How to run flutter web application locally with https? - flutter

I built flutter application for web. And able to launch the app using the below command.
flutter run -d chrome
But the above command launches my web app in chrome with http://localhost:59111.
I need to test web application in https:// not with http://
Can anyone suggest me to launch web app with https:// localhost.

You can use mkcert to mock a trusted certificate while testing locally using localhost. mkcert automatically creates and installs a local Certificate Authority (CA), and generates locally-trusted certificates.


How can I host my flutter web app in my local network?

What I need is to run a web app that can only be accessed from my local network.
I built my web app with flutter by typing:
flutter build web
but now I'm stuck because I don't know which web server should I use. I searched for tutorial but didn't find a solution.

How to deploy a Flutter Web App on Domain URL using Remote Desktop Connection?

I have added flutter web support in my existing flutter application. Successfully run in chrome browser using flutter run -d chrome. Then i have created a build for a web using flutter build web. How can i deploy or host this build to the URL for testing in any other browser.
My build we folder is looking like this...

How do I get flutter run -d chrome to use https?

I've been using flutter run -d chrome to start a web version of my app. The app uses FirebaseAuth and when I try to login using Google it tells me it's not secure. I think because the run command is setting up the server for http requests instead of https. If I try just changing the url to https I get an error.
I've looked all over and cannot find any options to tell flutter to use https. Anyone know how to do this?
You can build it and serve it via a webserver. You need a certificate that chrome tells you that the website is secured.

ionic app url found localhost instead file folder

After generating Android build and inspect within Google chrome.
The url in app should be file:///android_asset/www/index.html (Image2)
But always getting localhost.
Why its showing localhost:8080 …?? (image1)
The url in app should be file:///android_asset/www/index.html
But its running in localhost://8080
yes, Ionic always getting node(npm) as a localhost server

Using a self-signed certificate with a chrome packaged app

I'm developing a Chrome packaged app (not an extension), which connects to the server over secure WebSocket. The server's certificate is self-signed, and this cannot be changed.
The problem is that on the chrome packaged app, the connection attempt fails with an ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error.
In the Chrome browser, there is a work-around: The browser opens a security warning page. If user chooses to continue to the website, it goes on to the remote page. However there is no such work-around in a packaged app. Instead, the connection attempt just fails.
Is there any way to code the Chrome packaged app to accept a self-signed certificate?
Found a work-around - open a browser from inside the chrome app.
This is done by using a webview HTML element (webview is the chrome app name for iframe).
Now the chrome app user can accept the security risks of using a self-signed certificate, just as the web app user does.