PowerShell Verbose-Parameter - powershell

I have a few questions about the verbose-parameter.
Example script:
try {
New-Item -Path "C:\Test.txt" -ItemType "File" -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
catch {
Write-Host $Error[0]
VERBOSE: Execute the "Create file" operation for the target "Target: C:\Test.txt".
Access to the path "C: \ Test.txt" was denied.
How do I save the verbose message in a variable?
Is it possible to edit the verbose message automatically generated by PowerShell before saving it in a log file (add date and time)?
Example script (not working):
try {
New-Item -Path "C:\Test.txt" -ItemType "File" -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose *> $LogFile
catch {
Write-Host $Error[0]
Are there better suggestions to write a "success" log file than with the parameter verbose and without having to write it manually?
Thank you!

You can assign the verbose output to a variable if you merge the Verbose stream into standard output stream (4>&1):
$output = New-Item "C:\Test.txt" -ItemType "File" -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose 4>&1
Since New-Item also returns the newly created file, you'll want to split the output into verbose vs normal again:
$verboseOutput,$normalOutput = $output.Where({$_ -is [System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord]}, 'Split')
And now you can prepend timestamps to the records in $verboseOutput before writing them to disk


script file, wait function until end of generation files

I have a script file (batch file) which generate three files in a specific folder. Then i have a ps1 file which copy / move the generated files to another server / folders. Separately, everything is working properly
I'd like if it's possible to merge this, and have a wait function between the two scripts. In fact launching the copy / move ps1 function, only when the three files was correctly generated.
The following assumes:
that the files are created and written in full in a single operation.
that it is the appearance of a *.zip file that signals that all files of interest have been created (though they may still in the process of being written to), as you've indicated in a later comment.
$inFolder = '.' # set to the folder of interest.
$outFolder = './out' # ditto
Write-Verbose -vb 'Waiting for a *.zip file to appear...'
while (-not (Test-Path "$inFolder/*.zip")) { Start-Sleep 1 }
# Get a list of all files.
$files = Get-ChildItem -File $inFolder
Write-Verbose -vb 'Waiting for all files to be written completely...'
$files | ForEach-Object {
do {
# Infer from the ability to obtain an exclusive lock that the file has
# has been written in its entirety.
try { [IO.File]::Open($_.FullName, 'Open', 'Read', 'None').Dispose(); return }
catch { Start-Sleep 1 }
} while ($true)
# Move the files elsewhere
Write-Verbose -vb 'Moving...'
$files | Move-Item -Destination $outFolder -WhatIf
Note: The -WhatIf common parameter in the last command above previews the operation. Remove -WhatIf once you're sure the operation will do what you want.
[String]$sourceDirectory = "c:\tmp\001",
[String]$destDirectory = "c:\tmp\001"
Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory | ? {
#this step wait while locks free
while (!$flag) {
try {
$FileStream = [System.IO.File]::Open($_,'Open','Write')
$flag = $true
Start-ScheduledTask -s 1
} | Copy-Item -Destination $destDirectory

Powershell Scripting Variables

I have set some variables in PowerShell. The variables are created at the beginning of my script. However, the values for the variables are being executed at start which in turns gives and error message. Ex:
$checker = get-item -path C:\users\user\desktop\Foldername
$finder = Test-path -Path $checker
if($finder -eq $finder )
Create-Item -Path C:/users/user/desktop -name "Foldername" -itemtype Directory
I do know that if I run this it will give me an error because the directory never existed and I can just change the variable order to avoid errors.
My question is that this script is going to be more lines of code than this and I would have to create the variable right when its needed to avoid errors.
How can I use these variables like a regular programming language where the variables are ignored until called upon.
Using Get-Item and checking with Test-Path afterwards is not a good design. Two better ways:
Use Get-Item only and check for $null to check for its existence:
$checker = Get-Item -Path C:\users\user\desktop\Foldername -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($checker) {
# do something with the existing folder
} else {
Create-Item -Path C:/users/user/desktop -Name "Foldername" -ItemType Directory
Use Test-Path only to check for its existence:
if (Test-Path -Path C:\users\user\desktop\Foldername) {
# do something with the existing folder
} else {
Create-Item -Path C:/users/user/desktop -Name "Foldername" -ItemType Directory

