MongoDB SSL connection with self signed certificate - mongodb

In the recent light of events of the MongoDB hacks. we too were hit by the hackers.
We enabled the authorization and changed the default port of the server.
However we want to encrypt our communication channel with the server with the help of a self signed certificate.
so our configuration looks like below
mode: requireTLS
allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: false
certificateKeyFile: /etc/ssl/server.pem
CAFile: /etc/ssl/ca.crt
what happens is when I try to connect the mongoshell with the client certificate the connection is constantly denied. But after commenting the CAFile config and using --tlsAllowInavlidCertificates the connection is created.
I created the certificate with the following link:
To connect to the server I'm using the following command:
mongo --host hostname --username user --password password --authenticationDatabase admin --port port --tls --tlsCertificateKeyFile client.pem --tlsCAFile ca.crt
I dont know what I'm doing wrong and is this the correct way to do it even?

The server log contains reasons why connections are rejected.


Unable to connect to mongoshell when added TLS/SSL certificates in EC2 instance

I've configured the mongodb using TLS/SSL certificates in the EC2 instance
The configuration looks as follows:
#ssl certificates
mode: requireTLS
certificateKeyFile: /var/lib/mongo/cert/PEG.pem
CAFile: /var/lib/mongo/cert/
authorization: enabled
After configuring I'm trying to connect to mongo shell using the following command:
mongo --tls --tlsCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/mongo/cert/PEG.pem --tlsCAFile /var/lib/mongo/cert/
But unable to enter into the shell and got the following error:
"error":"SSL peer certificate validation failed: unable to verify the first certificate"}}
Could anyone help how to approach this error
Thanks in Advance

MongoDB Server accepting server certificate as client certificate

I seem to be a bit confused regarding the x509 certificate authentication in MongoDB.
I Created server- and client-certificates (signed by the same CA, but different CN and OU), created a user in the MongoDB using the subject name as username and successfully connected using the c# client + client certificates.
With the MongoDB Compass I was able to connect to and read from the server, using the server certificates as client certificates.
Why was I able to do authenticate using the wrong certificate? Is it not possible to control permissions on a per-certificate-basis?
I Created a Self-Signed Root-CA using OpenSSL, which signed another certificate which is my Signing-CA.
Using this Signing-CA I created two more Certificates:
Server certificate (CN=Server1,OU=Servers,O=project,ST=SH,C=DE)
Client certificate (CN=Client1,OU=Clients,O=project,ST=SH,C=DE)
Having those certificates in place I started the MongoDB instance without authentication, initiated the replicaSet and created a user for the certificate using this command:
db.getSiblingDB("$external").runCommand({createUser: "CN=Client1,OU=Clients,O=project,ST=SH,C=DE",roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "admin"}, {role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}, {role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin"}, {role: "root", db: "admin"}]});.
I restarded the server, this time using some more parameters to start with enabled authentication:
--replSet *replicaSetName* --port *port* --dbpath *path* --logpath *path* --tlsMode requireTLS --clusterAuthMode x509 --tlsCAFile *path* --tlsCertificateKeyFile *path* --tlsClusterFile *path* --auth
I was able to connect without an issue using the C# client, the MongoDB Compass worked aswell.
But when I tested other certificates to verify the security, I noticed that it was absolutely possible to use the server certificate and key file to connect to the server using the MongoDB compass.
I Could not only connect, but browse and modify data aswell.
I was under the impression that every client certificate has to have an associated account in the $external database and thus only has the permissions/roles I assigned/granted to this specific user account.
Is this behavior supposed to be happening?
Is it possible to create one user account per client-certificate and grant different permisisons on different databases?
Thanks for your attention and answers, have a good day!
It depends on how you have configured your mongod process. Assuming you have a configuration file for your mongod (default path is /etc/mongod.conf) you would look to see if you have net.tls and security.clusterAuthMode settings..
Example Configuration file with these settings:
dbPath: /data/db
enabled: true
destination: file
logAppend: true
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
port: 27017
mode: requireTLS
certificateKeyFile: /etc/ssl/node1.pem
CAFile: /etc/ssl/ca.crt
clusterFile: /etc/ssl/node1.pem
fork: true
pidFilePath: /var/run/mongodb/
timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
authorization: enabled
clusterAuthMode: x509
replSetName: replset
Other things
Recently MongoDB switched from SSL to TLS so depending on the version you are using you may find SSL instead of TLS.
Also, you might be using a replica set, or you might not be. If using a replica set you need to decide how a replica set member will authenticate to the other members. Should it use a keyfile, or should it use x509 as well as ordinary database users.
Also, you will need to create at least one named database user. The system will allow root access to the connected user if it is bound to localhost and no other users exist. This is called the localhost exception. Missing these steps is an incomplete and insecure installation.
Socket/TLS connection and authentication are separate steps in the high level connection establishment process.
The word "connection" is used by people to refer to multiple separate operations and processes and when troubleshooting any of these you need to be very clear about what it is you are looking at/asking about:
Socket connection from driver to server
Authentication by the driver (doesn't happen on monitoring connections which still go through the socket connection process)
Client object creation (not strictly a connection at all, though many people sloppily/erroneously use the word "connection" to refer to the action of creating a client object - creating a client object itself doesn't connect anything to anywhere)
Performing operations (even a server with authentication enabled permits one to create socket connections to it and execute operations like the ismaster command without authentication)
You probably are meaning to ask about #2 but you tested either #3 or #4, which as you should now see isn't necessarily giving you the expected results.
When TLS is enabled and "insecure TLS" isn't, the server will validate the client's TLS certificate (and the client will validate the server's) during the socket connection process. The certificate being validated must be signed by the CA that the validator is configured with. At this point there isn't anything preventing the client from supplying the server's certificate to the server, if you managed to give the client the private key that goes with the server's certificate (which normally shouldn't happen). The server warns about this situation in the logs. Note that no authentication has happened yet.
If you are using X.509 authentication (which must be configured on the client side and is separate from supplying certificates used for the socket connection, e.g. use the authMechanism URI option) then, after a successful socket connection and any associated certificate verification, the driver will perform the authentication. At this point you need to have the server user created that matches the distinguished name on the certificate.
MongoDB has guides for both setting up TLS connections and X.509 auth, read through them and follow them exactly as written and verify each step of the way.

