Replicate Oracle's `TRUNC(DATE, 'WW')` behaviour in PostgreSQL - postgresql

I need to convert this to postgres:
This will return 22-APR-20
I tried
but it returns april 20.

user=# select date_trunc('year', now())::date + (to_char(now(), 'WW')::int - 1) * 7;
(1 row)
How it works
date_trunc('year', now())::date returns first day of the year
to_char(now(), 'WW')::int - 1 current week number (starting from zero)
first day of year + current week * 7 days = closest preceding date with same day of week as the first day of the year.


To get weekday between two date in Postgresql

I need to get all week days in a given time interval.
In postgresql, there are dow and isodow
By mixing them together, may I write a function to retrieve weekdays?
to_char(generated_date, 'Day'), -- 1
EXTRACT(isodow FROM generated_date), -- 2
EXTRACT(dow FROM generated_date) -- 3
generate_series('2020-11-01'::date, '2020-11-10'::date, interval '1 day') AS generated_date
Returns the name for the weekday
Returns the number of the weekday (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7)
Returns the number of the weekday (Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6)
If you want to get the days without weekend, you can filter by the dow/isodow values, e.g.:
generate_series('2020-11-01'::date, '2020-11-10'::date, interval '1 day') AS generated_date
EXTRACT(isodow FROM generated_date) < 6
As far as I understand you need to extract all Monday..Fridays between two dates. Here is an illustration with 2020-11-30 as the beginning of the interval and 2020-12-12 as the end of it.
select d
from generate_series('2020-11-30'::date, '2020-12-12'::date, '1 day'::interval) t(d)
where extract(isodow from d) between 1 and 5;

How to truncate a date to the beginning of week (Sunday)?

I need to truncate dates to the start of week, which is Sunday in my case. How can I do this in PostgreSQL? This truncates to Monday:
date_trunc('week', mydate)
If you subtract the dow value (0 for Sundays, 6 for Saturdays) from the current date than you get the previous Sunday which is the begin of your Sunday-based week
my_date - date_part('dow', my_date)::int
Further reading, documentation
You could truncate the date to the week's Monday, then subtract 1 day, e.g:
SELECT (date_trunc('week', now() + interval '1 day') - interval '1 day')::DATE;
As per documentation, date_trunc() accepts values of type date and timestamp and returns a timestamp (thus the cast at the end).

How to calculate end of the month in Postgres?

How to calculate end of the month in Postgres? I have table with column date datatype. I want to calculate end of the month of every date. For Eg. In the table there values like "2015-07-10 17:52:51","2015-05-30 11:30:19" then end of the month should be like 31 July 2015,31 May 2015.
Please guide me in this.
How about truncating to the beginning of this month, jumping forward one month, then back one day?
=# select (date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day')::date;
(1 row)
Change now() to your date variable, which must be a timestamp, per the docs. You can then manipulate this output (with strftime, etc.) to any format you need.
+ INTERVAL '1 month'
- INTERVAL '1 day',
) endOfTheMonth
Hi I tried like this and it worked
Date(to_char(date_trunc('month'::text, msm013.msa011) + '1 mon - 1 day '::interval , 'DD-MON-YYYY') )
Thanks a lot!!

postgres '1 year' equals '360 days'?