Handle Directory Exists Exception

I am new to PowerShell. I have a piece of code which checks whether a folder "ilalog" exists or not. When I run this script first time, it is checking for the folder "ilalog",if it does not exist,it is creating. When I run the script second time. I receive the error below:
An item with the specified name D:\Temp\ilalog already exists
"FullyQualifiedErrorId :
how to handle this exception
I have tried using try and Catch block
[bool]$checkrg=Test-Path D:\Gdump\$rgfolder -PathType Any
if ( $checkrg -eq $False)
New-Item -Path "D:\Gdump" -Name "$rgflder" -ItemType "directory"
catch [System.IO.IOException]
if ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -eq $resExistErr) {Write-host "Dir Exist"}
Write-Output "Directory Exists"
If you want to continue processing your script while taking action based on an error type, a simple way is to just examine the $error variable. Using Trap may be an option as well.
New-Item -Path "D:\Gdump" -Name "$rgflder" -ItemType "directory"
if ($error[0].Exception.GetType().Fullname -eq 'System.IO.IOException') {
"Dir Exists"
else {
"Dir was created"
If you want to use try-catch, you need to treat your non-terminating error as a terminating error to activate the catch block. You can do this with -ErrorAction Stop.
try {
New-Item -Path "D:\Gdump" -Name "$rgflder" -ItemType "directory" -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.IO.IOException]
"Exception caught!"
Alternatively, you can manage this within your session by setting $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop', which will apply to all commands within that session.
Keep in mind that the value passed to -ErrorAction overrides the setting in $ErrorActionPreference. Also, error action settings have no affect on terminating errors. So you cannot expect to set -ErrorAction Continue and have code continue processing on a terminating error.
Many commands return objects that may or may not be terminating errors. You will find more success explicitly, specifying when you want to throw a terminating error.
You can read more about error action preference at About Common Parameters. I actually like Everything About Exceptions for exception handling in PowerShell.
Why not simply do like below?
# combine the path and foldername
$rgPath = Join-Path -Path 'D:\Gdump' -ChildPath $rgflder
# test if the folder already exists
if (Test-Path $rgPath -PathType Container) {
Write-Output "Directory Exists"
else {
# if not, create the new folder
try {
$null = New-Item -Path $rgPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "Created directory '$rgPath'"
catch {
# something terrible happened..
Write-Error "Error creating folder '$rgPath': $($_.Exception.Message)"

Perform file verification check with Copy-Item

The following script creates a folder named the specified date on the servers in servers.txt, then copies the folder from which the script is run to that folder.
For example, it creates the folder "3-22-15 (night)" on SERVER1, SERVER2, etc., then copies "Directory Containing the Script" to "3-22-15 (night)".
$CurrentLocation = get-location
$DeploymentDate = "3-22-15 (night)"
Foreach($server in get-content "servers.txt"){
New-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ItemType directory -Path \\$server\C$\Deployments\$DeploymentDate
copy-item -Path $CurrentLocation -Destination \\$server\C$\Deployments\$DeploymentDate\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -recurse
How do I modify the script to include file verification for each file that is copied to \\$server\C$\Deployments\$DeploymentDate\?
I would like it to output an error message with the file that does not pass the verification check, but to continue copying.
I was going to try something like this:
function SafeCopy ($SourcePath,$DestinationPath,$SourceFileName) {
#MD5 Check Function
function Check-MD5 ($FilePath) {
$md5=New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
Return $hash
} # EndOf function Check-MD5
$MD5Source=Check-MD5 $SourcePath
Copy-Item $SourcePath\$SourceFileName $DestinationPath
$MD5Destination=Check-MD5 $DestinationPath
if (Test-Path $DestinationPath) {
if ($MD5Destination -match $MD5Source) {
Write-Host "`nThe file `"$SourcePath`" has been copied in `"$DestinationPath`" successfully.`n" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
} else {
Write-Host "`nThe file `"$SourcePath`" has been copied in `"$DestinationPath`" but the CRC check failed!`n" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
} else {
Write-Host "`nThe file `"$SourcePath`" has not been copied in `"$DestinationPath`"!`n" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
} # EndOf function SafeCopy
But I'm not sure how to implement it.
I am not a talented scripter nor do I play one on the radio but I've put this together and it seems to work. As mentioned, the larger the filesize being compared, the slower it goes.
$countsource = #(Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Directory)
$countdest = #(Get-ChildItem -Path $dest -Directory)
IF($countsource = $countdest){
"$source equals $dest"
"$source does not match $dest"
Sample usage and output. TODO: Add folder item count compare, warn or break if the folders do not have the same number of items (subfolders and files).
So copy the folder then run Folder-Compare as a function once the copy is finished.
PS C:\Scripts> .\Folder-Compare.ps1 -source C:\Scripts\temp -dest C:\aaa
C:\Scripts\temp does not match C:\aaa

backing up .thumbnails powershell

I have written a backup script, which backs up and logs errors. works fine , except for some .thumbnails, many other .thumbnails do get copied!
of 54000 Files copied, the same 480 .thumbnails do not ever get copied or logged. i will be checking the attributes however i feel the copy-item function shouldve done the job. Any other recommendations are welcome as well, but please stay on topic, thx!!!!
here is my backUP script
Function backUP{ Param ([string]$destination1 ,$list1)
$destination2 = $destination1
#extract new made string for backuplog
$index = $destination2.LastIndexOf("\")
$count = $destination2.length - $index
$source1 = $destination2.Substring($index, $count)
$finalstr2 = $logdrive + $source1
Foreach($item in $list1){
Copy-Item -Container: $true -Recurse -Force -Path $item -Destination $destination1 -erroraction Continue
if(-not $?)
write-output "ERROR de copiado : " $error| format-list | out-file -Append "$finalstr2\GCI-ERRORS-backup.txt"
Foreach($erritem in $error){
write-output "Error Data:" $erritem.TargetObject | out-file -Append "$finalstr2\GCI-ERRORS-backup.txt"
Are you sure your backUP function is receiving .thumbnails files in $list1? If the files are hidden, then Get-ChildItem will only return them if the -Force switch is used.
As for other recommendations, Robocopy.exe is a good dedicated tool for performing file synchronization.
Apparantly permissions to the thumbnails folder, i had not.
that set, script worked fine!