SSL peer certificate validation failed: unable to get local issuer certificate in MongoDB

I am trying to configure the SSL certificates in MongoDB. For that, I took sample domain-name like using freenom(online) and generated certificates for that domain-name using sslforfree(online). Assigned that domain-name to my MongoDB server IP in /etc/hosts file. After that Downloaded those certificates and configured them in /etc/mongod.conf file.
Here are my SSL configurations which I have used in mongod.conf
port: 27017
bindIp: # Enter,:: to bind to all IPv4 and IPv6
addresses or, alternatively, use the net.bindIpAll setting.
mode: requireSSL
PEMKeyFile: /etc/ssl/mongodb.pem
CAFile: /etc/ssl/ca_bundle.crt
allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: false
allowInvalidHostnames: false
disabledProtocols: TLS1_0,TLS1_1
Here I am converting certificate.crt and private.key into mongodb.pem and passing as the value of PEMKeyFile and passing ca_bundle.crt as the value of CAFile. Finally restarted the mongod service using the command
sudo service mongod restart
mongodb server running successfully. Now I am trying to connect with mongodb server through the command
mongo --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile /etc/ssl/mongodb.pem --sslCAFile /etc/ssl/ca_bundle.crt --host
I am unable to connect to the server. Getting the error like
MongoDB shell version v4.0.8
connecting to: mongodb://
2019-04-04T19:57:40.401+0000 E NETWORK [js] SSL peer certificate validation failed: unable to get local issuer certificate
2019-04-04T19:57:40.402+0000 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed: SSLHandshakeFailed: SSL peer certificate validation failed: unable to get local issuer certificate :
exception: connect failed
If I am using the mongo command with the option --sslAllowInvalidCertificates like
mongo --ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates
I can able to connect with the mongodb server, otherwise, I was unable to connect with the server.
What's the wrong with configuring the SSL certificates in mongod.conf file?
what I want is, Can we able to connect with the MongoDB server with --sslCAFile?
How to generate the --sslPEMKeyfile and --sslCAFile in *.pem formats in mongodb?
Below was the link which I have followed:
Could anybody suggest me to achieve this?

mongodump and mongorestore with SSL

Getting mongodump and mongorestore work with security quite troublesome.
I have mongod v3.4.1 with requireSSL running at It is IP address of VirtualBox docker machine running on my Windows. It is just for testing of-cause.
The instance already configured to use TLS/SSL both server and client signed with the same CA. I use the IP address for mongod Common Name to allow hostname validation. The authentication already enabled to accept my client certificate.
So everything is working. I can connect to it like this:
mongo --ssl --host --sslCAFile rootCA.pem --sslPEMKeyFile me.pem
but now I can't get both mongodump and mongorestore working:
mongodump --ssl --host --sslCAFile rootCA.pem --sslPEMKeyFile me.pem -d olddb
mongorestore --ssl --host --sslCAFile rootCA.pem --sslPEMKeyFile me.pem -d newdb --dir=dump/olddb
Both return this error:
2017-01-13T04:28:03.881+0800 Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers, openssl error: Host validation error
I have been trying to turn off client certificate, use username/password but still did not work. I need to remove the SSL in order to make it work.
That means I can only use preferSSL in production.
There is no way to bypass SSL in localhost if I stick with requireSSL.
Anyone getting the same error? Is it a known issue?
Add this option to the command-line:
Full connection sample:
mongo --host --username luke
--password skywalker --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --sslCAFile rootCA.pem --sslPEMKeyFile me.pem --sslAllowInvalidHostnames
First check your logs at path /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
Also there is default path of SSL Certificates. And for unix based systems given an SSL certificate located at /etc/ssl/mongodb.pem
As per my understanding for this problem, i would say certificate path needs to be checked. SSL certificate is not located in your windows environment. Try adding full path of certificate.
Also look into this
Happy coding

Enable SSL in Mongo 3.0.5

I have been able to start mongo in ssl mode with the following command:
mongod --sslMode requireSSL --sslPEMKeyFile ~/datastore.pem --sslCAFile ~/
datastore.pem was created by combining .crt (issued by comodo ssl) and .key (used during generating csr)
I am trying to connect to my mongo instance with the below command:
mongo --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile ~/datastore.pem --sslCAFile ~/
I get the following message when I try to connect:
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.5
connecting to: test
2015-08-10T03:35:43.456+0000 E NETWORK SSL peer certificate validation failed:certificate not trusted
2015-08-10T03:35:43.458+0000 E QUERY Error: socket exception [CONNECT_ERROR] for
at connect (src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179:14)
at (connect):1:6 at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179
I am very new to SSL setup in mongo, any pointers to successfully connect to mongo using SSL would be helpful, I have read the security section of 10gen multiple times but no direct answer.