Plot the ECG labels and the ECG using Flutter web - flutter

I am trying to plot both the labels and the ECG using Web Flutter. ECG plotting is happening properly but not the annotations. Can someone suggest me something for this? It should look something like this.
Found a library call syncfusion. It shows how to add multiple annotations. But the annotation that I am using is a list.

We have created a simple sample by using annotations in the chart. We have provided two annotations in the annotation list such as high and low texts for the high and low values in the chart. The two annotations are provided in the annotation property available in the chart which takes a list of type CartesianChartAnnotation.
The sample for reference can be found below.
And, we have analyzed the mentioned query ECG plotting is happening properly but not the annotations, but we are not sure of what exactly you are conveying. So, we request you to provide more detailed information for this query so that it will be helpful in providing the solution sooner.


How To Plot custom images as markers over a Polarplot()?

I want to create a polarplot() on which I want to plot custom bitmaps/images as marker.
Also, I want to animate the polarplot() by updating these marker's location in regular time intervals(500milliseconds).
Please see the below attached image to get an idea what I want.
I have made a similar application using 'polar()' and 'imagesc()'.
But I feel 'polarplot()' is better and recommended by Matlab.
Also there are so many customization options available with polarplot().
But I am unable to use imagesc() with polarplot because of some polar coordinate-to-cartersian coordinate conversion problem.
Pleas give solution.
Is there any other better methods to follow?

Google Charts trendline y-intercept

I've been trying to force a trendline through 0,0 for my scatter graph, but I can't seem to find a way to do this.
From the docs here, they don't give any information on it:
But, I know there are lots of undocumented stuff in charts.
This is an example of what i am trying to do within Google charts(Done within excel)
The red dotted liner is the trendline, on the left is the default liniear regression that Google charts can give, but in many situations you would want to force a Y-intercept, in this example its forced to be at 0
No, you should NOT need values to force an intercept. This is a pretty standard option in graphing programs. Unfortunately, I don't see where Google Sheets gives you the option, which is one reason I don't recommend it for serious data analysis.
It's odd that the LINEST function allows you to force a zero Y-Intercept, but the trend-line tool in the Chart Editor does not. Excel offers a checkbox to force the line through the origin. (Of course, one should exercise caution when doing so. You really have to know something about the data your analyzing.)

Tableau and modified Sankey diagram

I have been trying to recreate a modified Sankey based on Adam's work with the American Whiskey Viz and Beatles Analysis Viz that are found here:
I am trying to create the same effect on my own data set. I am not sure how Adam was able to line up the sankey portion with the bar chart perfectly. I have tried many different ID2 field configurations and varying metric fields in the Curve calculated field options with no success. I haven't been able to get them to line up exactly. I would also like my bases to start in different locations along the sankey and not all originating from the left.
I realize that the examples are working with much smaller data sets but believe that this should still be possible with my data. I have tried Business ID in my curve formula and wondering if I need to have a more generic metric in my model. Andy uses Song ID which is a number between 1 and 45. My IDs range from 3-3000. You can see in the workbook attached how I am setting up these fields to get the curve of the Sankey. Is it possible to get them to line up with the barchart at the top of Dashboard 2?
UPDATE 3/22/16:
I was able to get the lines much closer to their bars by modifying the Curve-LoyaltyID2 field. I loaded it to Public for easier viewing. Some lines are still not aligning directly to their corresponding bars though.
Tableau Public
Thanks for any ideas you have!

How to check the type of chart using jfreechart

I'm using Jfreechart to build & display charts.
I'm wondering, that it seems, there is no standard way, to check the type of created chart (e.g. bar, scatter etc).
currently im checking the underlying plot to get the chart type, but i believe this option is limited, when comparing scatter chart with line chart.
Is there any better way, to differ the chart types after it has been created?
Basically i want to apply data on charts. I'm using different charts (lets say ScatterChart and XYLineChart). I have one method, which shall apply the data based on the chart type. Both charts have the same plot type, so i cant distinguish them. The distinction is needed, as i need to change the shapes and line styles for the scatter chart.
I already solved this, by using different methods to apply the data. But thats actually a dirty workaround. I came across on several issues, where distinguishing chart types would be very useful in my case.
Thats why im asking, if there is a standard way, to obtain the chart type of an JFreeChart object
Is there any better way to differentiate the chart type after it has been created?
The API provides no such distinction. The combinations of dataset (model) and renderer (view) constructed by the static factory methods in ChartFactory are common, but by no means exhaustive. The names are descriptive only.
I'm using different charts, lets say ScatterChart and XYLineChart…Both charts have the same plot type, so I can't distinguish them.
In particular, both factories construct a chart with an XYDataset in an XYPlot, combined with an XYLineAndShapeRenderer. If casting is undesireable, eschew the factory method and construct the chart manually, as shown here.
More generally, consider using the strategy pattern, cited here and illustrated here, to select the desired behavior at runtime. An enum of your chosen chart types would work well in this context.

MultiLine Graph in CorePlot

I want to Draw multiple line Graph with each line have different color and different Data in Graph.
I show "CPTTestApp-iPad" an Example from Core plot 1.0 Examples folder. I plot single line chat but Still i dont clear all the thing.
Please can any one guide me to How to developing multi line chart? Any learning tutorial for multi line chart graph and beginner of core plot ?
A Core Plot graph can have as many plots as you want and they can be different types, too. Assign a unique identifier to each plot and use that in your datasource to determine what values to return.