Postgres json select - postgresql

Let's say that I have an incoming JSON message to my app:
line_nbr : 1,
value: 10
line_nbr : 2,
value: 30
Is it possible to perform the following selection in postgres :
SELECT JsonObject.value, qty from table_x where id in JsonObjects.line_nbr
In other words join on the incoming JSON object

with your_js as (
select (value->>'line_nbr')::int as line_nbr
from jsonb_array_elements('JsonObjects'::jsonb) as je
select line_nbr, qty
from table_x
join your_js on line_nbr =
check here for detail


Convert individual postgres jsonb array elements to row elements

I have to query a table with 2 columns, id and content. Id is just a uuid and the content column looks like
"fields": [
"001": "mig00004139229"
"856": {
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"u": ""
"z": "some text"
"999": {
"subfields": [
"i": "81be1acf-11df-4d13-a5c6-4838e3a808ee"
"s": "3a6aa357-8fd6-4451-aedc-13453c1f2296"
I need to select the id, 001, and 856 elements where the subfield "u" domain matches a string "" so the output would be
If this were a flat table, the query would correspond with "select id, 001, 856 from table where 856 like ''"
I can select individual columns based on the criteria I need, but they appear in separate rows except the id which appears with any other individual field in a regular select statement. How would I get the other fields to appear in the same row since it's part of the same record?
Unfortunately, my postgres version doesn't support jsonb_path_query, so I've been trying something along the lines of:
SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements(content -> 'fields') -> '001',
jsonb_array_elements(content -> 'fields') -> '856' -> 'subfields'
This method returns the data I need, but the individual elements arrive on separate rows with the with the id in the first column and nulls for every element that is neither the 001 nor 856 e.g.
Usable, but clunky so I'm looking for something better
I think my query can help you. There are different ways to resolve this, I am not sure if this is the best approach.
I use jsonb_path_query() function with the path for the specified JSON value.
jsonb_path_query(content, '$.fields[*]."001"') AS "001",
jsonb_path_query(content, '$.fields[*]."856".subfields[*].u') AS "856"
WHERE jsonb_path_query_first(content, '$.fields[*]."856".subfields[*].u' )::text ilike '%domain%';
UPDATED: because of Postgresql version is prior to 12.
You could try something like this, but I think there must be a better approach:
max(sq1."001") AS "001",
max(sq2."856") AS "856"
INNER JOIN (SELECT id, (jsonb_array_elements(content -> 'fields') -> '001')::text AS "001" FROM t) AS sq1 ON =
INNER JOIN (SELECT id, (jsonb_array_elements(jsonb_array_elements(content -> 'fields') -> '856' -> 'subfields') -> 'u')::text AS "856" FROM t) AS sq2 ON =
WHERE sq2."856" ilike '%domain%'

Postgresql: Can the minus operator not be used with a parameter? Only hardcoded values?

The following query deletes an entry using index:
const deleteGameQuery = `
update users
set games = games - 1
where username = $1
If I pass the index as a parameter, nothing is deleted:
const gameIndex = rowsCopy[0].games.findIndex(obj => == gameID).toString();
const deleteGameQuery = `
update users
set games = games - $1
where username = $2
const { rows } = await query(deleteGameQuery, [gameIndex, username]);
ctx.body = rows;
The gameIndex parameter is just a string, the same as if I typed it. So why doesn't it seem to read the value? Is this not allowed?
The column games is a jsonb data type with the following data:
"game": "cyberpunk-2077",
"status": "Backlog",
"platform": "Any"
"game": "new-pokemon-snap",
"status": "Backlog",
"platform": "Any"
The problem is you're passing text instead of an integer. You need to pass an integer. I'm not sure exactly how your database interface works to pass integers, try removing toString() and ensure gameIndex is a Number.
const gameIndex = rowsCopy[0].games.findIndex(obj => == gameID).
array - integer and array - text mean two different things.
array - 1 removes the second element from the array.
select '[1,2,3]'::jsonb - 1;
[1, 3]
array - '1' searches for the entry '1' and removes it.
select '["1","2","3"]'::jsonb - '1';
["2", "3"]
-- Here, nothing is removed because 1 != '1'.
select '[1,2,3]'::jsonb - '1';
[1, 2, 3]
When you pass in a parameter, it is translated by query according to its type. If you pass a Number it will be translated as 1. If you pass a String it will be translated as '1'. (Or at least that's how it should work, I'm not totally familiar with Javascript database libraries.)
As a side note, this sort of data is better handled as a join table.
create table games (
id bigserial primary key,
name text not null,
status text not null,
platform text not null
create table users (
id bigserial primary key,
username text not null
create table game_users (
game_id bigint not null references games,
user_id bigint not null references users,
-- If a user can only have each game once.
unique(game_id, user_id)
-- User 1 has games 1 and 2. User 2 has game 2.
insert into game_users (game_id, user_id) values (1, 1), (2, 1), (2,2);
-- User 1 no longer has game 1.
delete from game_users where game_id = 1 and user_id = 1;
You would also have a platforms table and a game_platforms join table.
Join tables are a little mind bending, but they're how SQL stores relationships. JSONB is very useful, but it is not a substitute for relationships.
You can try to avoid decomposing objects outside of postgress and manipulate jsonb structure inside the query like this:
create table gameplayers as (select 1 as id, '[
"game": "cyberpunk-2077",
"status": "Backlog",
"platform": "Any"
"game": "new-pokemon-snap",
"status": "Backlog",
"platform": "Any"
"game": "gameone",
"status": "Backlog",
"platform": "Any"
]'::jsonb games);
ungroupped as (select * from gameplayers g, jsonb_to_recordset(
as (game text, status text, platform text)),
filtered as (select id,
json_build_object('game', game,
'status', status,
'platfrom', platform
) games
from ungroupped where game not like 'cyberpunk-2077' group by id)
UPDATE gameplayers as g set
from filtered f where;

