How to set Hadoop fs.s3a.acl.default on AWS EMR? - scala

I have a map-reduce application running on AWS EMR that writes some output to a different (aws account) s3 bucket. I have the permission setup and the job can write to the external bucket, but the owner is still the root from the account where the Hadoop job is running. I would like to change this to the external account that owns the bucket.
I found I can set fs.s3a.acl.default to bucket-owner-full-control, however that doesn't seem like working. This is what I am doing:
conf.set("fs.s3a.acl.default", "bucket-owner-full-control");
FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(URI.create(s3Path), conf);
FSDataOutputStream fsDataOutputStream = fileSystem.create(new Path(filePath));
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fsDataOutputStream);
Any help is appreciated.

conf.set("fs.s3a.acl.default", "bucket-owner-full-control");
is the right property you are setting.
As this the property in core-site.xml to give full control to bucket owner.
<description>Set a canned ACL for newly created and copied objects. Value may be private,
public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read, log-delivery-write,
bucket-owner-read, or bucket-owner-full-control.</description>
Specifies that the owner of the bucket is granted Permission.FullControl. The owner of the bucket is not necessarily the same as the owner of the object.
I recommend to set fs.s3.canned.acl also to value BucketOwnerFullControl
For debugging you can use the below snippet to understand what parameters are actually passing..
for (Entry<String, String> entry: conf) {
System.out.printf("%s=%s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
For testing purpose do this command with command line
aws s3 cp s3://bucket/source/dummyfile.txt s3://bucket/target/dummyfile.txt --sse --acl bucket-owner-full-control
If this works then through api also it will.
Bonus point with Spark , useful for spark scala users:
For Spark to access the s3 file system and set the proper configurations like the below example...
val hadoopConf = spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.server-side-encryption-algorithm", "AES256")

If you are using EMR then you have to use the AWS team's S3 connector, with "s3://" URLs and use their documented configuration options. They don't support the apache one, so any option with "fs.s3a" at the beginning isn't going to have any effect whatsoever.

As mentioned in answer by Stevel, For EMR with pyspark use this
Canned ACL Description
BucketOwnerFullControl Specifies that the owner of the bucket is granted
Permission.FullControl. The owner of the bucket is not necessarily
the same as the owner of the object.


parquet streaming of Azure Blob storage into databricks with unity catalog

Unity Catalog have recently been set up in my databricks account, and I am trying to stream from an Azure container containing parquet files to a service catalog, using a notebook that ran before.
I do however now get the following Method public org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader.format(java.lang.String) is not whitelisted on class class org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader
when trying to run the following spark command from my Notebook:
df = (spark
.option("cloudFiles.format", "parquet")
.option("cloudFiles.useNotifications", "false") # useNotifications determines if we efficiently scan the new files or if we set up a subscription to listen to new file events
.option("cloudFiles.schemaEvolutionMode", "failOnNewColumns") # schemaEvolutionMode determines what happens when the schema changes
.option("cloudFiles.schemaLocation", schemaPath)
where schemaPathand dataPath contain the paths to the parquet schema and data files.
The closest related error I have found is the following pre-Unity Catalog error, suggesting that I should disable table access control on my clusters:
All table access control are disabled in my Admin Console.
Are there some other settings that should be set to ensure white-listing from Azure files now that Unity Catalog is set up?
------ Edit -----
Using a Single User cluster on Databricks runtime version 11.3 beta, I get the following error instead:
com.databricks.sql.cloudfiles.errors.CloudFilesIOException: Failed to write to the schema log at location
followed by the location to the azure schema in my storage location. I also get this error message by spawning new job clusters from azure datafactory.

