How much data does recv() return from a socket after blocking? [duplicate] - sockets

The recv() library function man page mention that:
It returns the number of bytes received. It normally returns any data available, up to the requested amount, rather than waiting for receipt of the full amount requested.
If we are using blocking recv() call and requested for 100 bytes:
recv(sockDesc, buffer, size, 0); /* Where size is 100. */
and only 50 bytes are send by the server then this recv() is blocked until 100 bytes are available or it will return receiving 50 bytes.
The scenario could be that:
server crashes after sendign only 50 bytes
bad protocol design where server is only sending 50 bytes while client is expecting 100 and server is also waiting for client's reply (i.e. socket close connection has not been initiated by server in which recv will return)
I am interested on Linux / Solaris platform. I don't have the development environment to check it out myself.

recv will return when there is data in the internal buffers to return. It will not wait until there is 100 bytes if you request 100 bytes.
If you're sending 100 byte "messages", remember that TCP does not provide messages, it is just a stream. If you're dealing with application messages, you need to handle that at the application layer as TCP will not do it.
There are many, many conditions where a send() call of 100 bytes might not be read fully on the other end with only one recv call when calling recv(..., 100); here's just a few examples:
The sending TCP stack decided to bundle together 15 write calls, and the MTU happened to be 1460, which - depending on timing of the arrived data might cause the clients first 14 calls to fetch 100 bytes and the 15. call to fetch 60 bytes - the last 40 bytes will come the next time you call recv() . (But if you call recv with a buffer of 100 , you might get the last 40 bytes of the prior application "message" and the first 60 bytes of the next message)
The sender buffers are full, maybe the reader is slow, or the network is congested. At some point, data might get through and while emptying the buffers the last chunk of data wasn't a multiple of 100.
The receiver buffers are full, while your app recv() that data, the last chunk it pulls up is just partial since the whole 100 bytes of that message didn't fit the buffers.
Many of these scenarios are rather hard to test, especially on a lan where you might not have a lot of congestion or packet loss - things might differ as you ramp up and down the speed at which messages are sent/produced.
Anyway. If you want to read 100 bytes from a socket, use something like
readn(int f, void *av, int n)
char *a;
int m, t;
a = av;
t = 0;
while(t < n){
m = read(f, a+t, n-t);
if(m <= 0){
if(t == 0)
return m;
t += m;
return t;
if(readn(mysocket,buffer,BUFFER_SZ) != BUFFER_SZ) {
//something really bad is going on.

The behavior is determined by two things. The recv low water mark and whether or not you pass the MSG_WAITALL flag. If you pass this flag the call will block until the requested number of bytes are received, even if the server crashes. Other wise it returns as soon as at least SO_RCVLOWAT bytes are available in the socket's receive buffer.
Sets the minimum number of bytes to
process for socket input operations.
The default value for SO_RCVLOWAT is
1. If SO_RCVLOWAT is set to a larger value, blocking receive calls normally
wait until they have received the
smaller of the low water mark value or
the requested amount. (They may return
less than the low water mark if an
error occurs, a signal is caught, or
the type of data next in the receive
queue is different than that returned,
e.g. out of band data). This option
takes an int value. Note that not all
implementations allow this option to
be set.

If you read the quote precisely, the most common scenario is:
the socket is receiving data. That 100 bytes will take some time.
the recv() call is made.
If there are more than 0 bytes in the buffer, recv() returns what is available and does not wait.
While there are 0 bytes available it blocks and the granularity of the threading system determines how long that is.


Sendto- forcing sending a UDP datagram of X bytes

I have a basic question on sendto:
Suppose we wish that the destination will receive a UDP packet of exactly X bytes. That means, it cannot receive a packet of less than X bytes (which is possible if sendto returns less than X bytes). Is it possible to force the sender to send exactly X bytes, or even to return an error if it is not possible? (i.e., the receiver either will get the packet of X bytes, or will not get the packet).
If the number of bytes sent is always X, then why the return value (the number of bytes sent) might be less than the number of bytes of the sent data (as explained in
) and be non-negative?
That means, it cannot receive a packet of less than X bytes (which is possible if sendto returns less than X bytes).
This will never happen on a UDP socket. From the send(2) manual page:
If the message is too long to pass atomically through the underlying protocol, the error EMSGSIZE is returned, and the message is not transmitted.
In short, the behavior you are asking for is already present by default.

