Control code coverage attachments in Azure DevOps - azure-devops

In a multi-stage, yaml configured CI pipeline that builds in Windows and Linux via matrix strategy I'm generating:
A .cobertura.xml file in Linux os, used to produce an aggregated report via ReportsGenerator that is accesible from coverage tab in AzureDevops. I'm explicitly using PublishCodeCoverageResults in this os.
A .coverage file in Windows os, to feed SonarCloud with coverage data. I'm not using PublishCodeCoverageResults in this os.
My issue is that .coverage file overrides the expected report in coverage tab, allowing me to download it rather than seeing the report. How can I avoid that? Is there any way to get rid of that attachment to properly show the report?
If I don't run the Windows part, the report is shown as expected.
If I do it, I get this rather than the report.
I've tried removing .coverage files at the end of the pipeline, but the 'attachment' in coverage tab stays there.

As far I understood you want to have download avialble instead of displaying code coverage like this:
But your code coverage is also available as an artifact:
So you can still download it:
Does it help you somehow?

Answered here:
This is not a bug and the behavior is as designed as the .coverage
report is given precedence over other reports.
My guidance would be to stop publishing the test run as part of the
dotnet task in windows. There is an option to do so.
Copy the trx and coverage files out to separate locations. Upload the
trx file using the publish test results task but make sure the
coverage file is not available for this publish.


Azure devops cant open the code coverage file

Hi guys i have a problem with my code coverage of my azure pipeline. When the CI gets trigged for the master branch the agent has a job to test the .net core. When i use this test i have to configure the route and also enable the code coverage. After the CI has been done it ended succesfully and i can download a file with the code coverage. The problem i have is i cant open this file, not with visual studio or anything else. Aynone that knows how i can fix this problem and maby i didnt configure it right?
Picture of my settings:
picture of the file
picture of the error
Seems you are using the wrong configuration. I'm afraid --collect"Code coverage" will not work.
You could add a .NET core test task and add /p:CollectCoverage=true argument then use report generate task for adding code coverage reports.
More detail steps, please refer below tutorials:
ASP.NET Core code coverage reports on Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps, unit testing and code coverage with .Net Core
To generate code coverage please follow this steps
Restore nuget packages
Build the app
Run unit tests (You need to add nuegte package to test projects -> coverlet.collector to use 'XPlat Code Coverage')
Install report generator
Run report generator
Publish code coverage

No code coverage generated from ReportGenerator in Azure DevOps

I am using the ReportGenerator task in my Azure DevOps build to generate a code coverage report. The problem is that the generated report is empty.
In my VsTest task that runs the unit tests I have checked the option Code coverage enabled. The .coverage file is correctly generated and the unit tests are all successfully run. However, the generated code coverage report shows that no code was covered by any of the unit tests.
Here is a screenshot of my code coverage Report Generator task.
And here is the output from the code coverage report.
Here is a screenshot of the Azure DevOps log file for the task showing that it executed correctly without any errors.
Interestingly the log does show the following
Analyzing 0 classes
Is this because ReportGenerator cannnot find the assemblies / classes? I've tried specififying a value for Source directories but this has made no difference.
Why is the code coverage report showing no code coverage?
ReportGenerator can not handle .coverage files.
You can find the supported formats here:
You can use a tool like OpenCover or coverlet to generate a coverage report in a format that ReportGenerator is able to parse.
Or you can convert the .coverage file format. Here you find instructions how this can be done:

How to enable the code coverage view on VSTS?

My team uses VSTS with hosted agents and a Visual Studio Test build task to run all tests and produce code coverage. However the tab Code coverage remains empty afterwards, only showing a link to download the *.coverage file.
I actually expect the code coverage results to be shown, with tables and graphs which projects are tested and it's respective coverage.
We are using the Visual Studio Test build task to test net461 assemblies with the Code Coverage enabled checked.
Somewhat related are both this and this issue, but not entirely, because we are just using MSTest Framework with built-in Visual Studio Test build task, which (I understand) should also automatically publish the code coverage results.
Am I missing something to get this Code coverage view working? Thanks!!
In Code coverage Tab, you need to use Publish Code Coverage Results task to show tables and graphs there.
While for Publish Code Coverage Results task, it only supports Code Coverage data in Jacoco or Cobertura formats. So the result of the *.coverage file can not be shown by tables and graphs in Code coverage Tab.
More details, you can refer the blog Browse Code Coverage reports and the issue How to publish the code coverage result with a .coverage file.

Using sln.DotSettings in TeamCity dotcover runner

I am using an NUnit 3 runner in a TeamCity 9.1.6 step. I've chosen "JetBrains dotCover" as the .NET Coverage tool, and now I'd like this step to use the xxx.sln.DotSettings file that we've put in source control and that we're sharing across devs in Visual Studio, rather than to duplicate settings to TeamCity Filters, Attribute Filters etc. Is this possible in TeamCity?
It is not possible from the box now. It is a great idea, could you create an issue here
But there is a simple workaround:
you could parse dotSettins manually on the first step
publish configuration parameters using ##teamcity[setParameter name='ddd' value='fff'] TeamCity service message (see for details
use those configuration parameters in the appropriate fields for dotCover like %ddd%

Accessing hidden teamcity artifacts

So, the key element here is hidden artefacts, also known as those that appear under .teamcity/ part of the build artifacts.
Some context:
We currently run dotCover over our NUnit Test step to report on our test coverage. This places a compilation of the results in a file named CoverageResults.xml under .teamcity/.NETCoverage/. This is the file I would like to accces so we can mine if for some data and send it to a gecko board.
Now, so far, we can successfully get at artifacts not in this part of the directory (such as the result of the build when we output it, etc) using the advised methodology. The problem only occurs when accessing this hidden directory.
The other odd things is the response: a 302 Temporarily Moved.
For reference, my link looks like: (in powershell btw)
"http://{0}:{1}#{2}/guestAuth/repository/download/{3}/.lastFinished/.teamcity/.NETCoverage/CoverageReport.xml" -f $serverURl, $gUName, $gPassword, $buildType
Does anyone have any advice on accessing hidden artifacts? Where else this data could be drawn from (we've found nothing on system variables for this)?
Note: We are already aware that these artifacts are not produced till the build step completes. We are doing this after the fact against a completed build, not during the Build Job itself.
If you add this in the Artifact Paths field it will attach the report as a build artifact once the build has completed\**\CoverageReport.xml
Hope this helps
Leaving the solution we came up with in case it can be help to anyone else:
In the end, we never got the nitty-gritty of the why but in short, using the in URL authentication with Powershell's Invoke-WebRequest does not work. It appears this is culled from the request created or some such but we went in another direction so I cannot comment much more on this.
What we did do was instead, use cURL. This does not do whatever Powershell does so we simply broke this down into two steps on the Team City Build. A command line step to use cURL to download the file and place it in a temporary directory and the a Powershell step afterwards to get the file and do what we wanted to do.