Firebase Custom Domain: What happen to old domain after that? - firebase-hosting

When I just started exploring Firebase, I referenced many of the assets hosted on it, such as JavaScript files, images, and CSS from my production site. Now I realized that I should create a Custom Domain for my Firebase hosting site if I were to turn it into an official app eventually. But my concern is: Will all the links on my production site become broken? For example, images no longer load, JS no longer work etc.? Will Firebase auto-redirect to when referencing it with:
<img src="" alt="thumbnail" />
Fixing the URLs to these assets will be very tedious because I have too many of it. Any advice? Thanks! will continue to work just as it did before even if you add as a custom domain to the Firebase project.


Data sharing through any kind of platform from public Cloudkit container

I need some help! I have built my front end app + set up perfectly my public CloudKit container. I am just trying to share the data of my app between not iCloud users…it’s a hell… The knowledge request is over my skills. I have spent several weeks to try to solve this problem..,.and still…haven’t found the solution.
I don’t think I need vapor framework (because I don’t need to edit the data I am sharing).
Up to now I was able to download the data from iCloud public container inside the terminal following this old tutorial of 2016 (following the bonus "server-side cloudkit access” part two, cf. link under)
but I am not able then to put the data inside a html page to share the data of my app through any kind of my platform.
I have tried to follow these two examples to put the data of my cloud kit container inside a notion html page
I am lost … I am not able to adapt this two examples inside my project.
Is there some one around to help me and make a simple example or give me some guidelines?

Ionic adding pages

I just started using the ionic-framework and I know that with jQueryMobile you need to add the pages inside the same html with a page id and link to it.
But how do multiple pages work with the Ionic Framework?
On this example:
I see that they use
<script id="file.html" type="text/ng-template">
Am I supposed to do it that way?
No. Normally, one adds the pages in separate files.
The above notation is just used for codepens or similar sites, where you can not add additional files into your online code.
You should take a look at an ionic starter app. Create one by writing
ionic start myApp
into your console.
This may be old post, but i created a tool with ability to generate ionic seed apps with all required pages. For ex., if you need a profile page for your app, using this tool, you can specify pages you need and it will generate the app with all necessary files and references in index.html.
Link for the tool:

block gadgets in google apps for education

One of the schools I support want to start teaching basic web design to their students, and would like to use google sites to do so. We need to be able to block google gadgets from the sites so that there is no risk of inappropriate content being shown to the students. Previously this could be done with domain gadget directory manager but from what I understand this stopped working when https got switched on for everything. All the places I have looked predate the https change and no longer seem to work. Does anyone have any ideas?
There is an utility called google feedserver
describes how to tweak http/https:
What you can do is to copy the body of XML and change http:// links to
.js files to https:// and then host this file somewhere.

OwnCloud enhance core features with App (eg. user registration)

I started looking into OwnCloud app development to add some capabilities I would like to my server. To me it seems like Apps can't modify anything like the Login page or User Management page. Is this the case?
I want to build a user registration app and would love to integrate it into the user management page (if not and it has to exist as its own app page not a big deal). The one big problem I see so far is not being able to add a "Register" link to the login page. I could just go in and add it to the source manually, but I would like to keep the App self contained so others can use it too.
If this is not possible to do in an App I may just need to modify the core application and then see if they will accept my feature addition in a pull request.
Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this for me. I don't want to waste my time trying to figure out how to do it with an App on the platform if it wont be doable.
After a lot of digging around I did figure out a way to do this.
In the App's app.php file, you can force a script to be loaded if the plugin is enabled:
$api->addScript('script_name'); // without .js
In that script jQuery can be used to add the elements to the page where you need them.
This was a good solution for me since I only needed to add a single button to the login page. I can see this being a bad idea if you want to make vast modifications. At that point you might as well just create a separate page that you have full control over.

iphone html app - cross site xmlhttprequest?

On an iphone, you can add a favourite when on a webpage and if that webpage has the correct meta tags for iphone, it gets an icon and can even 'hide' the browsers chrome and display just like an App. With html5 http headers you can even have the phone completely cache the 'app' so that it never has to contact the server again.
The problem I have is that I want to write apps that make xmlhttprequests to a server that is not the server they were originally from. I heard its possible to do this if you somehow export your favourites and HTML5 chache then manually edit the export file to change the URL for the favourite, then import them again, so that the phone doesn't think the javascript is trying a cross site xmlhttprequest.
However I have not found anything like that (maybe it was a jailbreak thing?). At the moment I have to have a proxy on the server where the 'app' originally came from, which is obviously very annoying.
I also heard that there was a special meta tag that allowed you to specify one other domain for xmlhttprequest, it had something to do with specifying that the page was actually a mirror and should be treated as if it came from another domain. Does anyone know what meta tag this is? I tried searching all over apple and found nothing.
I believe it might also be possible if you can get webkit to treat the cache as a file:// protocal, because then cross site security will not apply.
The answer is this is not possible and is not meant to be possible.