Run only one package test cases scala - scala

I have the package structure as:
src -> test -> scala -> notification
Inside notification i have two packages unit and integration.
unit package has the unit tests and integration package has integration tests. I want to execute only the unit test cases. Is there i way i can do it by sbt test only?
for one class, i know it can be done like this:
I have tried for the one class but do not know how to do it for a pacakge.
sbt "test:testOnly *LoginServiceSpec"

testOnly allows you to run wildcards using *. So if all your tests are in package namespace x you can call
> testOnly x.*
This wildcard can be put everythere, so if you have a subpackage in x, but all your tests end with e.g. Spec you could run
> testOnly x.*Spec
However if you are using integration test I recommend creating a separate configuration for them so that you would run:
> test
for unit tests and
> it:test
for integration test. Then you would put them in src/it/scala. directory.

Try this
sbt "test:testOnly notification.unit.*"


Run a single test suite from build.sbt

I have a multi-module project and currently run tests during packaging by a task which reads -
val testALL = taskKey[Unit]("Test ALL Modules")
testALL := {
(test in Test in module_A).value
(test in Test in module_B).value
(test in Test in module_C).value
Now, I have consolidated all tests in each module into a single top-level ScalaTest Suite. So for each module want to only run this single top-level suite (named say "blah.moduleA.TestSuite" and so on). Have been trying to use testOnly and testFilter in my build.sbt to run just this single suite in each module but cant get the syntax right. Can someone please tell me how to do this?
testOnly is an InputKey[Unit]. You want to turn it in a Task[Unit] to be able to run it directly for a given test suite.
You can achieve this this way:
lazy val foo = taskKey[Unit]("...")
foo := (testOnly in Test).fullInput("hello").value
In sbt's documentation: Preapplying input in sbt

how to use JUNIT using makefile?

I am very new to JUNIT. I have Makefile to compile my code and which will generate a jar file and now I want to run my JUNIT test case for that.
I not sure how to find out .class file using JAR. I am using LINUX as I know I need a .class file to execute a JUNIT case.
can some one help me?
I use JavaUnit for my unit tests. For a class Foo, its source is in Its unit test lives in a separate class, with the source in A command line invokes the unit test, in either console
mode or with a GUI. I use the console mode tester:
java junit.textui.TestRunner TestFoo
I build an "all-in-one" test suite for a package, which runs all of
the unit tests in the package. It's called TestAll. This is usually
the test I run when working on the package.
I add a rule like this to my makefile:
test: TestAll.class
java junit.textui.TestRunner TestAll
when I run "make test", Test'All.class gets built (through another
rule) and then junit is run with the standard command-line.

Group unit tests and run only a set

I want to have an additional battery of tests to run against a database in addition to the unit test battery that requires no IO. What's the best way to do this with specs2 and sbt?
One of the solutions would be to put them in a namespace and use sbt test-only command:
$ sbt
> test-only com.example.utils.*
There's also a notion of tags in Specs2, which could be used to include or exclude tests at run time via SBT configuration.

How to run a single test in scalatest from maven

I have not found any documentation on how to do this. For JUnit the equivalent would be:
mvn -Dtest=org.apache.spark.streaming.InputStreamSuite test
tl;dr mvn test -Dsuites="some.package.SpecsClass"
I found an answer from here and it works:(!topic/scalatest-users/Rr0gy61dg-0)
run test 'a pending test' in HelloSuite, and all tests in HelloWordSpec:
mvn test -Dsuites='org.example.
HelloSuite #a pending test, org.example.HelloWordSpec'
run all tests in HelloSuite containing 'hello':
mvn test -Dsuites='org.example.HelloSuite hello'
for more details:
Found the answer: it is
So here is the example command line:
mvn -pl streaming -DwildcardSuites=org.apache.spark.streaming.InputStreamSuite test
Update Newer versions of scalatest use
So the syntax would be:
mvn -pl streaming -Dsuites=org.apache.spark.streaming.InputStreamSuite test
Note that if you have some Java tests in the same module, as much of spark does, you need to turn them off -which you can do by telling surefire to run a test that isn't there
Here is the test that I've just been running
mvn test -Dtest=moo -DwildcardSuites=org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ClientSuite
That skips the java test and only runs the scala one.
One thing which scalatest doesn't seem to do is let you run a single test within a suite, the way maven surefire does. That's not ideal if you have one failing test in a big suite.
[Correction 2016-08-22: looks like you can ask for a specific suite by name; look at the other answers below. Happy to be wrong].

How to run all Specs2 tests under IntelliJ IDEA?

In my Scala project, my Specs2 tests are structured as follows:
-> my.package
---> my.package.sub1
------> SomeTest1
------> SomeTest2
---> my.package.sub2
------> SomeTest3
I'm using SBT to build all of this, and I can use sbt test to run all tests in my package.
I'd like to use IntelliJ IDEA's built-in Specs2 run configuration support. I point it to use all tests in my.package.
Running this yields the error message Error running <run config name>: Not found suite class. It cannot find Specs2 test suites. IDEA runs my tests if I point it to a subpackage.
How do I configure IDEA to look in all packages and run all the test suites it finds?
I've managed to run all my Specs2 tests in IDEA 13.1.4 and the more recent 14.0.1 using All in package for Test kind and In whole project or In single module for Search for tests. I left Test Package field empty.
I had to create this configuration manually.
You may want to use Ctrl+Shift+F10 to create a Specs2 configuration and then modify it accordingly.