EMR Spark Fails to Save Dataframe to S3

I am using the RunJobFlow command to spin up a Spark EMR cluster. This command sets the JobFlowRole to an IAM Role which has the policies AmazonElasticMapReduceforEC2Role and AmazonRedshiftReadOnlyAccess. The first policy contains an action to allow all s3 permissions.
When the EC2 instances spin up, they assume this IAM role, and generate temporary credentials via STS.
The first thing which I do is read a table from my Redshift cluster into a Spark Dataframe using the com.databricks.spark.redshift format and using the same IAM Role to unload the data from redshift as I did for the EMR JobFlowRole.
So far as I understand, this runs an UNLOAD command on Redshift to dump into the S3 bucket I specify. Spark then loads the newly unloaded data into a Dataframe. I use the recommended s3n:// protocol for the tempdir option.
This command works great, and it always successfully loads the data into the Dataframe.
I then run some transformations and attempt to save the dataframe in the csv format to the same S3 bucket Redshift Unloaded into.
However, when I try to do this, it throws the following error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key must be specified as the username or password (respectively) of a s3n URL, or by setting the fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId or fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey properties (respectively)
Okay. So I don't know why this happens, but I tried to hack around it by setting the recommended hadoop configuration parameters. I then used DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain to load the AWSAccessKeyID and AWSSecretKey and set via
spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", <CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY>)
spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey", <CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>)
When I run it again it throws the following error: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: InvalidAccessKeyId;
Okay. So that didn't work. I then removed setting the hadoop configurations and hardcoded an IAM user's credentials in the s3 url via s3n://ACCESS_KEY:SECRET_KEY#BUCKET/KEY
When I ran this it spit out the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bucket name should be between 3 and 63 characters long
So it tried to create a bucket.. which is definitely not what we want it to do.
I am really stuck on this one and would really appreciate any help here! It works fine when I run it locally, but completely fails on EMR.
The problem was the following:
EC2 Instance Generated Temporary Credentials on EMR Bootstrap Phase
When I queried Redshift, I passed the aws_iam_role to theDatabricks driver. The driver then re-generated temporary credentials for that same IAM role. This invalidated the credentials the EC2 instance generated.
I then tried to upload to S3 using the old credentials (and the credentials which were stored in the instance's metadata)
It failed because it was trying to use out-of-date credentials.
The solution was to remove redshift authorization via aws_iam_role and replace it with the following:
val credentials = EC2MetadataUtils.getIAMSecurityCredentials
.option("temporary_aws_access_key_id", credentials.get(IAM_ROLE).accessKeyId)
.option("temporary_aws_secret_access_key", credentials.get(IAM_ROLE).secretAccessKey)
.option("temporary_aws_session_token", credentials.get(IAM_ROLE).token)
On amazon EMR, try usong the prefix s3:// to refer to an object in S3.
It's a long story.

Pyspark and BigQuery using two different project-ids in Google Dataproc

I want to run some pyspark jobs using Google Dataproc with different project Ids without success so far. I'm newbie with pyspark and Google Cloud but I've followed this example and runs well (if the BigQuery dataset is either public or belongs to my GCP project, which is ProjectA). Input parameters look like this:
bucket = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().get('')
projectA = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().get('')
input_directory ='gs://{}/hadoop/tmp/bigquery/pyspark_input'.format(bucket)
conf = {
# Input Parameters
'': projectA,
'': bucket,
'': input_directory,
'': 'projectA',
'': 'my_dataset',
'': 'my_table',
# Load data in from BigQuery.
table_data = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(
But what I need is to run a job from a BQ dataset of a ProjectB (I have credentials to query it), so when setting the input parameters, which look like this:
conf = {
# Input Parameters
'': projectA,
'': bucket,
'': input_directory,
'': 'projectB',
'': 'the_datasetB',
'': 'the_tableB',
and try to load data in from BQ, my script keeps running infinitely. How should I set it up properly?
FYI, after running the example I mentioned before, I can see that 2 carpets (shard-0 and shard-1) are created in Google Storage and contain the corresponding BQ data, but with my job only shard-0 is created and it's empty.
I talked to my co-worker Dennis and here is his suggestion:
"Hmm, not sure, it should work. They might want to test with "bq" CLI inside the master node to manually try some "bq extract" job of the projectB table into their GCS bucket since that's all the connector is doing under the hood.
If I had to guess I'd suspect they only meant their personal username has the credentials to query projectB, but the default service account of projectA might not have the query permissions. Everything inside Dataproc VMs act on behalf of the compute service account assigned to the VMs, not the end-user.
They can
gcloud compute instances describe -m
and somewhere in there it lists the service-account email address."

