),
items: <String>[
'item 1',
'item 2',
'item 3',
].map((String value) {
return new DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: new Text(value),
onChanged: (value) {},
} else { // Just Divider with zero Height xD
return Divider(color: Colors.white, height: 0.0);
and now in build
bool enable = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
title: const Text('Switcher'),
selected: true,
value: enable,
onChanged: (bool value) {
setState(() {
enable = value;
now every time you change enable it will display and hide the DropdownButton
onChange: isDisable ? null : (str){
disabledHint: isDisable ? null : Text('Your hint text'),
For disable
onChange: null
For disable Caption
disabledHint: Text('Your hint text')
//add widget'AbsorbPointer' true-disable,false-enable
// isEditable = ture
absorbing: isEditable
onChanged: null,
items: [...],
decoration:InputDecoration(enabled: false),