I created a search for a unique barcode. Therefore the result will be 0 or 1 because it is unique. If barcode is found, I need to get the ID of that record. How do we do this?
axios.get("api/findpatronbarcode?q=" + query)
.then(({data}) => {
this.loanpatrons = data.data;
this.countPatrons = this.loanpatrons.length;
// Get the ID of the record
var getID = this.loanpatrons.id;
You can try like this:
axios.get("api/findpatronbarcode?q=" + query)
.then(({data}) => {
this.loanpatrons = data.data;
this.countPatrons = this.loanpatrons.length;
// KEEP IN MIND THAT "loanpatrons" is Array
// so first get the first member of the Array
// and only then Get the ID of the record
var getID = (this.loanpatrons[0] || {}).id || '';
I have a pre trigger for create new item in cosmo db collection.
The trigger will read a meta file and then update the item to be created.
the partition key is /id
and the _sequence document is just a meta document keeps track of how many items we have in the collection.
However, the trigger always raise error "Fail to find the metadata document"
even though it exists in the collection.
Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong?
function updateRefnumber() {
var context = getContext();
var collection = context.getCollection();
var collectionLink = collection.getSelfLink();
var request = context.getRequest();
var itemToCreate = request.getBody();
function getAndUpdateSequence() {
// Get the meta document. We keep it in the same collection. it's the only doc that has .isMetadata = true.
var isAccepted = collection.queryDocuments(collectionLink, "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id = '_sequence'", function (err, feed, options) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!feed || !feed.length) throw new Error('Failed to find the metadata document.');
// The metadata document.
var metaDoc = feed[0];
if (metaDoc.createdDocuments == undefined) {
throw new Error('createdDocuments does not exit on object.');
var sequence = metaDoc.createdDocuments += 1;
itemToCreate.refNumber = 'PBC-' + sequence;
// Update/replace the metadata document in the store.
var isAccepted = collection.replaceDocument(metaDoc._self, metaDoc, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!isAccepted)
throw new Error('The call replaceDocument(metaDoc) returned false.')
if (!isAccepted) throw new Error('The call queryDocuments for metaDoc returned false.');
I have a collection with the following schema:
const CategorySchema = Schema({
name: String,
order: Number,
I'm trying to update the order field of the categories. The why I'm planning to do it is to have a local array with the ids of the categories in the order I want. Then, I'd fetch all categories (they are not many), and I'd start looping over the local array of ids. For each id, I'll locate it in the fetched array, and update the order according to the index of that id in the local array. The issue now is how to save it. Below is what I'm trying to do:
// Get all categories.
const categories = await Category.find({}, 'order');
// Get the order from the request.
const orderedItemIds = req.body.itemIds || [];
orderedItemIds.forEach((id, idx) => {
categories.find(x => x._id === id).order = idx;
// Save.
try {
await categories.save();
} catch (e) {
When you query your categories, mongoose by default returns an array of instances of the Mongoose Document class. That means you can call their save() method whenever you mutate them.
So you can save your docs immediately after you assign the idx variable:
const orderedItemIds = req.body.itemIds || [];
orderedItemIds.forEach((id, idx) => {
const cat = categories.find(x => x._id.toString() === id);
cat.order = idx;
Note a few things about this code.
I assume that req.body.itemIds is a array of strings representing ObjectIds (e.g. '602454847756575710020545'). So In order to find a category in categories, you will need to use the .toString() method of the x._id object, because otherwise you will be trying to compare an Object and a string, which will never be true.
You can save the category right after assigning idx to cat.order without having to await it, because the next update is not depending on the save status of the previous.
I'm attempting to write data from a data table to a sheet via the smartsheet API (using c# SDK). I have looked at the documentation and I see that it supports bulk operations but I'm struggling with finding an example for that functionality.
I've attempted to do a work around and just loop through each record from my source and post that data.
//Get column properties (column Id ) for existing smartsheet and add them to List for AddRows parameter
//Compare to existing Column names in Data table for capture of related column id
var columnArray = getSheet.Columns;
foreach (var column in columnArray)
foreach (DataColumn columnPdiExtract in pdiExtractDataTable.Columns)
if(column.Title == columnPdiExtract.ColumnName)
long columnIdValue = column.Id ?? 0;
addColumnArrayIdList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, long>(column.Title,columnIdValue));
foreach(var columnTitleIdPair in addColumnArrayIdList)
var results = from row in pdiExtractDataTable.AsEnumerable() select row.Field<Double?>(columnTitleIdPair.Key);
foreach (var record in results)
Cell[] cells = new Cell[]
new Cell
ColumnId = columnTitleIdPair.Value,
Value = record
cellRecords = cells.ToList();
Row rows = new Row
ToTop = true,
Cells = cellRecords
IList<Row> newRows = smartsheet.SheetResources.RowResources.AddRows(sheetId, new Row[] { rows });
I expected to generate a value for each cell, append that to the list and then post it through the Row Object. However, my loop is appending the column values as such: A1: 1, B2: 2, C3: 3 instead of A1: 1, B1: 2, C3: 3
The preference would be to use bulk operations, but without an example I'm a bit at a loss. However, the loop isn't working out either so if anyone has any suggestions I would be very grateful!
Thank you,
Have you seen the Smartsheet C# sample read / write sheet? That may be a useful reference. It contains an example use of bulk operations that updates multiple rows with a single call.
Thank you for your help. You lead me in the right direction and I figured my way through a solution.
I grouped by my column value list and built records for the final bulk operation. I used a For loop but the elements in each grouping of columns is cleaned and assigned a 0 prior to this method so that they retain the same count of values per grouping.