Accessing google cloud storage using hadoop FileSystem api

From my machine, I've configured the hadoop core-site.xml to recognize the gs:// scheme and added gcs-connector-1.2.8.jar as a Hadoop lib. I can run hadoop fs -ls gs://mybucket/ and get the expected results. However, if I try to do the analogue from java using:
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
FileStatus[] status = fs.listStatus(new Path("gs://mybucket/"));
I get the files under root in my local HDFS instead of in gs://mybucket/, but with those files prepended with gs://mybucket. If I modify the conf with conf.set("", "gs://mybucket"); before obtaining the fs, then I can see the files on GCS.
My question is:
1. Is this expected behavior?
2. Is there a disadvantage to using this hadoop FileSystem api as opposed to the google cloud storage client api?
As to your first question, "expected" is questionable, but I think I can at least explain. When FileSystem.get() is used the default FileSystem is returned and by default that is HDFS. My guess is that the HDFS client (DistributedFileSystem) has code to prepend scheme + authority automatically to all files in the filesystem.
Instead of using FileSystem.get(conf), try
FileSystem gcsFs = new Path("gs://mybucket/").getFS(conf)
On disadvantages, I could probably argue that if you end up needing to access the object-store directly then you'll end up writing code to interact with the storage APIs directly anyways (and there are things that do not translate very well to the Hadoop FS API, e.g., object composition, complex object write preconditions other than simple object overwrite protection, etc).
I am admittedly biased (working on the team), but if you're intending to use GCS from Hadoop Map/Reduce, from Spark, etc, the GCS connector for Hadoop should be a fairly safe bet.

How do you use storage service in Bluemix?

I'm trying to insert some storage data onto Bluemix, I searched many wiki pages but I couldn't come to conclude how to proceed. So can any one tell me how to store images, files in storage of Bluemix through any language code ( Java, Node.js)?
You have several options at your disposal for storing files in your app. None of them include doing it in the app container file system as the file space is ephemeral and will be recreated from the droplet each time a new instance of your app is created.
You can use services like MongoLab, Cloudant, Object Storage, and Redis to store all kinda of blob data.
Assuming that you're using Bluemix to write a Cloud Foundry application, another option is sshfs. At your app's startup time, you can use sshfs to create a connection to a remote server that is mounted as a local directory. For example, you could create a ./data directory that points to a remote SSH server and provides a persistent storage location for your app.
Here is a blog post explaining how this strategy works and a source repo showing it used to host a Wordpress blog in a Cloud Foundry app.
Note that as others have suggested, there are a number of services for storing object data. Go to the Bluemix Catalog [1] and select "Data Management" in the left hand margin. Each of those services should have sufficient documentation to get you started, including many sample applications and tutorials. Just click on a service tile, and then click on the "View Docs" button to find the relevant documentation.
Check out The storage service in Bluemix is OpenStack Swift running in Softlayer. Check out this page ( for docs on Swift.
Here is a page that lists some clients for Swift.
As I search There was a service that name was Object Storage service and also was created by IBM. But, at the momenti I couldn't see it in the Bluemix Catalog. I guess , They gave it back and will publish new service in the future.
Be aware that pobject store in bluemix is now S3 compatible. So for instance you can use Boto or boto3 ( for python guys ) It will work 100% API comaptible.
see some example here :
this script helps you to list recursively all objects in all buckets :
import boto3
endpoint = ''
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint)
for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
for obj in bucket.objects.all():
print(" - %s") % obj.key
If you want to specify your credentials this would be :
import boto3
endpoint = ''
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint, aws_access_key_id=YouRACCessKeyGeneratedOnYouBlueMixDAShBoard, aws_secret_access_key=TheSecretKeyThatCOmesWithYourAccessKey, use_ssl=True)
for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
for obj in bucket.objects.all():
print(" - %s") % obj.key
If you want to create a "hello.txt" file in a new bucket. :
import boto3
endpoint = ''
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint, aws_access_key_id=YouRACCessKeyGeneratedOnYouBlueMixDAShBoard, aws_secret_access_key=TheSecretKeyThatCOmesWithYourAccessKey, use_ssl=True)
s3.Object(my_bucket, 'hello.txt').put(Body=b"I'm a test file")
If you want to upload a file in a new bucket :
import boto3
endpoint = ''
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint, aws_access_key_id=YouRACCessKeyGeneratedOnYouBlueMixDAShBoard, aws_secret_access_key=TheSecretKeyThatCOmesWithYourAccessKey, use_ssl=True)
timestampstr = str (timestamp)
s3.Bucket(my_bucket).upload_file(<location of yourfile>,<your file name>, ExtraArgs={ "ACL": "public-read", "Metadata": {"METADATA1": "resultat" ,"METADATA2": "1000","gid": "blabala000", "timestamp": timestampstr },},)