PayPal Express Checkout Integration does not fully complete the transaction - paypal

I'm implementing the v2 Express Checkout Paypal Integration; It works fine, however it does not fully complete the transaction (business account does not receive the payment).
I'm running tests on sandbox.
The token is generated as well as the Order ID.
I copy and paste the given link into the URL bar and press enter to proceed to complete the transaction.
The transaction is completed and redirects to a new URL
Everything seems to work well, however when I come to check the notifications of the sandbox business account (in which the payments were supposed to go to), it does not show any payment.
Everything seems to be set accordingly but the payments just don't go to my account.

transaction is completed
Nope, wrong; the buyer approved the payment. There is no transaction.
To create a transaction, when the buyer returns to e.g. , you must display an order review page and capture the order with the appropriate API call.
If you want to capture the order immediately (skipping the display of an order review page), you can specify this in the initial order setup so that the "Continue" button the buyer clicks to return to your site instead says "Pay Now".


Selecting Paypal in checkout step then reviewing order details in the next step before placing the order

I'm looking for direction on documentation or others who have sites with the same scenario:
step a: Select Payment - The user can selecting Paypal in checkout
step b: Review Order details - The user has selected paypal in step 2
and can review the order detail before placing the order with PayPal.
Can step a just be a selection of the paypal payment method not leading to paypal sign in?
Or does step a have to be a sign into paypal
Once Signed into paypal, does the paypal api allow the user back to the site to allow to review (step b)?
Does initiating Paypal have to end with the placement of the order? i.e. it can not return to the step b to review , then complete the order?
"Selecting" PayPal without signing in doesn't do anything, and accomplishes nothing. You should have a PayPal checkout/sign-in shortcut button as early as possible in your flow (ideally on a "view cart" page), in addition to the normal payment selection location. This allows payers to sign in quickly without having to type in any address information, which speeds the process. PayPal payers almost always already have their address saved at PayPal. The less friction there is in the process, the more likely a payer is to actually click through and complete the checkout. This increases sales measurably.
If you need a review step after PayPal before capturing, then you can show one after approval (in the 'onApprove' function) before doing the capture. If you are not going to be capturing immediately, the button text of the last action at PayPal should be changed from the default 'Pay Now' to say 'Continue'. To do so, when creating the order set a top level (not inside purchase units) application_context object with a user_action key of CONTINUE. This only changes the text of the button, it is up to you to make the behavior after approval match (and it must match).
To change the details of the PayPal order before capture, use an Update Order Details API call, which is an HTTP patch operation (not post) that gives no success response other than a 204 code.
For payer approval, use this flow; it has the necessary client-side error handling of a v2/checkout/orders capture response (restarting in case of a recoverable funding failure)

How to capture only one transaction from multiple authorized transactions?

I am building a payment system where a user can make a payment against an orderId
I want to make sure that only one payment gets through (gets captured)
The payment flow is like this:
1- User clicks on Paypal button
2- a Transaction PENDING_PAYMENT gets created for the user with orderId
3- User pays in Paypal
4- Paypal sends webhook and marks the payment as AUTHORIZED
5- The system CAPTURES the payment
as you see, the user can open multiple Paypal pages and pay all of them at the same time, there's no way for me to prevent this, but I want to be able to CAPTURE only one of these payments. (so I can automatically refund the rest of the payments)
I really appreciate any help, Thank you in advance.
When you set up the PayPal transaction for approval, pass a unique invoice_id to PayPal that has never before been used for a successful payment on that PayPal account. This could be your orderId, perhaps with some additional prefix added if desired. (For instance if you had multiple storefronts on the same PayPal account that might use the same order numbers, a prefix of 3 letters and a dash indicating the store name is a typical choice)
By default, PayPal accounts prevent (block) any subsequent payments for an invoice_id that was previously used for a successful payment on that account -- precisely to prevent accidental payments for the same thing, as is your use case.

Paypal response slow

This is the process flow of a customer buying our service:
Create campaign
Select a payment method (credit card or paypal). User selects paypal
User is redirected to and makes the payment
User is redirected to (return_url)
User sees his new campaign on the dashboard
When using the sandbox everything is working fine. When using the real service, when the user is redirected to, then the new campaign doesn't show up among the records.
I made extensive testing and found that with the live service PayPal gives me the response about 5-10 seconds later than when I am using the sandbox. So when the user is redirected to the his dashboard, the new purchase is not yet inserted into the database that's why it doesn't show up! They need to manually hit F5 after a couple of seconds to display the new record.
What can I do about it?
I managed to bring up this delay problem with the sandbox as well. I found that there is a difference between the demo and the live payment:
In the sandbox, after the payment I see a window with the title Your payment is complete saying that I completed the payment, this is the transaction code, and the details will be sent to my email address soon, with two options: Back to the seller account (Back to [sandbox seller account]) and go to the paypal account overview. When I click the first one, it opens another window with the title Thanks for your order saying
Your payment of $0.99 USD is complete
If you are not redirected within 10 seconds, click here.
In the live system after I click Pay Now and the payment is complete, then the first screen does not show up, meaning right after the payment the Thanks for your order page is seen then I am redirected to my website (dashboard) within a few seconds.
How could I generate this delay problem in the sandbox?
In the sandbox when the screen shows up about the completed payment when I click quickly the Back to the seller account link, then I click quickly the click here link on the next screen in order to skip the redirection time, the new purchase does not show up on my dashboard on my website, because the data is not yet written into the database.
So the loading of the Your payment is complete window in the sandbox plus the time I click the Back to the seller account link is enough for paypal to give me the necessary data and for me to insert it into the database.
I guess the solution could be to activate that first screen in the live system, but how? What do you think?
I thought the solution would be to turn off Auto return but I can't. When I turn it off and click Save, I receive an error You have not turned on Auto Return. You must turn on Auto Return in order for Payment Data Transfer to work properly.
Start with adding Payment Data Transfer and Auto Return to PayPal Payment Data Transfer Information.
This is from the official PayPal Documentation:
Payment Data Transfer allows you to receive notification of successful payments as they are made. To use Payment Data Transfer, you need to turn on Auto Return. Here's how:
Log in to your PayPal account.
Click Profile.
Click My selling tools.
Click Update near "Website preferences".
Select On under "Auto Return for Website Payments", and enter your Return URL below.
Select On under "Payment Data Transfer".
Click Save.
The identity token will then appear in the Website Payment Preferences page of your PayPal account under the "Payment Data Transfer" section. For security purposes, we do not email you the identity token.
You'll need to pass this identity token along with the transaction token to us so you can receive confirmation that the payment is complete.
The slow load can be caused be a number of factors. One of which may be code related. Can you please post some code if you have already enabled Payment Data Transfer, and Auto return?

