Ag-grid clojurescript sortable key doesn't work - ag-grid

I am trying to make a grid with ag-grid and activate sortable and filter, but it doesn't work towards localhost. In the columndefinition, I use
''':sortable true'''
''':filter true''''
But nothing happens. Does anyone know what is wrong?
(ns reagent-ag-grid-ex.core
[reagent.core :as r]
[reagent-ag-grid-ex.state :as state]))
;; -------------------------
;; Views
(def ag-adapter (r/adapt-react-class (.-AgGridReact js/agGridReact) ))
;;(defn get-cols [entry]
;; (into [] (map #(hash-map :headerName (-> % key name) :field (-> % key name)) entry)))
;;columnDefs: [ {headerName: "Make", field: "make"}, {headerName: "Model", field: "model"}, {headerName: "Price", field: "price"} ]
;;rowData: [ {make: "Toyota", model: "Celica", price: 35000}, {make: "Ford", model: "Mondeo", price: 32000}, {make: "Porsche", model: "Boxter", price: 72000}]
(def deafult-col-w 200)
(defn width-helper [lst]
(+ (* deafult-col-w (count lst)) 2))
(defn home-page []
[:div [:h2 "Ekspono tag-model"]
[:p "My portfolio / Top Index " [:a {:style {:background-color "#C0C0C0" :float "right" :color "black"}
:href "" :target "_blank"} "Show problems"]]
[:div {:className "ag-theme-balham" :style {:height 200 :width (width-helper state/cols) :color "purple"}}
[ag-adapter {"columnDefs" state/cols
"rowData" state/rows
"defaultColDef" {:sortable true
:width deafult-col-w}}]]
[:div [:a {:href "" :target "_blank"}
"#copyright Fredrik Cumlin"]]])
;; -------------------------
;; Initialize app
(defn mount-root []
(r/render [home-page] (.getElementById js/document "app")))
(defn init! []

Upgrade to latest ag-grid-react cljsjs distribution (21.0.1-1) - e.g. using lein project.clj switch dep to [cljsjs/ag-grid-react "21.0.1-1"]. Should work on this version.
Also as a side note, no need to specify prop keys with strings, you can use keywords - it's a bit more idiomatic.


Elixir ecto: check if postgresql map column has key

To use json/jsonb data type ecto suggets to use fragments.
In my case, I've to use PostgreSQL ? operator to see if the map has such key, this however it will become something like:
where(events, [e], e.type == 1 and not fragment("???", e.qualifiers, "?", "2"))
but of course fragment reads the PostgreSQL ? as a placeholder. How can I check if the map has such key?
You need to escape the middle ? and pass a total of three arguments to fragment:
fragment("? \\? ?", e.qualifiers, "2")
iex(1)> MyApp.Repo.insert! %MyApp.Food{name: "Foo", meta: %{price: 1}}
iex(2)> MyApp.Repo.insert! %MyApp.Food{name: "Foo", meta: %{}}
iex(3)> MyApp.Repo.all from(f in MyApp.Food, where: fragment("? \\? ?", f.meta, "price"))
[debug] SELECT f0."id", f0."name", f0."meta", f0."inserted_at", f0."updated_at" FROM "foods" AS f0 WHERE (f0."meta" ? 'price') [] OK query=8.0ms
[%MyApp.Food{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded>, id: 1,
inserted_at: #Ecto.DateTime<2016-06-19T03:51:40Z>, meta: %{"price" => 1},
name: "Foo", updated_at: #Ecto.DateTime<2016-06-19T03:51:40Z>}]
iex(4)> MyApp.Repo.all from(f in MyApp.Food, where: fragment("? \\? ?", f.meta, "a"))
[debug] SELECT f0."id", f0."name", f0."meta", f0."inserted_at", f0."updated_at" FROM "foods" AS f0 WHERE (f0."meta" ? 'a') [] OK query=0.8ms
I'm not sure if this is documented anywhere, but I found the method from this test.

