Ionic facebook login: getting this app is still in development mode While I set it in live mode - ionic-framework

I am developing an ionic app. Used facebook login, I set my facebook app into live mode, my app is running as a charm on website, but on my android device it is giving the well known error (this app is still in development mode ...). I have no facebook data access except the default public data and email, which, as I know, do not need app review.
I have double checked app id, app secret from firebase. But I am wondering if it could be because of an error in the key hash.
I have 24 or more tabs opened on my chrome searchin for the same error, all of such cases have not set the app into live mode.
Any help is appreciated

The app is live.
I have checked every thing, and everything was correct, facebook app id in packages.json is the same as in the facebook console. (It was different and I have corrected it earlier).
I found the old facebook-app-id in the files platforms\android\android.json and platforms\android\app\src\main\res\values\facebookconnect.xml.
Changed it to the actual facebook app id.


"App not setup: This app is still in development mode" Ionic 4 Facebook login

I Created my Ionic 4 app with facebook login
everything is fine expect when I make login with facebook
I got thes message "App not setuo: This app is still in development mode"
and my app is already in live mode
I don't know if this is a facebook bug or something wrong with my app?
If app is live mode, check if the app id in packages.json is the same as that in the facebook console.
If so, then check it in both files: platforms\android\android.json and platforms\android\app\src\main\res\values\facebookconnect.xml. If you have changed it before, sometimes it dont get changed in these files.
I solved it by removing the platform and added it again

Facebook Login: App not setup: this app is still in development mode

When I try to use Facebook login during development I have this message appear in the web browser.
First, I got added to the Facebook app. This could solve the problem but I was still seeing this message. What I came to find was that I had previously signed into a different Facebook on the simulator I was testing on. After going to Safari and logging into the account associated with the Facebook app everything worked as planned.

Ionic Facebook plugin work only on one phone

I'm building an Ionic app with Facebook Login support.
I'm setting all as required in the settings and on config.xml on ionic config.
The login works fine for only my phone.
On every other phone the method facebook.login(['email']) reject Promise and pass an empty error.
How is it possible, counting that every configuration is compiler-related and not phone-related? There isn't config that uses device information.
Is really strange because I'm expecting does or doesn't work everywhere.
On every phone I've tried, Facebook app is installed and logged. No Facebook Lite installed.
Find the problem.
Facebook dev app was is develop mode so only me can access.
Possible solutions are:
Make in prod mode the app
Add other users facebook account to tester list

App is misconfigured for Facebook login IOS Facebook app installed

I saw this linkenter link description here
But it doesn't solve my problem.
I downloaded the latest Facebook sdk 3.1.1
The original SessionLoginSample provided with sdk works fine.
I made the following changes and the result is: App is misconfigured for Facebook login
Where is my mistake?
I created a new sample Facebook app following step by step the Facebook doc:
Facebook App Image on Flickr
I loaded in xCode the original SessionLoginSample and I changed only the bundleId and the Facebook ID:
xCode plist image on flickr
i experienced the same problem many times.
First make sure you have your Facebookappid set in your property list correctly.
Then go to facebook account settings and delete your ios app from applications.
then go to developer settings of facebook for your ios app.Make sure the app id is correct and also make sure that the bundle identifier is also same as your propertylist in xcode.It should be working afterwards
UPDATED : You do not need to delete the app.Try delete the app from your Facebook settings first.Then go to your Facebook app on iOS and log out.Remove your own app from the device and reinstall (without loving in to your account).Then you try to connect from your own app Facebook will prompt and ak your username and password and it will not return to your app.You clsoe the app and return to your own app manually.When you try to connect again in your own app FB it will ask you for permissions.
I reproduced the problem somehow and fixed like this.
By the way i also set the App Type: setting in advanded settings to Native/Dssktop.
Make sure you configured your app properly as per the following guidelines Check whether you bundle id is as per you configured in the Native ios settings of app configuration.

Facebook deep linking not working on iPhone

I have a problem with Facebook integration in my application. I am working on giving the user an option to post his latest update to Facebook.
I can successfully post the message the Facebook, but I have problems with the "via MY_APP" section - the MY_APP is not clickable from my iPhone. The name of the app appears correctly, the message is published as I intended it to be, but when looking at the post from Facebook on iPhone, users are not able to click the name of my application in order to get them redirected to the AppStore or the application itself, depending on whether they have it installed or not. That usually works on my iPhone for other iOS apps.
When viewing the Facebook profile from a computer, my application name is clickable and it takes me to the app's community page (I set it up from MY_APP->Edit app->Settings->Advanced->App Page as I though it was required in order to solve the problem on the iPhone, but it didn't solve anything).
On the Settings->Basic screen I configured everything correctly (I think):
Native iOS App is chosen as integration type, and the options are as follows:
iOS Bundle ID: my bundle ID (checked it, correct)
iPhone AppStore ID: the ID (checked it, correct)
iPad AppStore ID: the ID (checked it, correct)
iOS SSO: Enabled
iOS Native Deep Linking: Enabled
URL Scheme Suffix: I left it blank
I also edited settings under Settings->Advanced for Authentication tab:
I changed the App Type from Web to Native/Desktop and disabled the sandbox mode.
Do you guys have any idea what is preventing me from being able to click on the application name when viewing the post from iPhone?