Gatling - Long Polling in a loop - asynchronous response - loop doesn't work as intended - scala

This is my first question ever on this website, please bear with me patiently.
I'm trying to make an http long polling program for a project using Gatling. While crawling through many questions on stackoverflow, though I've been able to reunite separate concepts into a piece of syntactically correct code, sadly, it doesn't do what is intended to do.
When a status code of 200 is obtained after any request, the loop should break and the test would be considered as approved. If the status code is different to 200, it should keep the connection alive and polling, not failing the test.
When the .tryMax value is reached and all responses gave a status different to 200, the loop should break and the test should be considered as failed.
Using the difference operator (!=) doesn't work either, so then I took the decision to alternatively use .equals() and test the loop, to no avail.
Being new to both Gatling and Scala, I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with this code, execution-wise:
def HttpPollingAsync() = {
asLongAs(session => session("statuss").validate[String].equals("200")) {
.every(10 seconds)
.post("/" + BaseURL + "/resource-async-response")
val scn = scenario("asyncpolling")
The exception I get when running this piece of code is (it's just syntactically correct):
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: There were no requests sent during the simulation, reports won't be generated
So there's some part when it's never accessed or used.
Any bit of help or pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thank you!

an asLongAs loop condition is evaluated at the start of the loop - so on your first execution the condition will fail due to there being no session value for statuss.
the doWhile loop provides checking at the end of the loop.


How to debug further this dropped record in apache beam?

I am seeing intermittent dropped records(only for error messages though not for success ones). We have a test case that intermittenly fails/passes because of a lost record. We are using "" in the test case. This is the relevant setup code where I have tracked the dropped record too ....
PCollectionTuple processed = records
.apply("Process RosterRecord", ParDo.of(new ProcessRosterRecordFn(factory))
.withOutputTags(TupleTags.OUTPUT_INTEGER, TupleTagList.of(TupleTags.FAILURE))
errors = errors.and(processed.get(TupleTags.FAILURE));
PCollection<OrderlyBeamDto<Integer>> validCounts = processed.get(TupleTags.OUTPUT_INTEGER);
PCollection<OrderlyBeamDto<Integer>> errorCounts = errors
.apply("Flatten Roster File Error Count", Flatten.pCollections())
.apply("Publish Errors", ParDo.of(new ErrorPublisherFn(factory)));
The relevant code in is this
if(dto.hasValidationErrors()) {
RosterIngestError error = new RosterIngestError(record.getRowNumber(), record.toTitleValue());
error.getOldValidationErrors().addAll(dto.getOldValidationErrors());"Tagging record row number="+record.getRowNumber());
c.output(TupleTags.FAILURE, new OrderlyBeamDto<>(error));
I see this log for the lost record of Tagging record row for 2 rows that fail. After that however, inside the first line of, we log immediately after receiving each message. We only receive 1 of the 2 rows SOMETIMES. When we receive both, the test passes. The test is very flaky in this regard.
Apache Beam is really annoying in it's naming of threads(they are all the same name), so I added a logback thread hashcode to get more insight and I don't see any and the ErrorPublisherFn could publish #4 on any thread anyways.
Ok, so now the big question: How to insert more things to figure out why this is being dropped INTERMITTENTLY?
Do I have to debug apache beam itself? Can I insert other functions or make changes to figure out why this error is 'sometimes' lost on some test runs and not others?
EDIT: Thankfully, this set of tests are not testing errors upstream and this line "errors = errors.and(processed.get(TupleTags.FAILURE));" can be removed which forces me to remove ".apply("Flatten Roster File Error Count", Flatten.pCollections())" and in removing those 2 lines, the issue goes away for 10 test runs in a row(ie. can't completely say it is gone with this flaky stuff going on). Are we doing something wrong in the join and flattening? I checked the Error structure and rowNumber is a part of equals and hashCode so there should be no duplicates and I am not sure why it would be intermittently failure if there are duplicate objects either.
What more can be done to debug here and figure out why this join is not working in the TestPipeline?
How to get insight into the flatten and join so I can debug why we are losing an event and why it is only 'sometimes' we lose the event?
Is this a windowing issue? even though our job started with a file to read in and we want to process that file. We wanted a constant dataflow stream available as google kept running into limits but perhaps this was the wrong decision?

How to make Protractor's browser.wait() more verbose?