I'm attempting to connect to MongoDB with a Clojure application, via Docker

I have the following docker-compose rules...
build: ./services/catalog
- "2000:3000"
- catalog-datastore
restart: always
image: mongo:3.0
command: mongod --smallfiles --quiet --logpath=/dev/null
- "27017:27017"
The following Dockerfile for the clojure app...
FROM clojure
COPY . /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
CMD ["lein", "ring", "server"]
And the following connection code in my app...
(ns catalog.handler
(:import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource)
(:use compojure.core)
(:use cheshire.core)
(:use ring.util.response)
(:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
[ring.middleware.json :as middleware]
[ :as sql]
[compojure.route :as route]
[somnium.congomongo :as m]))
(def conn
(m/make-connection "catalog"
:host "catalog-datastore"
:port 27017))
(defn get-all []
(m/fetch :catalog))
(defn get-single [id]
:where{:_id (Long/parseLong id)}))
(defroutes app-routes
(context "/catalog" [] (defroutes catalog-routes
(GET "/" [] (get-all))
(GET "/:id", [id] (get-single)))))
(def app
(-> (handler/api app-routes)
When I try to run the app I get the error...
Assert failed: (connection? conn)
From the docs:
set the connection globally
(m/set-connection! conn)
or locally
(m/with-mongo conn
(m/insert! :robots {:name "robby"}))
Looks like you missed that bit. :p

Helm multi-selection pre select multiple candidates

I have a helm source:
(setq helm-source
`((name . "My source")
(candidates . ("Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" "Option 4"))
(action . (lambda (candidate) (helm-marked-candidates)))))
And later get the selected options like this:
(setq result (helm :sources '(helm-source)))
I want that "Option 2" and "Option 3" are already marked in the same way I could mark them with C-SPC.

Clojure JDBC: Failing to Find Postgres Driver

I am working on a web service that needs to talk to a database, so I am tooling up my basic libraries to give me access to postgres on my desktop.
Jun 5, 2013 1:27:46 PM com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool$AcquireTask run
WARNING: com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool$AcquireTask#15c313da -- Acquisition
Attempt Failed!!! Clearing pending acquires.
While trying to acquire a needed new resource, we failed to succeed more than the maximum number of allowed acquisition attempts (30).
Last acquisition attempt exception:
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
at java.sql.DriverManager.getDriver(
In my db library I have the following
(ns myapp.db
(:import [com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource]))
(def specification {
:classname "postgresql"
:subprotocol "org.postgresql.Driver"
:subname "//localhost:5432;database=test"
(defn pooled-data-source [specification]
(let [datasource (ComboPooledDataSource.)]
(.setDriverClass datasource (:classname specification))
(.setJdbcUrl datasource (str "jdbc:" (:subprotocol specification) ":" (:subname specification)))
(.setUser datasource (:user specification))
(.setPassword datasource (:password specification))
(.setMaxIdleTimeExcessConnections datasource (* 30 60))
(.setMaxIdleTime datasource (* 3 60 60))
{:datasource datasource}))
(def connection-pool
(pooled-data-source specification)))
(defn connection [] #connection-pool)
Then in my unit test:
(ns myapp.db-test
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [myapp.db]
[ :as jdbc]))
(let [db (myapp.db/connection)]
(jdbc/with-connection db)
(jdbc/with-query-results rs ["select * from foo"]
(doseq [row rs]
(println row)))))
However this does work in the REPL so at least I know the database is up and accepting connections:
user=> (require '[ :as sql])
user=> (sql/with-connection "postgresql://localhost:5432/test"
(sql/with-query-results results ["select * from foo"]
(doseq [result results] (println result))))
{:y 2, :x 1}
Help with this is greatly appreciated!
My project.clj is as follows
(defproject myapp "0.1.0"
:description "myapp"
:dependencies [
[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.3.0-alpha4"]
[postgresql "9.1-901.jdbc4"]
[c3p0/c3p0 ""]])
I'd suggest to fix your specification
(def specification {
:subprotocol "postgresql"
:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
:subname "//localhost:5432/test"})
there might be other issues as well (i'm very much a clojure novice), but you definitely have :classname and :subprotocol inverted in your specification. :classname should be "org.postgresql.Driver". :subprotocol should be "postgresql".

How to update / insert a MongoDB sub document with Monger?

