How can we return an HTML element like anchor element using formatter function.
xAxis: {
data: xAxisData,
axisLabel: {
formatter: function (value) {
return "{<a href=''>" + value + "</a>}";
is this even possible with eCharts?
For this labels it's not supporting. For formatting you can use rich text but if you want to bind some actions on label's click check my previous answer.
I want to just remove the number 33 from this, I want it to just show series-4
what to do to hide it from tooltip?
You can customize the tooltip by providing formatters. In this case, you'll want to override both the title (seriesName) and the y value label. In place of the y value, return a blank string.
You'll need to provide a formatter for the title as well because not doing so will default to the series title being shown followed by a colon.
tooltip: {
y: {
formatter: function(val) {
return ''
title: {
formatter: function (seriesName) {
return seriesName
I am using TinyMCE plugin. Currently, my font-size option comes with list dropdown but I want slider for font size.
Is this possible with the TinyMCE. Anyone know how can I achieve this with TinyMCE editor?
TinyMCE does not have a built in way to select font size via a "slider". As TinyMCE is open source you can always modify the editor's code to meet your needs.
If you look in the main tinymce.js file you will find code like this:
editor.addButton('fontsizeselect', function() {
var items = [], defaultFontsizeFormats = '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt';
var fontsize_formats = editor.settings.fontsize_formats || defaultFontsizeFormats;
each(fontsize_formats.split(' '), function(item) {
var text = item, value = item;
// Allow text=value font sizes.
var values = item.split('=');
if (values.length > 1) {
text = values[0];
value = values[1];
items.push({text: text, value: value});
return {
type: 'listbox',
text: 'Font Sizes',
tooltip: 'Font Sizes',
values: items,
fixedWidth: true,
onPostRender: createListBoxChangeHandler(items, 'fontsize'),
onclick: function(e) {
if (e.control.settings.value) {
editor.execCommand('FontSize', false, e.control.settings.value);
This is how the current select list is implemented - you can always replace this with logic to implement font selection in a different manner.
I have huge sets of numeric data.
this needs to be rendered as comma separated value.
For Ex.
123456.78 to be rendered as 123,457 using Ag-Grid.
Kindly help me on achieving this.
As per the cell rendering flow documentation (here), you can use the colDef.valueFormatter, like this:
var columnDefs = [
{headerName: "Number", field: "number"},
{headerName: "Formatted", field: "number", valueFormatter: currencyFormatter}
function currencyFormatter(params) {
return '£' + formatNumber(params.value);
function formatNumber(number) {
// this puts commas into the number eg 1000 goes to 1,000,
// i pulled this from stack overflow, i have no idea how it works
return Math.floor(number).toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
You could also use a cellRenderer as other posts describe, but that's typically for more complex rendering, whereas the valueFormatter is specifically for this case. From the ag-grid documentation:
valueFormatter's are for text formatting.
cellRenderer's are for when you want to include HTML markup and
potentially functionality to the cell. So for example, if you want to
put punctuation into a value, use a valueFormatter, if you want to put
buttons or HTML links use a cellRenderer. It is possible to use a
combination of both, in which case the result of the valueFormatter
will be passed to the cellRenderer.
headerName: 'Salary', field: 'sal'
cellRenderer: this.CurrencyCellRenderer
private CurrencyCellRenderer(params:any) {
var usdFormate = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD',
minimumFractionDigits: 4
return usdFormate.format(params.value);
Like these we can mention in Angular2 Typescript code.
You can do this by writing a "customcellRenderer", when you create a column definition provide a function to "cellRenderer " attribute and in renderer use number filter, something like this
var colDef = {
name: 'Col Name',
field' 'Col Field',
cellRenderer: function(params) {
var eCell = document.createElement('span');
var number;
if (!param.value || !isFinite(param.value)) {
number = '';
} else {
number = $filter('number')(param.value, 0);
eCell.innerHTML = number;
return eCell;
I am wondering if there is any way one could place a date input control in a toolbar similar to the one used for date input on a form?
Yes, it's possible, but it's quirky.
You will have to define the input field as a toolbar button:
{ type: 'html', id: 'roles', html: '<input id="id_role">' },
and in the toolbar's onRefresh() event you will have to cast the input to the desired w2filed:
onRefresh: function(event) {
if( == 'roles'){
// w2field in toolbar must be initialized during refresh
// see:
event.onComplete = function(ev){
$("#id_role").w2field('list', { items: roles });
In my example I'm inserting a drop down list, but you can adjust it to your needs.
Please see for an "official" reply.
So I have an editable line of text on my website. Whenever the text is changed and is above a certain length, I truncate the text.
Simplified jsfiddle here -
On subsequent clicks on the text to edit, the truncated value with ellipsis is picked up. How do I get jEditable to pick up the actual value which is present as an attribute in the div?
data: function() { $('.editable-value').attr('value') }
will not work as I have several of these editable lines of text
I need something like
data: function() { this.attr('value') }
where this would the div object to which .editable has been applied to.
Just wrap this into jQuery object so you can use jQuery methods on it. Below is updated code. I also updated the example jsFiddle.
$('.editable').editable(function(value, settings) {
$(this).attr('value', value);
if (value.length > 10) {
return(value.slice(0,10)) + '...';
} else {
}, {
data : function(value) { return($(this).attr('value')); },
type : 'text',
submit : 'OK'