Execute tasks after PayPal chained payment is successful

Current Status
I'm quite new to PayPal and I'm currently integrating chained adaptive payments on our website. Already successfully called the PAY API call via the .NET SDK. Money (sandbox enviroment) will be correctly transferred to each participants of this payment (sender, primary and secondary receiver).
My goal is to execute vital tasks after the payment is successful (update DB, send mail, ...) or has been cancelled (clean up stuff, ...).
Possible solutions
First approach was to create the payment with actionType set to CREATE, redirect the user to (wait for approval), redirect user back to website and execute the payment and then perform the vital tasks. But it seems not to work, the payment will be paid and is COMPLETED before the second redirect.
Another possible solution would be to get the preapproval from the user, redirect back to the website and execute the payment. Haven't tried this solution yet, don't think that this is best practice.
Call PAY with actionType set to "PAY" and wait for IPN. Haven't tried that either, because it is quite difficult to test it locally (even though I've already found this question: Paypal Sandbox Test Tool IPN Simulator in Localhost).
Which solution is best practice? I guess the recommended solution would be to wait for an IPN?
If I'am using IPN how long is the average response time after a payment has been completed? Seconds, minutes, hours? I know it depends on the load of the PayPal webservers and that there are 15 retries over 4 days, but what are some real world numbers?
Can I store additional information (e.g. UserId) about the sender in a payment (besides the memo field) which I then get back in an IPN?
Here is how I do it.
When I'm going to initiate PayPal payment (before I send a request to obtain TOKEN), I create new transaction in my database and set it's status to PENDING. In transaction table I also have userID column, which is foreign key to user table. This way I connect transaction with user.
When transaction is created in my table, I use transactionId value, and save it to PHP $_SESSION variable.
Please note that if you want to support recurring payments, you can provide transactionId to PayPal. This you can do by setting:
This value will be sent when PayPal sends you IPN request after recurring payment happens.
Go back now to the story
User is redirected to PayPal, and when user fills PayPal username and password, and when user confirms payment details, user will be redirected back to your website and you have to call DoExpressCheckoutPayment to make payment itself.
If the result of DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call is success, that means that transaction was successful and you have money. At this point, you can send email, notifications, or any other important action.
$transactionResponse=$paypal->request("DoExpressCheckoutPayment",$requestParams);//Execute transaction
if(is_array($transactionResponse) && $transactionResponse["ACK"]=="Success")//Payment was successfull
//Send email
//Notify user
//Do other important changes in database, for example mark this transaction as successful
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR RECURRING PAYMENTS: PayPal can/will send you several IPN requests for the same recurring transaction which means that you have to add logic which will chekc weather specific IPN request is already processed or not. Usually I do it in a way to check weather status of my transaction with transactionId is 'PENDING' or 'SUCCESSFUL'.

What if the user doesn't get redirected after PayPal payment?

After adding stuff in shopping cart, clicking some Pay Now with PayPal button, and successful PayPal payment (PP or CC), it is logically possible that a user stays on PayPal website, if for example the Auto Return option isn't activated (or it is but it doesn't work because the user is a guest user without PP account)
The user can return to the site by clicking a link, but doesn't have to. My question is: if he doesn't, how will the site owner be aware that the user paid so that he can now send the items by post? That the site owner gets informed of being paid seems elemental to me, so I find incomprehensible that such elemental thing be left to some obscure Auto-Return option.
Please can somebody explain this to me?
This is a common challenge with any redirected payment gateway, and it's the reason most (if not all) of them implement some sort of asynchronous notification that a payment has been completed. In PayPal, this is the Instant Payment Notification (IPN). You must setup on your site either a generic IPN listener that you link to from your PayPal account profile settings or you can create a more targeted IPN listener specifically for your transactions and use the NOTIFYURL (or related) parameter in the form or API request you use to redirect to PayPal to send IPNs to that listener.
In my integrations, I never perform any order update or transaction logging when the customer returns from the site, preferring instead to wait for the IPN that I can validate and ensure came from PayPal as opposed to a spoofed return from someone trying to hack my checkout process.
For more information, see the IPN documentation:
Paypal provide IPN for this purpose through which we paypal send request asynchronous to your site and you can perform whichever action you want
I think the point may have been missed here. Or a problem does exist. If the purchaser uses CC, even if you have IPN set up and it works, but if the purchaser uses CC and does not click a button on the last page, which is not presented when using PP account, it is possible for the funds to go through, but no IPN, and so your website is unaware of the purchase. This last page, is an extra page that CC user gets after the page with the Pay button on it.
In this state, you can even go into IPN history, and the IPN is there, says it is sent, but it hasn't been. It does not get sent until after the purchaser clicks the button on the extra page and then they are taken to the auto return page.