Writing partial packet to SSL BIO

I have a socket application that reads and writes data. I'm using OpenSSL to do the encryption/decryption. My question is whether the "BIO_write" method can buffer data internally or if I have to append to a growing buffer as I read more from the socket. Here's what I'm doing.
I read from the socket and I use the class method below to write all the bytes that were read into the BIO:
int CSslConnectionContext::Store(BYTE* pbData, DWORD dwDataLength)
int bytes = 0;
if (dwDataLength > 0)
bytes = BIO_write(bio[BIO_RECV], pbData, dwDataLength);
return bytes;
I then immediately call the SSL_read method to get decrypted data:
int CSslConnectionContext::Read(BYTE* pbBuffer, DWORD dwBufferSize)
int bytes = SSL_read(ssl, pbBuffer, dwBufferSize);
return bytes;
If SSL_read returns a positive number then I've got decrypted data available for my application.
What I'm not sure of is what happens when my socket read doesn't capture all of the data required for decryption in a single read.
So if I need 100 bytes to be able to decrypted the data and the first read only gets 80, can I call BIO_write() with those 80, do another socket read to get the next 20, and then call BIO_write() with just those 20 bytes?
Or do I need to write my code so when I read 80 I do something like this:
call BIO_write() with the 80 bytes.
if that returns a failure indicator - hold onto that 80 bytes.
read the next 20 bytes from the socket and append it to the buffered 80 bytes.
call BIO_write() with 100 bytes
OpenSSL holds internal buffer - let's call it SSL stack - on top of TCP stack. OpenSSL library handles SSL stack. BIO_xxx() functions can operate on different end-points: i.e. memory, sockets.
It behaves differently depending on the actual item it operates on. For instance if BIO_write() uses memory (BIO_s_mem), BIO_write never fails except insufficient memory. But if it uses socket, and socket is non-blocking it can return error on failure, or it can write some number of bytes instead of all of the requested bytes where socket buffer is full.
So, how to use/handle buffer depends many factors, but most noticable ones are:
Blocking or Nonblocking IO
BIO object that operates on (memory, socket, etc.)
For instance if you're using BIO_s_mem and non-blocking socket operations, following technique can be applied:
Write buffer using BIO_write, and check if it failed. If it did not fail, you can be sure that you've written all buffer to SSL stack.
Call Read_SSL and check for errors, if error is WANT_READ, or WANT_WRITE then you need to write more data to SSL stack to be able to read a valid record.
For the question and example:
You can write partially (As many as you can, even 1 byte). For instance if you read 80 bytes from socket, then write those using BIO_write. Then call to SSL_read may fail (WANT_READ, WANT_WRITE, or other). Then you receive 20 bytes from socket, then write these bytes using BIO_write. Then call SSL_read again. Whenever SSL_read returns without error this means SSL stack decoded a valid record.
But it is quite important to understand waiting on non-blocking sockets using select() to handle SSL reads/writes are quite cumbersome. One SSL_write can result multiple writes to socket while you already waiting for READ event for the socket.
please use bio_pending.. to know all the bytes available with openssl.. Loop using the return value of bio_pending. This should be called before bio_read.

TCP blocking socket - possibility of recv small amount of bytes in different packets

If the server sends 4 bytes
send(sock, buffer1, 4, 0);
And client waits for exactly 4 bytes
recv(sock, buffer2, 4, 0);
Is there a possibility that less than 4 bytes will be written to buffer2?
No other send or recv was made before.
If there is no possibility, what's the maximum size of buffer that send can do, so that recv could get the same buffer size in one call.
There's no such thing as a "message", except what you delimit yourself.
TCP does not send messages, it sends an octet stream.
You need to send in a loop, in case there is a backlog of unacknowledged data and send does not use the whole buffer you passed in. You need to recv in a loop, in case the sending stack chunked it in an unexpected way. You need to delimit your messages (eg by prepending a network-endian length), so you can recover them properly.
From the man page for recv:
"These calls return the number of bytes received, or -1 if an error occurred.
For TCP sockets, the return value 0 means the peer has closed its half side of the connection."
As such recv is always allowed return all of the bytes sent, fewer than the bytes sent, or none of the bytes sent. You cannot assume anything simply because you happen to know what send is doing at the other end of the connection.
There is no way to guarantee that you can always get complete message.
Yes, there's this possibility. In fact, recv gives you as return value the amount of bytes received.

