Multiple TinyMCE Instances - Unable to Use "Get" Method - tinymce

I have initiated two instances of the TinyMCE editor on the same webpage...shown below.
selector: '#post-content',
placeholder: 'Type your post here...',
elementpath: false,
resize: false,
plugins: '',
toolbar: '',
menubar: '',
selector: '.post-comment-form-input',
placeholder: 'Type your comment here...',
elementpath: false,
resize: false,
height: "100",
plugins: '',
toolbar: '',
menubar: '',
When I execute a command on the first instance, it all goes just fine (shown below).
$('btn').click(function() {
However, when I execute a command on the second instance, I get the following "Cannot read property 'setContent' of null".
$('btn').click(function() {
Both TinyMCE editors show just fine on the webpage, so I know they are initializing properly. It's just when I try to use a command on that second instance it doesn't work. I have tried including a period in the 2nd function since it's a class, but that doesn't work either.
Thank you.

The tinymce.get() requires you to pass the ID of the HTML element. Based on your init() sections the second selector is using a CLASS which is not valid for the tinymce.get() API.


Disable Copy and Paste to external text editors with tinyMce

I am using tincyMce, however I want to limit copy and pasting to only be used within the actual tinyMce component within my webpage. i.e I can copy and paste inside of the tinyMce texteditor however I could not copy its contents to a word document. Is this possible? This is my current config
plugins: config.plugin,
selector: 'text',
menubar: config.menubar,
toolbar: config.toolbar,
statusbar: false,
skin: false,
branding: false,
paste_data_images: false,
paste_block_drop: false,
paste_postprocess: (editor, args) => {
[...args.node.getElementsByTagName('img')].forEach((image) => image.remove());

Custom buttons in tinyMCE 6.x to insert custom html

I have what I want working in tinyMCE v4.x, but am really styruggling to update the code to work with the latest version (6.x) of this editor.
Basically, my custom button opens a new (popup) window (passing various arguments) in which the user can do various things which produces some HTML, and this is then pasted back into the tinyMCE editor window (at the current insertion point) via editor.insertContent([whatever]);
Here's my v4 code to add the button to the editor toolbar:
editor.addButton('myButton', {
text: 'XYZ',
tooltip: 'Do something',
icon: false,
onclick: function () {{
title: 'XYZ',
url: 'mypopuppage.html',
width: 800,
height: 600
}, {
arg0: '0',
arg1: '1',
arg2: editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'html' }),
arg3: '',
arg4: ''
As I say, this is fine - it works. For v6 I've tried, but can't get it to work. I have not managed to find any code examples online that do anything similar for tinyMCE v6.x, though I'm sure there must be some... this is my effort, but clearly requires more, as it doesn;t work - the button shows, but nothing happens when I click it:
selector: "textarea#txtA",
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
plugins: "myButton",
setup: (editor) => {
editor.ui.registry.addButton('myButton', {
text: 'XYZ',
onAction: (_) => {{
title: 'XYZ',
url: 'mypopuppage.html',
width: 800,
height: 600
}, {
arg0: '0',
arg1: '1',
arg2: editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'html' }),
arg3: '',
arg4: ''
toolbar1: "myButton"
Any help gratefully received...
[edit] OK - getting there; silly me: I should use
to open the dialog... now I just have to figure out how to send the HTML back to the editor...
..not sure I'm passing my arguments corectly for this version of tinyMCE... or not reading them correctly on the popup page. In v4x I could use
var args = top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();
but this doesn't seem to work with v6x... I can use a workaorund of passing the arguments as parameters in the URL I call, but I suspect there is a more robust way of doing it as per v4x - damned if I can find it though... that asied, I'm just about there now :)

TinyMCE and Piranha CMS not allowing me to set <style> tags as valid elements :(

I'm trying to add <style>// custom css here</style> into the tiny mce editor but currently it deletes the style tags and anything in between them on save.
I am trying to set valid_elements: "style" and/or custom_elements: "sabioStyle", and/or extended_valid_elements: "style". I've also tried: "[]" according to tiny's docs but it seems to have no effect on anything. I see that the init function:
piranha.editor.addInline = function (id, toolbarId) {
selector: "#" + id,
browser_spellcheck: true,
fixed_toolbar_container: "#" + toolbarId,
menubar: false,
branding: false,
statusbar: false,
inline: true,
convert_urls: false,
plugins: [
width: "100%",
autoresize_min_height: 0,
toolbar: piranha.editorconfig.toolbar,
extended_valid_elements: piranha.editorconfig.extended_valid_elements,
block_formats: piranha.editorconfig.block_formats,
style_formats: piranha.editorconfig.style_formats,
file_picker_callback: function(callback, value, meta) {
// Provide file and text for the link dialog
if (meta.filetype == 'file') {
piranha.mediapicker.openCurrentFolder(function (data) {
callback(data.publicUrl, { text: data.filename });
}, null);
// Provide image and alt text for the image dialog
if (meta.filetype == 'image') {
piranha.mediapicker.openCurrentFolder(function (data) {
callback(data.publicUrl, { alt: "" });
}, "image");
$("#" + id).parent().append("<a class='tiny-brand' href='' target='tiny'>Powered by Tiny</a>");
Piranha uses sets extended_valid_elements: piranha.editorconfig.extended_valid_elements but my dev tools are not showing the value that I type in editorconfig.json...
I've tried everything their docs say, I have a question open on github with Piranha as well.. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks
See the complete answer here:

TinyMCE | Paste as plain Text + Blank Lines

I would like to know if there is anyway to keep paste_as_text: true,
But keep the blank lines / new lines, when paste something to TinyMCE.
I´m uploading my code below. Already searched alot on web, and didn´t found any answer.
Thanks for anyone help.
Try to pase this text:
"this text you should
paste to the editor for testing"
-> You see, the blank line between the phrases, is not pasting
selector: '#mytextarea',
height: "calc(100vh - 90px)",
width: "100%",
plugins: "paste",
paste_as_text: true,
force_br_newlines: true,
force_p_newlines: false,
forced_root_block: 'div',
setup: function (editor) {
editor.on('init', function (e) {
editor.getBody().style.fontSize = '13px';
editor.getBody().style.fontFamily = 'Arial';

Sencha ExtJS RESTful grid example confusion

I am very confused by the Sencha documentation for ExtJS. The documentation begins with a Getting Started guide which highlights and illustrates the importance on a suitable structure for the classes and source code of your application. But the provided examples then break all the conventions laid down by the Getting Started guide. Instead of code being broken down into appropriate Model, Store, View, etc. class files the examples are provided as a single file with example source code which is not easily re-usable in separate source files.
I started by following the Portal example (!/example/portal/portal.html) as this is the sort of application I want to create. I wanted to enhance the Portal example and add in a screen which would display a grid and use a RESTful web service as the data backend. I have created the backend I just want to create the front-end. So I looked at the RESTful example (!/example/restful/restful.html)
I have tried to copy the RESTful example into the recommended pattern of seperate classes e.g. Model, Store, View:
Ext.define('MyLodge.model.Member', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{name: 'name', type: 'string'},
{name: 'email', type: 'string'},
{name: 'href', type: 'string'}
Ext.define('', {
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
model: 'MyLodge.model.Member',
proxy: {
type: 'rest',
url: 'http://localhost:8888/rest/memberapi/members' ,
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'data'
writer: {
type: 'json'
listeners: {
write: function(store, operation){
var record = operation.getRecords()[0],
name = Ext.String.capitalize(operation.action),
if (name == 'Destroy' ) {
record = operation.records[0];
verb = 'Destroyed';
} else {
verb = name + 'd';
Ext.example.msg(name, Ext.String.format( "{0} member: {1}", verb, record.getId()));
Ext.define('MyLodge.view.content.MemberGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.membergrid',
initComponent: function(){
var store = Ext.create('' );
Ext.apply( this, {
height: this.height,
store: store,
stripeRows: true,
columnLines: true,
columns: [{
id : 'name',
text : 'Name',
flex: 1,
sortable : true,
dataIndex: 'name'
text : 'E-Mail',
width : 150,
sortable : true,
dataIndex: 'email'
text : 'Href',
width : 200,
sortable : true,
dataIndex: 'href'
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [{
text: 'Add',
iconCls: 'icon-add',
handler: function(){
// empty record
store.insert(0, new MyLodge.model.Member());
rowEditing.startEdit(0, 0);
}, '-', {
itemId: 'delete',
text: 'Delete',
iconCls: 'icon-delete',
disabled: true,
handler: function(){
var selection = grid.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
if (selection) {
But I am not sure where to put the code to control the grid row selection and enable the Delete button:
grid.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', function(selModel, selections){
grid.down('#delete').setDisabled(selections.length === 0);
Also when I press the Add button I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'insert'.
Any help would be appreciated.
You are having scoping issues. Basically the variable store is defined only in the initComponent function and therefore of local function scope.
Your handler function has it's own scope. It is firing in the scope of the toolbar button. So if you say this in the handler it would refer to the button. Hence you can say this.up('panel').store - and that gives you the correct reference to the store backing your grid panel.
Another advice is not to implement everything at once. Write a little bit to see if it works and then add to it little by little.
RE: the docs examples, I agree that it's frustrating, but there's not many options. Having a fully-MVC-style implementation of each example would not only be onerous to produce, but would also probably make point of the example get lost in the structure.
RE: your question about the where to "put" the code to control the grid, I would recommend setting up a controller with listeners for the events on the grid in the control() section. This will let you decouple the handling of the events that are fired by your grid from the view itself.