// Pair column and cell values for row building - match
// Data source column title names with Smartsheet column title names
List<Cell> pairedColumnCells = new List<Cell>();
//Accumulate cells
List<Cell> cellsToImport = new List<Cell>();
//Accumulate rows for additions here
List<Row> rowsToInsert = new List<Row>();
var groupByCells = PairDataSourceAndSmartsheetColumnToGenerateCells(
c => c.ColumnId,
c => c.Value,
(key, g) => new {
ColumnId = key, Value = g.ToList<object>()
var countGroupOfCells = groupByCells.FirstOrDefault().Value.Count();
for (int i = 0; i <= countGroupOfCells - 1; i++)
foreach (var groupOfCells in groupByCells)
var cellListEelement = groupOfCells.Value.ElementAt(i);
var cellToAdd = new Cell
ColumnId = groupOfCells.ColumnId,
Value = cellListEelement
Row rows = new Row
ToTop = true,
Cells = cellsToImport
cellsToImport = new List<Cell>();
return rowsToInsert;
I know there's a way to do db.collection.getIndexes() Which will list all the indexes defined for a collection. Is there a way to copy and create those index definitions to another collection?
There's a lot of them and I don't want to do them one by one.
regarding the duplicated question comment: I do not wish to copy a collection. I wish to export indexes in a format that I can apply to another collection.
For example I have one existing user collection with indexes _id_, name_1, email_1 and website_1
Then I have another collection called usertest, I want to copy indexes from user collection to usertest collection. The following commands works for this scenario:
Copy both index key and index options
var indexes = db.user.getIndexes();
delete index.v;
delete index.ns;
var key = index.key;
delete index.key
var options = [];
for (var option in index) {
db.usertest.createIndex(key, options);
Copy index key only (batch processing)
var indexKeys = db.user.getIndexKeys();
Hope this will be helpful. Here's the doc: createIndexes
To do this directly in MongoDB do the following,
The following command will generate mongo DB queries for existing indexes of all collections,
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(col) {
var indexes = db[col].getIndexes();
indexes.forEach(function (c) {
var fields = '', result = '', options = {};
for (var i in c) {
if (i == 'key') {
fields = c[i];
} else if (i == 'name' && c[i] == '_id_') {
} else if (i != 'name' && i != 'v' && i != 'ns') {
options[i] = c[i];
var fields = JSON.stringify(fields);
var options = JSON.stringify(options);
if (options == '{}') {
result = "db." + col + ".createIndex(" + fields + "); ";
} else {
result = "db." + col + ".createIndex(" + fields + ", " + options + "); ";
result = result
.replace(/{"floatApprox":-1,"top":-1,"bottom":-1}/ig, '-1')
.replace(/{"floatApprox":(-?\d+)}/ig, '$1')
.replace(/\{"\$numberLong":"(-?\d+)"\}/ig, '$1');
The above command will output something like the following, based on the amount of collection you have
db.User.createIndex({"createdAt":-1}, {"background":true});
db.User.createIndex({"updatedAt":-1}, {"background":true});
db.Login.createIndex({"loginDate":-1}, {"background":true});
So after executing this, copy the MongoDB queries that are generated above to create the indexes to the new collection, Change the collection name in that then execute it.
For eg: to copy all indexes belonging to the User collection to the UserNew collection, I will rename the query's old collection name to new like the following and execute it, that is it, now you have all the indexes copied to a new collection from the old one.
db.UserNew.createIndex({"createdAt":-1}, {"background":true});
db.UserNew.createIndex({"updatedAt":-1}, {"background":true});
Credits: http://aleksandrmaiorov.com/2019/04/29/mongo-how-to-copy-indexes-from-one-database-to-another/
Thank you for the answer from Rocky and Bloke which helped me a lot
here is the consolidated version as suggested by Bloke.
and in PRODUCTION. we would like to make sure the background: true
is used to avoid slave halt query when indexes creation replicated.
var indexes = db.user.getIndexes();
// we skipped the __id__ indexes and set the default background: true option
if(index.name =='_id_'){
print("we are skip the _id_ index")
delete index.v;
delete index.ns;
var key = index.key;
delete index.key
var options = {};
for (var option in index) {
options[option] = index[option]
options['background'] = true;
db.usertest.createIndex(key, options);
Rocky Li's answer was helpful but did not create the index options properly at the time of writing (It gathered the option values but not the keys). The following modification worked for me:
var indexes = db.user.getIndexes();
delete index.v;
delete index.ns;
var key = index.key;
delete index.key
// uncomment if you want to ensure creation is in background
//if(!('background' in index))
//index['background'] = true;
db.user.createIndex(key, index);
Copy all indexes from one database another database
use firstDbName;
var indexKeyArray = [];
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collection) {
var indexKeys = db[collection].getIndexKeys();
var base = {};
base["name"] = collection;
base["indices"] = indexKeys
use destinationDbName;
indexKeyArray.forEach(function(data) {
I am having an issue with writing a query to exclude records from entity framework child objects.
My query
var response = db.USER_PROFILE.Where(x =>
&& x.ACTIVE_FLAG == 1
&& x.USER_BRAND.Any(y => y.ACTIVE_FLAG == 1)
Returned result
One USER_PROFILE object with
Two USER_BRAND objects
I don't want to return a record with ACTIVE_FLAG = 0 in the collection.
How do I do easily that?
Thanks in advance!
I was able to do it this way
var query = db.USER_PROFILE
.Select(x=> new
User = x,
UserBrands = x.USER_BRAND.Where(y=> y.ACTIVE_FLAG == 1)
.Select(a=> new
UserBrand = a,
Brand = a.BRAND
var filtered = query.Select(x=> x.User);