What is wrong with my Radare2 Visual mode? - radare2

When I open a file in radare2 and then enter Vpp, the first line appears next to the registers. Is this a bug or a config parameter which I could change ?
That problem persists even if I move in the file with j or k
And if it's a bug, is there a 'context' parameter so that I can print 1 line above the line where I have the focus ? (by focus, I dont mean the address where I seek but the address where I put a comment pressing ;)
Here is a screenshot


VSCode - Shortcut to copy Current Line

What is the shortcut to copy current line in VSCode?
I know we can Ctrl+L to select the line then Ctrl+C to copy. But is there any better solution. For example, in Geany, we can Ctrl+Shift+C to copy the line where the cursor is.
To be clear I am not talking about Duplicate line in Visual Studio Code
Here is your solution for your problem
Just press the Ctrl + C without selection it'll copy entire line and you can past it wherever you wanted,
Please read below solution for the query you ask in your question's comment
Stackoverflow don't have the close option but you can delete the question from you profile or you can follow the explaination to mark your question closed from the below link:
Another alternative to the accepted answer that I often use is SHIFTALTDOWN which duplicates the current line to the line below (likewise, SHIFTALTUP duplicates to the line above). Once you get the copy of your line you can use ALTUP/ALTDOWN to move it wherever you want. This works well if you are wanting a copy of the line in the near vicinity of the current line.
Go to File ==> Preferences ==> Keyboard Shortcuts, and update the copy line shortcut entry with any combination you like.for example Ctrl + DownArrow is good for me.

How to select whole line in VSCode

I am using VSCode on a Mac.
Does anyone know how to select the entire line that the cursor is on? I know about Command+I, but that only selects what appears to be the whole line, which is not always the whole line if I have word wrap enabled.
I am looking for something like Sublime Text's "Expand Selection to Line" command.
All you need to do is put the cursor anywhere on the line, do not make any selection at all and then do the desired command (Cut, copy, or paste).
When no text selected, VS Code will automatically select the entire line.
just triple click the end of the line it will select the entire line
Triple click at any point on the line
Click once on number of the line
Press Command + L
An alternative to what people have posted is, when your cursor is at the start/end of the line, you can hit shift + end/home respectively.
I find this useful for wrapping a line in curly braces/quotes/etc. whereas the other answers include spaces in the select so whatever you're wrapping it in will be wrapped around that whitespace.
Install the MetaGo extension and use the "metaGo: selectLineDown" command, which will come installed already overriding the "expandLineSelection" command.
This extension has many additional commands that you'll likely find useful as well, including moving up/down over code blocks, centering the active line, and going to any character on the screen.
Now, when I press Command+I, the whole line is selected. I am guessing this was caused by an update to VS Code, but I am not sure.
Ctrl + L on Windows or Command + L on Mac to select the whole line in VS Code.
You can use your mouse to select the whole line by triple-clicking on the line but the better way is to click on the line number to select the whole line or multiple lines.
Tripple click at any point on the line
In case you're wondering why Cmd+L is not working, there might be a chance that there are duplicate shortcuts. You can find out by opening Keyboard Shortcuts in VSC and remove the one that's not needed.
I know its old but for anyone seeking, you can press Alt + arrow up/down to duplicate your cursor to other lines and then without selecting anything copy and paste multiple lines.

eclipse - put current line to top of screen/editor window?

How to put current line at the top of screen/editor window/viewport?
I looking for something exactly similar to that is achieved in vim using Shift + H or z<return>.
Do anyone know about such a config? It would be a great navigating tip.
You can use the 'Recenter' command to do this. Running this command cycles through moving the cursor line to the center line, then the top line, then the bottom line.
By default this command is not bound to a key so you need to open Preferences > General > Keys. Find Recenter and add a key binding.

How to Use Autocomplete in Sublime Text

I'm switching from Dreamweaver to Sublime Text, but the way ST handles autocomplete is different from DW. In DW, the tag autocompletes when you start typing the ending tag. But with ST, it autocompletes when you type the opening tag.
My problem is that in ST, you get trapped inside the tag you're typing, and the only way to move on to the next line is to hit the right arrow key a bunch of times. That seems totally ridiculous. Is there some shortcut I'm missing?
This might be what you're looking for:
In my copy of ST with this plugin installed, beginning to type the end-tag completes the tag and moves the cursor to the character immediately following the end of line.
Ctrl Enter will bring you to the next line and keep the auto complete that shows up. I'm on a mac.

Display Vim intermediate commands

In vimtutor Lesson 2.1: DELETION COMMANDS, there is a note after the #4 item:
The letter d will appear on the last line of the screen as you type it. Vim is waiting for you to type w. If you see another character than d you typed something wrong; press <ESC> and start over.
However, I do not see intermediate commands in the last line as the note says. How do I enable this? What option should I set in my .vimrc?
You can use
:set showcmd
That will display the commands as you type it in Vim.
The same can also be put into .vimrc
This 'last line' is the line at bottom of screen.
If you don't see this you may have trouble with (Linux?) terminal setting.
If you use terminal on Linux system, try to invoke command export TERM=Linux before running Vim.