Can't use AWS IAM Roles with KMS Providers for MongoDB Client Side Field Level Encryption? - mongodb

I am using EC2 Instance profile credentials for allowing the AWS EC2 instance to access other AWS services.
Recently, I implemented MongoDB Client-Side Field-Level Encryption for which the AWS KMS has been used as KMS Providers. The MongoDB Documentation for CSFLE mentions that the KMS Provider should have secret key and access key that maps to an IAM User.
This way I will have to create another IAM User and then maintain those credentials separately. A simpler way (and more secure) would have been to use the DefaultCredentialsProvider from and that could have used the credentials from the instance profile that could have given access to the KMS. But this does not work for me and MongoClient fails as KMS rejects the security token used.
Is there any reason behind not allowing this way of accessing KMS?

As all projects, initial implementation of CSFLE had a scope. This scope did not include the ability to use instance roles for credential identification.
I suggest you submit your request to for consideration.


AWS GO SDK Assume role given to EC2 instance

I am running a small go application inside ec2 instance. It access Amazon SQS as a consumer. I have configured keys at ~/.aws/credential file. The EC2 instance has been assigned an IAM role.
Can my go application use the IAM role assigned to the EC2 instance?
If yes, how that can be done using configurations without a code change ?
If role is configured, should I still provide keys in somewhere ?
If you used and config.LoadDefaultConfig() method to retrieve AWS credentials,
Yes. Your application will retrieve temporary credentials with IAM Role you assigned.
aws-sdk-go-v2 will retrieve credentials from instance metadata. Detailed retrieving process is described AWS official docs here. "How do roles for EC2 instances work" section describes the process as below.
When the application runs, it obtains temporary security credentials from Amazon EC2 instance metadata, as described in Retrieving Security Credentials from Instance Metadata. These are temporary security credentials that represent the role and are valid for a limited period of time.
With some AWS SDKs, the developer can use a provider that manages the temporary security credentials transparently. (The documentation for individual AWS SDKs describes the features supported by that SDK for managing credentials.)
Alternatively, the application can get the temporary credentials directly from the instance metadata of the EC2 instance. Credentials and related values are available from the iam/security-credentials/role-name category (in this case, iam/security-credentials/Get-pics) of the metadata. If the application gets the credentials from the instance metadata, it can cache the credentials.
Also you can refer to here about aws-sdk-go-v2's credential retrieval order.
You don't have to provide key. aws-sdk-go-v2 will retrieve it from EC2 instance metadata.

AWS IAM User Access for Developer

I want to give access to my developer to my MongoDB which is hosted by an EC2 Instance on AWS.
He should be able to make mongodump, upload the new backend and do some changes on our control Panel.
I created an IAM User with EC2FullAccess Permissions - I have seen that he was able to add his own IP to the Security Group so he could connect.
I don't feel so comfortable with that - what should I do, to secure myself that he has just enough access to do the necessary work:
Upload new code to server
Do MongoDB dump
I don't want him to be able to switch off/delete my instance or be able to delete my database at all.
Looking at your use case, you do not need to give any EC2 permissions, your developer does not even need IAM user, he can simply have the IP of the instance and the login credentials to the EC2 Instance, that should be suffice to log in to the instance and make the required changes. No need for an IAM user or AWS Console access.
IAM roles are for the purpose of accessing a service on behalf of another. Say, you want to access AWS DynamoDB or S3 from EC2 instance. In this case, an IAM role with required permissions attached to EC2 will server the purpose.
IAM User is for users who need access to AWS services either through Console or through API (programmatic). AWS credentials are required to access the service.
In your case, MongoDB is installed on EC2 and your developer needs access to "the server on which MongoDB is installed" and is not required any access of "AWS EC2 Service".
As correctly pointed out in answer by #X-Men, IAM role or IAM user is not at all required. What required is, your developer to have the IP of server and credentials to login to that server. Username-password or username-key.
Restriction which you need on developer related to MongoDB are to be configured on MongoDB itself and not on EC2 level.