Am wondering if anyone else has encountered this or knows information about it.
Today is November 3, 2014 and if i check whether or not November 5, 2013 is within the last year i get different answers depending on how i check: 1 year versus 365 days
select now() - '20131105' as diff,
case when now() - '20131105' <= '1 year' then 'within year' else 'not within year' end as yr_check,
case when now() - '20131105' <= '365 days' then 'within 365 days' else 'not within 365 days' end as day_check
2014-11-03 16:27:38.39669-06; 363 days 16:27:38.39669; not within year; within 365 days
Looks like when querying against November 9 tho, it's ok
select now() as right_now, now() - '20131109' as diff,
case when now() - '20131109' <= '1 year' then 'within year' else 'not within year' end as yr_check,
case when now() - '20131109' <= '365 days' then 'within 365 days' else 'not within 365 days' end as day_check
2014-11-03 16:31:12.464469-06; 359 days 16:31:12.464469; within year; within 365 days
anyone have an idea about this? or is there something about date arithmetic that's funny?
postgres version is 9.2.4
or is there something about date arithmetic that's funny?
It's funny alright, but not in the way that makes you laugh.
Twelve months has to equal a year doesn't it?
=> SELECT '12 months'::interval = '1 year'::interval;
Good. Makes sense. Hmm - wonder how long a month is.
=> SELECT '30 days'::interval = '1 month'::interval;
Fair enough. Suppose they had to pick something.
Hmm - but that means...
=> SELECT '360 days'::interval = '12 months'::interval;
Which seems to imply...
=> SELECT '360 days'::interval = '1 year'::interval;
That can't be right! What they need to do is have a month equal to 30.41666 days. No hang on, what about leap years? Hmm - does this affect weeks? AARGH!
Basically, you can't convert sensibly between time units. There aren't 60 seconds in a minute, or 24 hours in a day, 52 weeks in a year or even 365 days. Unfortunately, humans (particularly customer-shaped humans) like converting between time units so we end up with a mess like this.
PostgreSQL's system is no more loony than any other and in fact is better than most.
I'm not sure what is real problem with this check, but it works other way around:
select now() - interval '1 year' <= date '2013-11-05'
I'm no expert in Postgres, but it can be something with type comparisons, because:
select pg_typeof(now() - date '2013-11-05'),
pg_typeof(now() - interval '1 year')
yields result:
interval, timestamp with time zone
so your example compares interval with interval, but for different scales - days vs year, and my solution compares timestamp with date, which seems to work
You can check that interval '1 year' when not attached to year (not added to date or timestamp) equals to 360 days:
select interval '1 year' <= interval '359 days',
interval '1 year' <= interval '360 days'
which yields:
f, t
From my understanding you can't just compare random year interval when you don't know year it is attached - always compare dates, and just use interval to create new date object.
select now() - interval '1 year' <= now() - interval '365 days'
Internally interval values are stored as months, days, and seconds. This is done because the number of days in a month varies, and a day can have 23 or 25 hours if a daylight savings time adjustment is involved. The months and days fields are integers while the seconds field can store fractions. Because intervals are usually created from constant strings or timestamp subtraction, this storage method works well in most cases. Functions justify_days and justify_hours are available for adjusting days and hours that overflow their normal ranges.
Because you compare two intervals, PostgreSQL internally normalizes values (like justify_interval()), before comparing:
SELECT INTERVAL '31 days' > INTERVAL '1 mon' -- yields 't'
But, if you apply interval substraction/addition, varying day & month length taken into consideration:
SELECT (timestamptz '2014-11-03 00:00:00 America/New_York' - INTERVAL '1 day') AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York',
timestamptz '2014-11-03 00:00:00 America/New_York' - timestamptz '2014-11-02 00:00:00 America/New_York' <= interval '1 day';
-- | timestamp | boolean |
-- +---------------------+---------+
-- | 2014-11-02 01:00:00 | f |
So, if you need to test, whether a timestamp/date is within a range, you should manipulate timestampts/dates (or use timestamp/date ranges) & compare those values with <, > or BETWEEN.
SELECT timestamp '2014-11-03 00:00:00' - timestamp '2014-10-03 00:00:00' <= interval '1 mon',
timestamp '2014-11-03 00:00:00' - interval '1 mon' <= timestamp '2014-10-03 00:00:00';
-- | boolean | boolean |
-- +---------+---------+
-- | f | t |

get last three month records from table

How to get last 3 months records from the table.
from table
where month > CURRENT_DATE-120
and month < CURRENT_DATE
order by month;
I have used the above query is it correct? shall I use this for get last 3 month record from the table.
You can use built-in INTERVAL instruction
Check how this works:
and you can rewrite your SQL to:
SELECT * from table where date > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '3 months'
(not checked but this should give you an idea how to use INTERVAL instruction)
Try that:
FROM table
ORDER BY month
This filters the last 3 calendar months
SELECT * from table where date >= to_char(CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '3 months', 'YYYY-MM-01')::date
select date::date
from generate_series((current_date - INTERVAL '1 Month')::date, (current_date - INTERVAL '1 DAY')::date,'1
day'::interval) date
WHERE date >= date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '3' month)
and date < date_trunc('month', current_date)
This will give last three months date list, excluding current months date. Example if current month is November. This list will give use all dates of August, Septemeber and October.