How to count number of elements in the following JSON

I have a column in my Metabase table where the column entry is like the following:
{ “text_fields”: { “Weight”: “{:optional=>true, :priority=>4, :index=>false}” }, “checkbox_fields”: {}, “dropdown_fields”: { “Brand Name”: “{:optional=>false, :priority=>1, :index=>false, :options=>[“Non Branded”]}” }}
I want to get a net count of
The desired answer, in this case, will be: 2 (1 text field + 0 checkbox field + 1 dropdown field)
Use jsonb_each to iterate over object keys/values, and jsonb_object_keys to extract the keys only.
Example (with sample data included):
SELECT * FROM mytable ;
{"text_fields": {"Weight": 1}, "checkbox_fields": {}, "dropdown_fields": {"Brand Name": 1}}
(1 row)
(SELECT sum((SELECT count(*) FROM jsonb_object_keys(v1)))
FROM jsonb_each(mycolumn) AS j1(k1,v1)
WHERE k1 IN ('text_fields', 'checkbox_fields', 'dropdown_fields')
) AS mytotal
FROM mytable;
mycolumn | mytotal
{"text_fields": {"Weight": 1}, "checkbox_fields": {}, "dropdown_fields": {"Brand Name": 1}} | 2
(1 row)

Postgres extract value from jsonb array

I have a jsonb field with an array like this one below:
"title":"Discount 10%"
"title":"Some menu title etc"
I want to get the file attribute in case there is a type=menu in the array.
What I managed to do is to know if there is one, but how can I eventually extract the file value?
case when offers #> '[{"type":"menu"}]' then true else false end
I don't want to do something like this below because the array may not contain a discount type.
Use jsob_array_elements() and ->> operator (see JSON Functions and Operators.)
with a_table(json_col) as (
values (
"title":"Discount 10%"
"title":"Some menu title etc"
select value->>'file' as filename
from a_table,
lateral jsonb_array_elements(json_col)
where value->>'type' = 'menu'
(1 row)
t=# with a as (with v as (select '[
"title":"Discount 10%"
"title":"Some menu title etc"
]'::jsonb j)
select jsonb_array_elements(j) r from v) select r->>'file' from a where r->>'type' = 'menu';
(1 row)

OrientDB SQL - traverse while keeping edges weight

Lets assume the following model in OrientDB graph:
I have a Profile vertex.
Profiles are connected with 2 edges: Liked and Commented. Both edges have a "value" field indicating the count of the action (or the "weight" of the edge).
So, if user A commented 3 times on posts by user B there will be a Commented edge from user A to user B with value = 3.
Now, say I want to get all the users that interacted with user B (either liked or commented), sorted by the weight of the interaction.
I can do that with the following SQL:
select * from (traverse out from
(select out, sum(value) as value from
(traverse * from (select from Profile where username="B") while $depth < 3)
where #class="Liked" or #class="Commented" group by out order by value desc)
while $depth < 2 ) where #class="Profile" )
But what if I want to know also the weight of the interaction? How do I propagate up the "value" while doing the last traverse?
According to the suggestion, a simplified version of this query will be:
select expand(out) from (
select out, sum(value) as value from (
select expand(inE("Liked", "Commented")) from Profile
where username="B"
) group by out order by value desc
But I still can't find a way to use LET to insert the value into the outer expanded object. $parent does not seem to point to the object that is expanded on the most outer select.
Edit 2
I'm Playing with $parent in every way I can think of. I don't see how you can use it in this case. Again - the problem I'm trying to solve is how to pass the sum(value) to the outer result set. I don't see a way of using LET for it when doing a GROUP BY, and I also don't see a way of using LET when the outer most select is doing an expand (since you can't do other projections together with expand).
Also, the results of using $current do not seem to be what is expected. For example, the following query:
select expand($v) from
(select from
(select expand(inE("Liked", "Commented")) from Profile where #rid=#11:0)
let $v = $current
Returns this:
"result" : [{
"#type" : "d",
"#rid" : "#14:4",
"#version" : 2,
"#class" : "Commented",
"value" : 1,
"out" : "#11:165",
"in" : "#11:0"
}, {
"#type" : "d",
"#rid" : "#14:4",
"#version" : 2,
"#class" : "Commented",
"value" : 1,
"out" : "#11:165",
"in" : "#11:0"
}, {
"#type" : "d",
"#rid" : "#14:4",
"#version" : 2,
"#class" : "Commented",
"value" : 1,
"out" : "#11:165",
"in" : "#11:0"
The same node over and over again, instead of all the edges, which is what I would expect.
I see you're using an old version of OrientDB. With more recent versions you can simplify it by. Example: original query:
select * from (
traverse out from (
select out, sum(value) as value from (
traverse * from (
select from Profile where username="B"
) while $depth < 3
) where #class="Liked" or #class="Commented" group by out order by value desc
) while $depth < 2
) where #class="Profile" )
You could skip some step by using out()/in()/both() passing the Edge's labels/class like:
select expand( out(["Liked","Commented]) ) from Profile where username="B"
However to pass the value you can use variables with LET clause. Example:
select from XXX let $parent.a = value
In this way you set the variable "a" into the upper level context, but you could do also:
select from XXX let $parent.$parent.a = value
To set it 2 levels up.
I haven't tried this with a group by yet, but you should be able to group the result using a sub query. This works for me, where prop1, prop2, prop3, etc are properties of the vertices coming out of the edge (the columns resulting from select out() Profile where username="B")
select outV().prop1, outV().prop2, outV().prop3, value from (
select expand(inE("Liked", "Commented")) from Profile
where username="B"
) order by value desc