Angular & ag-grid: internal library issue with FiltersToolPanelModule - ag-grid

I get troubles while trying to put a simple SideBar with AG Grid with the latest versions of angular and ag-grid as of today (9.1.3 and 23.0.2).
My simple grid conf : sidebar = "filters"
Dependencies to necessary enterprises modules are present.
The panel is appearing but without any column name and I get the following error in console:
core.js:6210 ERROR TypeError: element.setAttribute is not a function
at Function.push../node_modules/ag-grid-community/dist/ag-grid-community.cjs.js.Utils.addCssClass (ag-grid-community.cjs.js:1396)
Does anyone have an idea ? Some conflicts between dependencies ?


Prop listed on the API doesn't exist on ImageList MUI component

I'm trying to use the ImageList component. I imported it as follows:
import { ImageList} from "#material-ui/core";
This works just fine. When I add the "variant" prop to the component, however, I start getting errors saying that I'm not matching any of the overloads. I see the variant prop used in their demos and on the API reference.
Error message
I suspect this has something to do with versioning -- I read something about ImageList being MUI v5 alpha. If that's the case I don't know what to do to fix my issue. The linker is finding the module just fine, so I don't know what's wrong.
I think I answered this myself. I was importing from the v4 version of MUI (#material-ui/core). I had to install v5 and import from here, instead:
import ImageList from '#mui/material/ImageList';
And then the variant prop worked. I was disheartened to find out that breakpoint props don't exist with this component, like they do with Grid. Instead, I had to use MUI's useMediaQuery hook to get the screen size and set the col prop accordingly.

Why do I get this warning from ag-grid, agMultiColumnFilter component was not found?

I am trying to add ag multi column filter,
But getting the following warning ag-Grid:
Looking for component [agMultiColumnFilter] but it wasn't found.
You have to check your license key added properly.
Multicolumn filter supports with AG Grid Enterprise version not with Community.
import {LicenseManager} from "ag-grid-enterprise";

Chart js with problems when using too many series

I am using angular chart in one application which basically makes use of chart js. The version of chart js I am using at the moment is the 2.4.0, with angular chart version 1.1.1 (the current lastest one).
So, when I insert few series (for example 4) everything works fine. The problem is when I have cases that handle with 10 series at a time. The event of clicking the serie in order to hide it block somehow and this error is displayed in console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clearRect' of null
at Object.helpers.clear (Chart.js:5880)
at Chart.Controller.clear (Chart.js:4072)
at Chart.Controller.draw (Chart.js:4365)
at ChartElement.animation.render (Chart.js:4345)
at Object.startDigest (Chart.js:3672)
at Chart.js:3645
To try to help you I moved to the line the error is occuring in Chart.js file:
// -- Canvas methods
helpers.clear = function(chart) {
chart.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, chart.width, chart.height);
Have anyone already got this problem? Does Chart js doesn't handle to many series?
This was happening to me when I ran out of colors to use for my series. Once I fixed that the hiding and showing of series worked fine, plus no more errors.

ionic + swiper from v1.2

I'm trying to implement the new swiper from the 1.2 ionics version and Im having a hard time.
I'm trying to create a nested swiper with a dynamic name ( inside the sliders attribute I guess - HTML line 20 to create it and JS line 59 to watch it).
The main issue is that Id like to add/remove some slides from the nested swiper.
Do you have any idea ?
Thanks a lot !
<ion-slides id="sliderPerson-{{$index}}" options="options2" slider="data.sliderPerson">
You should be able to use $$index) and $
You might have to use $ to manually update the slider afterwords.

TYPO3: Duplicate content elements and fields after Flux 6.0.x update

Since updating from Flux 6.0.2 to the newest Flux TER-Release (7.0.0) I have the problem that all my defined items are switched. I have them defined as an array like this items="{0: {0: 'value shown as a CSS class in the frontend',1: 'value shown in BE'},}". But now I get the BE value in the frontend template.
Also all my content elements from my provider extension are shown twice (without a title) in the backend and the fields defined in the 'Configuration' section of my content element are shown twice.
There's also a RTE field shown at the bottom of my content element that has not been there before.
BE Output: view
Code on Pastebin:
Any help deeply appreciated.
I just set up a fresh instance of TYPO3 6.1.9 (blank package) and installed my extension with the above mentioned content elements. Dependencies were resolved automatically as it should (newest versions). Via the content wizard I tried to create a new element and I get the same result as in my existing install I first noticed this bug in.
I was able to narrow it down to the flux:form.container tag. This duplicates the output in the BE. The select values are still switched though.
It is possible that you missed this official announcement:
Failure to run the update script before letting TYPO3 change the type of the colPos value will result in the symptoms you describe. There is, unfortunately, no way to restore this (since your SQL will have cropped off all negative values and made them zero without any backup).
Restore from a backup and run the script and you should be fine.