recv() returns 0

I have a very annoying problem that I found several times on other forums but I can't find a proper solution.
The problem is recv() returns 0 on the last few bytes of a connection. Here are some background information.
Both (client / server) applications run on the same machine.
Both (client / server) sockets are non-blocking
The transfered data size is 53 bytes.
Both (client / server) call shutdown and closesocket when the last send()/recv() was executed.
I also tried with SO_LINGER and 10 seconds, no success either
I call send() several times (small chunks) and from the client side 53 bytes are transfered.
The server calls recv() several times (4 byte requests) and read 49 bytes and then returns 0 (54 Bytes - 49 Bytes, so 4 bytes are missing).
MSDN and some forums write for non-blocking sockets:
recv() definitely returns < 0 on error and errno / WSAGetLastError is set
recv() definitely returns = 0 when the other side closed the connection
recv() definitely returns > 0 when data was read
MSDN also says:
Using the closesocket or shutdown functions with SD_SEND or SD_BOTH
results in a RELEASE signal being sent out on the control channel. Due
to ATM's use of separate signal and data channels, it is possible that
a RELEASE signal could reach the remote end before the last of the
data reaches its destination, resulting in a loss of that data. One
possible solutions is programming a sufficient delay between the last
data sent and the closesocket or shutdown function calls for an ATM
This is regarded in the example of recv() and send():
But still no success, I still get some interrupts in 10% of all connections after the 49 Byte is received, 90% of the connections succeed. Any ideas? Thx.
recv() returns 0 only when you request a 0-byte buffer or the other peer has gracefully disconnected. If you are not receiving all of the data you are expecting, then you are not reading the data correctly to begin with. Please update your question with your actual code.
My guess is that you're not really sending all the data you think your are sending. Check out:
The Ultimate SO_LINGER page
recv() definitely returns = 0 when the other side closed the connection
This is not completely true, in the following code using non-blocking winsock2 tcp, when no data is available, select returns 1 and recv returns 0, as does WSAGetLastError().
fd_set test = {1, socket};
const timeval timeout = {0, 0};
if (!::select(0, &test, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout)) return 0;
int done = ::recv(socket, buffer, 1, 0);
This continues even after the other end has called:
::shutdown(socket, SD_BOTH);
and then ended. Communication works as expected, it is just ::recv that seems to be "broken".

TCP socket question

I starts learning TCP protocol from internet and having some experiments. After I read an article from
"TCP is more reliable since it manages message acknowledgment and retransmissions in case of lost parts. Thus there is absolutely no missing data."
Then I do my experiment, I write a block of code with TCP socket:
while( ! EOF (file))
data = read_from(file, 5KB); //read 5KB from file
write(data, socket); //write data to socket to send
I think it's good because "TCP is reliable" and it "retransmissions lost parts"... But it's not good at all. A small file is OK but when it comes to about 2MB, sometimes it's OK but not always...
Now, I try another one:
while( ! EOF (file))
wait_for_ACK();//or sleep 5 seconds
data = read_from(file, 5KB); //read 5KB from file
write(data, socket); //write data to socket to send
It's good now...
All I can think of is that the 1st one fails because of:
1. buffer overflow on sender because the sending rate is slower than the writing rate of the program (the sending rate is controlled by TCP)
2. Maybe the sending rate is greater than writing rate but some packets are lost (after some retransmission, still fails and then TCP gives up...)
Any ideas?
TCP will ensure that you don't lose data but you should check how many bytes actually got accepted for transmission... the typical loop is
while (size > 0)
int sz = send(socket, bufptr, size, 0);
if (sz == -1) ... whoops, error ...
size -= sz; bufptr += sz;
when the send call accepts some data from your program then it's a job of the OS to get that to destination (including retransmission), but the buffer for sending may be smaller than the size you need to send, and that's why the resulting sz (number of bytes accepted for transmission) may be less than size.
It's also important to consider that sending is asynchronous, i.e. after the send function returns the data is not already at the destination, it's has been only assigned to the TCP transport system to be delivered. If you want to know when it will be received then you'll have to use other systems (e.g. a reply message from your counterpart).
You have to check write(socket) to make sure it writes what you ask.
Loop until you've sent everything or you've calculated a time out.
Do not use indefinite timeouts on socket read/write. You're asking for trouble if you do, especially on Windows.