I'm using Clojure's Monger library to connect to a MongeoDB database.
I want to update, insert & remove subdocuments in my Mongo database. MongoDB's $push modifier lets me do this on the root of the searched document. But I want to be able to $push onto a sub-collection. Looking at Monger's tests, it looks possible. But I want to be sure I can push to the child-collection of the 3rd parent. Can Monger do something like this?
(mgcol/update mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" } { $push { "parent.3.child-collection" "fubar" }} )
Even better would be the ability to have a $where clause in my $push. Is something like this possible?
(mgcol/update mycollection
{ :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" }
{ $push
{ { $where { parent.child.lastname: 'Smith' } }
"fubar" } }
But even on a basic level, when I try the following command in my repl, I get the below error.
The "fubar" database definitely exists
I'm definitely connected to the DB
The { :owner "" } criteria is definitely valid; and
I tried both "content.1.content" and "content.$.content":
repl => (mc/update "fubar" { :owner "" } { $push { "content.1.content" { "fu" "bar" } } } )
ClassCastException clojure.lang.Var$Unbound cannot be cast to com.mongodb.DB monger.collection/update (collection.clj:310)
repl =>
repl =>
repl => (clojure.repl/pst *e)
ClassCastException clojure.lang.Var$Unbound cannot be cast to com.mongodb.DB
monger.collection/update (collection.clj:310) (NO_SOURCE_FILE:46)
clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
clojure.core/eval (core.clj:2745)
clojure.main/repl/read-eval-print--6016 (main.clj:244)
clojure.main/repl/fn--6021 (main.clj:265)
clojure.main/repl (main.clj:265)
user/eval27/acc--3869--auto----30/fn--32 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1) (
Had anyone come across this and solved it?
You have a three part question, with some inconsistencies and holes in the description. So here is my best guess, hope that it is close.
I can get all three to work given schema matched to your update requests, see test/core.clj below for complete details.
First part: Yes, you can push to the child-collection of the 3rd parent, exactly as you have written.
Second part: You want to move your "$where" clause into the criteria, and use $ in the objNew.
Third part: Yes, your basic update works for me below, exactly as you have written.
The output of "lein test" follows at the bottom. All the best to you in your endeavors.
(ns free-11749-clojure-subdoc.test.core
(:use [free-11749-clojure-subdoc.core])
(:use [clojure.test])
(:require [monger.core :as mg] [monger.collection :as mgcol] [monger.query])
(:use [monger.operators])
(:import [org.bson.types ObjectId] [com.mongodb DB WriteConcern]))
(deftest monger-sub-document
(mg/set-db! (mg/get-db "test"))
(def mycollection "free11749")
;; first part
(mgcol/remove mycollection)
(is (= 0 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(def doc1 {
:my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value"
:parent [
{ :child-collection [ "cc0" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc1" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc2" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc3" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc4" ] }
(mgcol/insert mycollection doc1)
(is (= 1 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(mgcol/update mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" } { $push { "parent.3.child-collection" "fubar" }} )
(def mymap1 (first (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" })))
(is (= "fubar" (peek (:child-collection (get (:parent mymap1) 3)))))
(prn (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" }))
;; second part
(mgcol/remove mycollection)
(is (= 0 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(def doc2 {
:doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value"
:parent [
{ :child { :lastname [ "Alias" ] } }
{ :child { :lastname [ "Smith" ] } }
{ :child { :lastname [ "Jones" ] } }
(mgcol/insert mycollection doc2)
(is (= 1 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(mgcol/update mycollection { :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" "parent.child.lastname" "Smith"} { $push { :parent.$.child.lastname "fubar" } } )
(def mymap2 (first (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" })))
(is (= "fubar" (peek (:lastname (:child (get (:parent mymap2) 1))))))
(prn (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" }))
;; third part
(mgcol/remove "fubar")
(is (= 0 (mgcol/count "fubar")))
(def doc3 {
:owner ""
:content [
{ :content [ "cc0" ] }
{ :content [ "cc1" ] }
{ :content [ "cc2" ] }
(mgcol/insert "fubar" doc3)
(is (= 1 (mgcol/count "fubar")))
(mgcol/update "fubar" { :owner "" } { $push { "content.1.content" { "fu" "bar" } } } )
(def mymap3 (first (mgcol/find-maps "fubar" { :owner "" })))
(is (= { :fu "bar" } (peek (:content (get (:content mymap3) 1)))))
(prn (mgcol/find-maps "fubar" { :owner "" }))
lein test
Testing free-11749-clojure-subdoc.test.core
({:_id #<ObjectId 4fb3e98447281968f7d42cac>, :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value", :parent [{:child-collection ["cc0"]} {:child-collection ["cc1"]} {:child-collection ["cc2"]} {:child-collection ["cc3" "fubar"]} {:child-collection ["cc4"]}]})
({:_id #<ObjectId 4fb3e98447281968f7d42cad>, :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value", :parent [{:child {:lastname ["Alias"]}} {:child {:lastname ["Smith" "fubar"]}} {:child {:lastname ["Jones"]}}]})
({:_id #<ObjectId 4fb3e98447281968f7d42cae>, :content [{:content ["cc0"]} {:content ["cc1" {:fu "bar"}]} {:content ["cc2"]}], :owner ""})
Ran 1 tests containing 9 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.