I want to make one button in Netlogo with the below code but the problem that count shows me in the observer 0 while it should be 10, any idea why?
breed [ planets planet ]
planets-own [ distance-to-earth diameter heading ]
to create_planets
ask n-of 10 patches [ sprout 1 ]
show count planets
You told the patches to sprout but not that you wanted planets to be the breed of turtles that sprouted. This will create generic turtles. Try sprout-planets instead.
I'm very new at Netlogo and programming in general.
I want to create a netlogo model, with female and male turtles. Both populations move through the world via random walk. The female population should find a partner and has the property 'radius'. Her own radius should expand if she has not found a partner until the moment she finds one. How can I program a radius around the female turtles, that expand after each time step if she has not found a partner?
Thanks for your help!
First, you need a turtle attribute that stores the value for each turtle. The way to do that is with a turtles-own statement. Then you simply change the value as required. The primitive in-radius looks at everything within the specified distance, and then you can set a condition by whether there are any? suitable mates. Your code would look something like (this is a complete model):
[ search-radius
to setup
create-turtles 20
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set color blue
set search-radius 1
to go
to check-for-mate
ask turtles with [color = blue]
[ let candidates other turtles in-radius search-radius
ifelse any? candidates
[ set mate one-of candidates
set color red
[ set search-radius search-radius + 0.5 + random-float 1
How do I get a patch set that contains all patches that the turtle is facing?
I know patch-ahead report the patch with a specific distance. But what if I want to get all patches in this direction instead of the single one with specific distance?
What you can do is hatch a turtle and move it forward until it reaches the edge of the world, adding all the patches it crosses.
Here's a visible version to see the approach:
to testme
create-turtles 1 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask one-of turtles
[ set pcolor red
hatch 1
[ while [can-move? 1]
[ forward 1
set pcolor red
To actually do the patchset version, you need to start with the current patch and add the patches as the hatched turtle moves over them. Try this for a procedure version and a demonstration of how it can be used:
turtles-own [ my-path ]
to testme
create-turtles 1 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask one-of turtles
[ set my-path get-patches-forward self
print my-path
to-report get-patches-forward [ #me ] ; turtle procedure
let front-patches patch-here
hatch 1
[ while [can-move? 1]
[ forward 1
set front-patches (patch-set front-patches patch-here)
report front-patches
This will return the wrong answer if the world is wrapped because the hatched turtle can keep on going indefinitely. Instead, you would need to check its coordinates rather than relying on the can-move? primitive.
I would like to create some turtles in a radius of another breed agent.
I have this example code:
breed [ readers reader ]
undirected-link-breed [ rris rri ]
breed [ tags tag ]
to setup
set xy-file "locations.txt"
to setup-readers
create-readers num-readers [
set shape "circle"
set color white ; means idle state 'red' is active
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
to setup-tags
create-tags tag-population [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor in-radius 6 of one-of readers
The line setxy... to place the tags in a circle of distance 6 from one of the readers it does not work, but I do not know how to fix it. I have also tested move-to primitive without good result.
What I would like is to have a population of tags in a radius of each reader and if possible select the number of tags for each reader to be different.
The sprout primitive might get you what you need- instead of creating your tags and then moving them, just have the appropriate patches spawn them directly. For example, with this setup:
breed [ readers reader ]
breed [ tags tag ]
to setup
to setup-readers
create-readers 5 [
set shape "circle"
set color white
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
You can make a population of patches that are within the radius of readers and have however many you like sprout a tag:
to setup-tags
let radii-patches patch-set []
ask readers [
set radii-patches ( patch-set radii-patches patches in-radius 6 )
; Code above defines the patch-set of patches within 6 of readers
; Then, just ask 10 of those radii patches to sprout a tag
ask n-of 10 radii-patches [
sprout-tags 1
If you are doing this on a per-reader basis and you want each to have a different number of tags, you could try something like:
to setup-tags-reader
let n-tag random 5
ask readers [
ask n-of n-tag patches in-radius 6 [
sprout-tags 1
but then set the n-tag value some other way (for example, from another .csv file as you seem to be setting reader location).
Side note- when you post on here try to strip out any code than cannot be directly copied and pasted into Netlogo by other users (eg the 'xy-file' line, the tag-population and num-readers variables)- it just makes things super simple!
As per your comment- try this option (using the same setup as above)
to setup-tags
create-tags 10 [
move-to one-of readers
rt random-float 360
fd random-float 6
This just creates tags, moves them to a reader, has them randomly select a direction, then has them step forward a random amount from 0 to 6.
As to how to assign patches to each reader- just make a readers-own variable then have them assign patches to that variable in their setup (eg, set my-patches patches in-radius 6). You could do a similar thing with tags to define a reader-specific set of tags (eg `set my-tags tags in-radius 6). Note that in both cases you can get overlap where two readers share patches/tags- you will have to account for that.
I want to hatch a turtle after two different colors of turtles overlap.
to interact
if any? other turtles-here
;detect interaction
to birth
ask turtles
hatch random 5 [ fd 1 ]
I would like to hatch a turtle that was an average color of the two parent turtles that interacted.
something like.
to birth
ask turtles
[ hatch random 5
[ let color be sum of previous turtles color sum / 2
fd 1 ] ]
also any tips on what I might be misunderstanding about netlogo syntax might be appreciated.
This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but if the parents are the only ones on that patch when they give birth then this block should do the trick.
to birth
let Q mean [color] of turtles-here
ask one-of turtles-here
[hatch random 5
set color Q
fd 1
I'm not sure if you'd need to make the offspring it's own breed though to tell them to change their color and move, or if this will work... If this doesn't work then:
breed[offsprings offspring]
breed[parents parent]
to birth
let Q mean [color] of parents-here
ask one-of parents-here
[hatch-offsprings random 5 ]
ask offsprings-here
set color Q
fd 1
I have two turtle breeds who populate each sides of the window and then only move round in there own side.
The problem I am having is that I want to constantly check to see if one singular instance of a turtle from each breed are both on the same y coordinate. And if this returns true i want both of those turtles to stop, but for all other turtles from each breed to carry on moving. I know you can identify a turtle by there unique ID but i don't know how to use this and how to use the correct syntax.
The best way to describe this in pseudo code would be
ask turtles [
if breed1 turtle ycor = breed2 turtle ycor
[ stop breed1 turtle and breed2 turtle ] ]
Tried getting the code to work but still nothing happening. Not sure if it is the way the procedure is wrote or the number I have chosen for the threshold.
to move-turtles
ask turtles [
if not any? turtles with [ breed != [ breed ] of myself and abs (ycor - [ycor] of myself) < 1 ]
ask redteam with [pcolor = green - 3] [
right random 360
forward 1
ask redteam with [pcolor != green - 3] [
back 1
ask blueteam with [pcolor = green - 2] [
right random 360
forward 1
ask blueteam with [pcolor != green - 2] [
back 1
Note that "same coordinate" is actually somewhat ambiguous. If one turtles ycor is 5.0000001 and another's is 5.0000000, are they at the same coordinate? Because of this, you should check to see if their coordinates are within a certain amount of each other.
Also, the best way to stop moving is to simply not move. So, here is a possible go procedure that would do what you want:
to go
ask turtles [
if not any? turtles with [ breed != [ breed ] of myself and abs (ycor - [ ycor ] of myself) < threshold ] [
move ;; replace with your move procedure or code
Here, each turtle checks to see if there are any turtles of a different breed who's ycor is within threshold of their own ycor. If there are not, then it moves. Otherwise, it does nothing.
The myself stuff is the most confusing part here, so I recommend reading the docs.