sign request to AWS API gateway with Signature v4 from using AWS Cognito token

I created a AWS API Gateway set with authentication = AWS_IAM to call a Lambda function. Now, to call this API I understand that I need to sign the request and as stated in the AWS documentation the correct way is to add the Authorization header calculated using AWS Signature V4 which need an access_key and a secret_key.
On my client side the user authenticate with AWS Cognito first and receive the JWT tokens (id token access token and refresh token) but I cannot find the access_key/secret
_key in them. How can I calculate the AWS Signature V4 from the tokens received from AWS Cognito?
I believe you can't (with 99,99999 of certainty)!
Please confirm that you are authenticating your users with AWS Cognito User Pool. You probably are because Cognito User Pool is the service that provides JWT. In this case, the token will assure the service that receives it (API Gateway) that your user is registered in a specific identity directory (User Pool). Your service should evaluate if it will provide access or not to its resources for users registered in this specific directory with the provided claims (groups, roles, etc).
When you secure your API Gateway endpoints with AWS_IAM you are saying that only identities that AWS can recognize inside its own identity directory (Users or Roles) are allowed to perform actions on the resource. In general, users registered in Cognito User Pools are not considered by AWS as valid identities.
For a Cognito User Pool user to be considered a valid AWS identity, you have two options:
1 - Configure your AWS account to use external Identity Providers and Federation. Not a simple thing and a solution to a different use case. In summary, don't choose this one.
2 - Use another AWS product (with a name that creates a lot of confusion) called Cognito Identity Pool. This service evaluates if the JWT token is allowed in that context (you configure it inside the Identity Pool). If is a valid token from a registered identity directory, Cognito Identity Pool will exchange your JWT token for a AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key and AWS Session Token associated with a specific IAM Role. You can then use these keys to sign your request. But keep in mind that with this change you will lose your capacity to identity the specific user in API Gateway and in the downstream services called by API Gateway.
If you need to have the JWT token in your downstream services, you can do it with a little bit of additional effort. You can't find a way here:

Using AWS KMS and/or credstash with non AWS server

Is it possible to use AWS KMS and a tool like credstash without the use of EC2 or equivalent or does it rely solely on IAM roles?
I've got a server elsewhere where I am testing some things out and ultimately I will be looking at migrating an app to EC2 etc. to make use of scaling. But for now whilst I'm setting up my deployment pipeline etc. I wondered if it was still possible to make use of KMS on my non-aws provisioned server?
The only possible way I can think of is by installing the AWS CLI tools on the server in question. Does this sounds like the right approach?
What #Viccari said is correct (in the comments). In terms of what you want to do (store passwords), the AWS Parameter Store would be a good fit for you. See for more information. The guide explicitly calls out your use-case:
Parameter Store offers the following benefits and features.
Use a secure, scalable, hosted secrets management service (No servers to manage).
In the end, if you end up using Parameter Store or KMS, you will need some sort of credentials stored somewhere to grab an AWS STS token to use to call the underlying AWS services. If working outside of AWS EC2, you will need the AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key from an IAM user. If you are in EC2, the IAM instance role will magically provide you the credentials and use that role to call those AWS services. The AWS SDK does this for you behind the scenes.
But, as you state, you don't want to run this in EC2 (to save money, or other reasons). The quickest way to store these credentials is to have them in a un-tracked file (added to your .gitignore) you can source from as environment variables, which your program will then read. This allows you to do local testing, and easily run it in EC2
with zero code changes. See for what variables to set. Note that this doc talks about the CLI; the SDK's follow the same behavior.

How does hashicorp Vault work for securing DB credentials?

I'm looking into vault for securing DB credentials used by various web applications. I've looked over a few Youtube videos, slide shares and even downloaded Vault to experiment with. I can't quite wrap my head around it.How does Vault protect credentials for something like a web application which uses a token to authenticate to Vault with? I'm assuming the Apache process would have to own the vault token (user token, not root token) so it can access secrets for the applications it's running. This would, it seems, expose any secrets the Apache process would have access to in the event of an application compromise. I don't see a big win here so I must be missing a lot.
In a nutshell, Vault supports authentication backends which then allow you to generate tokens. Tokens should be seen as temporary access and are not the same as a key.
In particular, Vault supports authentication with many different systems to generate dynamic secrets and credentials as needed. This is well documented here
In terms of security, the idea is to have a authentication backend as the primary, and the token being generated as a consequence. You are correct in saying hard coding tokens is a security risk. Once generated on the fly, they should have strict permissions and short TTLs. Vault makes this easy as you can define the scope of the token with an ACL.