Why can't I see my published Roblox game? - roblox

I went to Roblox Studios, clicked File, clicked Upload To Roblox As, filled out the info and submitted. It said I successfully uploaded, but when I got to play I don't see my game, and I don't see it it my creations list.

Go to the developer tab(roblox.com/develop), find your game BUT DON’T CLICK IT YET. You are going to click the blue text next to (start place:). Click the ... icon, then click add to profile. You will see this on your profile.


Error: Not applicable for the "main.dart" configuration

I cannot run my code on any emulator in Android studio... I have been despritely trying to solve this issue. the section is greyed out at the top and when I press play nothing happens. Any suggestions? Btw I have tried almost everything i've seen on the internet for this issue, I assume it has to do with [Run > edit configurations]
click here for reference image
Next time on opening studio click on the dropdown devic menu on the left side of "main.dart" then click on your emulator. If your emulator doesn't show up then click "refresh" and then click on yur AVD in the drop down.
After that click on the green play button then wait for a while for it to compile.
Hope this helps you, if you still don't understand drop a comment I'll send images.

Why is the game scene empty when I press "play"?

I'm trying to open up a game demo from my class to see what it looks like, but after opening up the project in Unity, going to the "Game" tab on the upper part of the screen, and pressing "play", nothing shows up. I'm new to Unity so I have no idea why the screen is blank (there should be a title screen that says "Traffic Jam" and a play button). I'll attach a screenshot of my workspace below.
Note: I read somewhere about changing the "Layout" dropdown option in the upper right corner to "Default", but even if I do that, the title screen doesn't show up correctly.
Here is a link to the project if you want to try it out yourself:
UPDATE: I've now opened the scene and have all the objects displayed, however some things still don't seem to be quite right. The title of the game is not shown when it should be and although the "play" button is shown, clicking on it doesn't get the game started as it should.
You should open the scene you are highlighting, by double clicking. You can also open the unity project by double clicking the scene directly from windows explorer.
When unity has opened that scene, this is what you will see.
And this will then be your game view:
This is what happens when I click play and die.
After opening a Unity project, ensure you are also opening the correct Unity Scene.
Most Unity project usually contains multiple Scene files which will have different contents.
I can see in your Project tab that you have a Unity scene file which is not currently open, if you double click this it should take you to your scene.
I can tell that this is not open as the Hierarchy would show the name of the currently open scene instead of 'Untitled'.
If this file does not contain the items you are looking for you should check other folder in your project for Unity scene files (did you save it as something else?)

How do I handle pop up in katalon studio for a website that's built on REACT?

While recording a specific step in katalon studio, and replaying it I get error. See attachment. I am trying to click on # linked button that opens a pop up and then I click on x icon to close the popup.
Second is a dropdown button, on click, it opens a dropdown, clicking outside of it closes the dropdown.
I am new to katalon and don't understand that while recording manually the objects do get captured but when I play them I get error ( shared below)
This is the URL: juggernaut.in
In this image I have highlighted where I want click actions
this is the error on click
It is probably because , the js is loading and katalon is not able to find objects, you could just use WebUI.delay() after or before action function and manually enter delay time by hit and trial and then check

Where can I see TFLog output on testflightapp.com?

I'm using TFLog in my iPhone app, but where on https://testflightapp.com can I view the output?
I just found this out by trial and error and a lot of clicking about on the TestFlight site. It's so well buried that I assumed there was no way to view the output yet on their site!
Click on Builds and then select the build of your app that you're interested in
Click on Sessions in the left-hand sidebar
Click the sessions from the user you're interested in
Click the "i" information graphic on the right-hand side for the individual session you're interested in
Click the Events drop-down on the right of the window that appears and select Log
The TFLog output is displayed. Note that it's mixed in with any Checkpoints that have been passed within that session

Facebook tab renamed itself. Can't change

Had a facebook tab called "Sign Up" as a gateway into an iframe canvas page. Nothing shocking. This last round of updates have moved the "tabs" to the left side of fb pages. For some reason, my tab, named "Sign Up" and still named so in the application settings, renamed itself to "Hello" when they updated the new look. I have no idea where this is coming from, but the client is now freaking out and Googling for this answer has been totally fruitless. Does anyone know why this would be happening? I tried resaving the application settings to no avail.
There's no code to post. There's some static HTML and CSS. Here's a screenshot of the app page:
As you can see it says "Hello" for reasons I cannot figure out. In the application settings I was able to change the icon from the default. As you can see here, the tab name is "Sign Up"
Nowhere in the settings is there the word "Hello". As stated I was able to add an icon.
Well, this is just a FB bug when you switch over to the new page format, but I did figure out how to fix it. If you encounter this problem go to your page and click the "Edit Page" button in the top right. You'll end up here:
Go to the apps tab and click "Edit Settings" under the app name. The popup shown above will appear. Just click "remove" and then click "Edit Settings" again and click "add". Your tab will now respect the name you have given it. Annoying.