Flutter permission_handler re-request permissions - flutter

Currently, I have a simple method that requests location permissions in my app using permission_handler. Everything works well the 1st time around when accepting/denying permissions. However, once the 1st dialog gets a response, calling .request() no longer opens the permissions request dialog.
Is there a way to trigger the dialog within the app after the user has already responded?
Here's my method:
Future<bool> requestLocationPermissions() async {
bool permissions = await Permission.locationWhenInUse.request().isGranted;
if (permissions) {
return true;
} else {
return false;


Permissions always returns "Granted" for Permissions.Photos in .net MAUI

I am using below code to access gallery permissions in .net maui but it always returns Granted even on first time launch of the application and I am not able to see the permission popup saying "This app would like to access photos and media on your device"
public static async Task<PermissionStatus> GetMediaPermissionStatus()
PermissionStatus mediaResult = PermissionStatus.Disabled;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<PermissionStatus>();
var status = await Permissions.CheckStatusAsync<Permissions.Photos>();
if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted)
status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.Photos>();
return await tcs.Task;
Also when I execute below code getting 2 app permission Popups
1st Popup - "Allow application to take pictures and record video"
2nd Popup - "Allow application to access photos and media on your device?"
public async void TakePhoto()
if (MediaPicker.Default.IsCaptureSupported)
FileResult photo = await Microsoft.Maui.Media.MediaPicker.Default.CapturePhotoAsync();
if (photo != null)
// save the file into local storage
string localFilePath = Path.Combine(FileSystem.CacheDirectory, photo.FileName);
using Stream sourceStream = await photo.OpenReadAsync();
using FileStream localFileStream = File.OpenWrite(localFilePath);
await sourceStream.CopyToAsync(localFileStream);
I don't know if it is a bug or I am doing something wrong.
Any help is appreciated!
You can refer to this doc: Permissions of MAUI. There is a table in it. It uses ✔️ to indicate that the permission is supported and ❌ to indicate the permission isn't supported or isn't required
If a permission is marked as ❌, it will always return Granted when checked or requested.
The user granted permission or is automatically granted.
Wish it can help you.

Flutter permission_handler : request location permission on iOS

I want to ask user to enable permission only if he denied the permission or the permission is not allowed
This function is working very well on android
Future _getLocationPermission() async {
if (await Permission.location.request().isGranted) {
permissionGranted = true;
} else if (await Permission.location.request().isPermanentlyDenied) {
} else if (await Permission.location.request().isDenied) {
permissionGranted = false;
but on iOS it throw exception permission isPermanentlyDenied
Unhandled Exception: location.request().isPermanentlyDenied
even if the user allowed location permission while using app
I'm using permission_handler package
iOS is stricter, it does not allow you to request for permission if the user has already permanently denied it. In this case your only option is to inform the user about this, and offer the possibility to open application settings and grant permission there. This will likely restart your application if the user grants.
So check the status without requesting:
final status = await Permission.location.status;
If status is permanently denied, display a Flutter dialog (you can't use the system permission grant dialog in this case):
if (status == PermissionStatus.permanentlyDenied) {
// display a dialog, explain the user that he/she can grant
// permission only in the phone's application settings
If the user want's to do it, you can route to the application settings:
openAppSettings(); // this is a method of the permission handler package
This method is a future, but in my experience you don't need to await it.
This is just a function that returns bool if the user enables location
or not simple
Future<bool> canGetLocation(Location location) async {
if (!await location.requestService()) return false;
final status = await location.requestPermission();
final granted = PermissionStatus.granted;
final grantedLimited = PermissionStatus.grantedLimited;
bool result = status == granted || status == granted;
return result;
if (await canGetLocation(location)) {
// Do something
} else {
final status = await handler.Permission.location.status;
if (status.isPermanentlyDenied || status.isDenied) {
// ask the user to open the app setting
// from permission handler package you have
} else {
// show info dialog or something that the user need to enable location services
Please check this link. You must have to mention permission in POD file also.

How I can detect first app lauch in Flutter?

I work on a Flutter mobile app and I want to detect the first app launch to show a little tutorial to the user. I have tests the Shared-Preferences Module But when If I start the app for the first time The console tells me the key is not recognized, I think it's normal because this key does exist! There is another method for checking that?
Thank you guys
use shared preferences to store value that indicate if user has ever been in this page or not
like this
try {
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
splash = sharedPreferences.getString("SPLASH_DONE");
} catch (e) {
print("this is first time");
if (splash == null) {
page = AppSplashScreen();
} else {
page = LoginPage();
and after completing your first time operation call
sharedPreferences.setString("SPLASH_DONE", "DONE");

Flutter: Permission_handler: iOS: Camera permission request not working AFTER first successfully denied

I'm sure this is a silly error on my behalf.
Using Permission_handler to request camera permissions on iOS.
On first attempt the dialog shows requesting permission and successfully approves or denies. However, if I deny the request first and try launching the camera again there is no dialog requesting permissions.
static Future<bool> checkCameraPermissions() async {
PermissionStatus status = await Permission.camera.status;
if (status.isUndetermined || status.isDenied) {
print('cam is denied or undetermined'); //Prints
PermissionStatus newStatus = await Permission.camera.request();
print(await Permission.camera.isDenied); //Prints 'true' immediately
if (newStatus.isDenied)
return false;
print('cam is approved!'); //Nope QQ
return true;
How do I force Permission_handler to request the user again?
According to Apple, the user response is stored and the dialog doesn't open again. You can read more about it over here
What you can do is show a dialog with steps to enable required permissions and open settings page.

Open an app in flutter based on the url provided in the email sent for verification

So I have been working on a flutter app and once the user registers through my app they are sent an email for the verification of their account. Once the url in the link is tapped they are verified. Now after their verification,the users must be redirected to the app. I looked into firebase dynamic links but in all of the articles,they were trying to share their app by generating a link. Is there a way I can implement this? Thanks in advance!
Use this package
For getting the link when the app is started.
This is the case in which your app was in the closed state.
Future<Null> initUniLinks() async {
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
String initialLink = await getInitialLink();
// Parse the link and warn the user, if it is not correct,
// but keep in mind it could be `null`.
} on PlatformException {
// Handle exception by warning the user their action did not succeed
// return?
For listening to link clicks. This is for the case when your app is already open and you click the link.
_sub = getLinksStream().listen((String link) {
// Parse the link and warn the user, if it is not correct
}, onError: (err) {
// Handle exception by warning the user their action did not succeed
// NOTE: Don't forget to call _sub.cancel() in dispose()
Usually, you need to implement both of them together since your app may be in the closed state or open state while you click the link.
Future<Null> initUniLinks() async {
try {
String initialLink = await getInitialLink();
} on PlatformException {
_sub = getLinksStream().listen((String link) {}, onError: (err) {});