In Protractor tests I call many times browser.wait method for example to wait once the particular element will appear on the screen or it will be clickable.
In many cases tests passes on my local machine, but does not on other.
I receive very generic information about the timeout which doesn't help me a lot to debug / find a source of issue.
Is it possible to make a browser.wait more verbose, for example:
if at least defaultTimeoutInterval will elapse when waiting for particular element, will it be possible to console.log information about the element that it tried to wait for,
take a screenshot when the timeout error occurs,
provide full call stack when timeout appears in browser.wait
If the main issue is that you don't know for which element the wait timed out, I would suggest writing a helper function for wait and use it instead of wait, something like:
wait = function(variable, variableName,waitingTime){
console.log('Waiting for ' + variableName);
Because protractor stops executing test after first fail, if wait timed out, console won't print success message after failing to load a certain element.
For screenshots I suggest trying out protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter, it generates an easily readable html report with screenshots and debug information on failed tests (for example, in which code line the failure occured).
Look into using protractor's Expected Condition, you can specify what to wait for and how long to wait for it.
For screenshots there are npm modules out there that can take a screenshot when a test fails. This might help.
browser.wait returns a promise, so catch the error and print/throw something meaningful like:
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(css), waitingTime).catch((error) =>
throw new CustomError(`Could not find ${css} ${error.message}`)

Await insert to finish before asserting

I have a model and wrote tests before I started. Now my problem is: While the functionality works, my tests are non-deterministic. Most of the time they work, but sometimes they don't. I assume it's because of the Future
But let's show you what I mean by example:
before {
after {
"An animal" must "have a unique id" in
val setup = DBIO.seq(
val result =
result shouldBe a[Seq[_]]
result distinct.length shouldEqual 2
result(0).id should not equal result(1).id
I assume sometimes the finishes in time, but sometimes it does not, hence I then get an AssertionException "expected length was 2, actual 0". As said, to me it looks like a "race condition" here (I know that is not the correct terminus ;)).
So, what I tried was simply awaiting the result of the insert-statement like so:
Await.ready(, Duration.Inf)
But that doesn't change a thing. So why is that? Can somebody explain to me why Await does not block here? I assumed this to block and only execute the lines that come after, when the insert had been executed.
I also tried wrapping the assertions in an .onComplete-block, but no luck either.
Any hints for me?
I suspect your issue is that sometimes your before hook has not finished either, since it's also async. I would suspect that if you add an Await.ready to your future in the before block along with your setup block, the problem will go away.

Simpy 3.0.4, setting resource priority

I am having trouble with resource priority in simpy. Consider the following code:
import simpy
env = simpy.Environment()
res = simpy.PriorityResource(env, capacity = 1)
def go(id):
with res.request(priority = id) as req:
yield req
print id,res
Lower number means higher priority, so I should get 1,2,3,4,5. But instead i am getting 3,1,2,4,5. So the first output is wrong, after that its sorted!
Thanks in advance for your help.
This is correct. When "3" requests the resource, it is empty so it gets the
slot. The remaining processes have to queue and will get the resource in the
order 1, 2, 4, 5.
If you use the PreemptiveResource instead (like request(priority=id,
preempt=True)), 3 will still get the resource first but will be preempted by
2. 2 will then get preempted by 1. 2 and 3 would then have to request the
resource again to gain access to it.
Even I had the same problem where I was supposed to make a factory FIFO. At that time I assigned a reaction time to a part and made it to follow the previous part. That is only if the previous part had got into service of resource, I made the next part request. It solved the problem objectively but seemed like it slowed down the simulation little and also gave a rexn time to the part. It was basically a revamp of the factory process. But I would love to see a feature when the part doesn't have to request again.
Can it be done in the present version?

Debug missing messages in akka

I have the following architecture at the moment:
Load(Play app with basic interface for load tests) -> Gateway(Spray application with REST interface for incoming messages) -> Processor(akka app that works with MongoDB) -> MongoDB
Everything works fine as long as number of messages I am pushing through is low. However when I try to push 10000 events, that will eventully end up at MongoDB as documents, it stops at random places, for example on 742 message or 982 message and does nothing after.
What would be the best way to debug such situations? On the load side I am just pushing hard into the REST service:
for (i ← 0 until users) workerRouter ! Load(server, i)
and then in the workerRouter
WS.url(server + "/track/message").post(Json.toJson(newUser)).map { response =>
On the spray side:
pathPrefix("track") {
path("message") {
post {
entity(as[TrackObj]) { msg =>
processors ! msg
On the processor side it's just basically an insert into a collection. Any suggestions on where to start from?
I tried to move the logic of creating messages to the Gatewat, did a cycle of 1 to 10000 and it works just fine. However if spray and play are involed in a pipeline it interrupts and random places. Any suggestions on how to debug in this case?
In a distributed and parallel environment it is next to impossible to create a system that work reliably. Whatever debugging method you use it will only allow you to find a few bugs that will happen during the debug session.
Once our team spent 3 months(!) while tuning an application for a robust 24/7 working. And still there were bugs. Then we applied a method of Model checking (Spin). Within a couple of weeks we implemented a model that allowed us to get a robust application. However, model checking requires a bit different way of thinking and it can be difficult to start.
I moved the load test app to Spray framework and now it works like a charm. So I suppose the problem was somewhere in the way that I used WS API in Play framework:
WS.url(server + "/track/message").post(Json.toJson(newUser)).map { response =>
The problem is resovled but not solved, won't work on a solution based on Play.