How do I achieve this BottomSheet customization like this? - flutter

How do I make BottomSheet like this in Flutter? Specifically the boldge where arrow is?

It can be solved by setting the background color of showModalBottomSheet, transparent
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,and use a cliper or rounded shape in it.


How can I disable background widgets in flutter

What I want to achieve is like when you use the alert dialog widget :
When the dialog box shows everything in the background is darkened and disabled. I want to do that but I don't want to use a dialogbox , I have a Container that slides from the bottom of the screen, it's inside a Stack widget.
How can I achieve this?
Wrap your widget with Scaffold and set the backgroundColor to
// change the color as you like

How to create hover button in flutter

Id like to create similar animation effect with press button in flutter like this
I tried to find some similar widget on without success. Any Idea how to create it?
Use materialappbutton to get hover animation effect.
The only thing I can think of is working with a gradient which you adapt in a stateful way on hover.
See the below answer for how to make a gradient border:
Outlined transparent button with gradient border in flutter

Material UI change opacity of background when Drawer is open

I would like to know how to set another background color and change the opacity of the background when the Material UI drawer is opened. I didn't find something about this in the docs. I'm using React and TS.
This will solve your problem:
<Drawer BackdropProps={{style:{backgroundColor:"red", opacity:2}}}>

Flutter Background behind an Element when you press/press hold something like a button

I do not know how it is called but I want to remove what you see on the picture (the darker grey part). I want that the grey square outline disappears when I click on something.
In is the splash color..
For ex: if we consider RaisedButton
you can do something like this..
spashColor:, //your desired color
child: Text("hello"),
You can do the same for FlatButton also..
If you don't want any color..then you can set it to "Colors.transparent"
Given that you state the widget seen in the image is a BottomNavigationBar, you can set the background color via the backgroundColor attribute.
You can set this attribute to the desirer color or a transparency (which would reveal the underlying scaffold color instead)
However, if the widget in question turns out to be a shifting background navigation bar the background color of the inner item's will overwite that. In which case you would instead need to set the background color of the specific item.
Source :

Remove or modify navigation drawer overlay shadow in Flutter

I created a Scaffold widget with appBar and drawer.
As I open the drawer, there is a shadow over the Scaffold's body widget. I'd like to either remove the shadow, make it not so "strong" or change the shade slightly.
I checked the docs and I didn't find any way to achieve this through public API.
Is there any way to remove the drawer menu's "drop shadow" on the body?
The elevation option is something different, even if I set it to 0, the overlay shadow on top of the body is still present.
This issue's description's screenshots might help clarify what I want.
If you want to get rid of the shadow over the Scaffold body then you have to change the Scaffold's drawerScrimColor's value to Colors.transparent.
Have you tried setting the drawer's elevation to elevation: 0.0?
check this
DrawerThemeData(scrimColor: Colors.transparent, elevation: 0.5),